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Where would Rockstar be without Playstation

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You can dissect what the $50 million was until you're blue in the face but at the end of the day it's $50 million more than the $0 that Sony paid and the end result is exclusivity.


The denial when it comes to this is mindblowing, especially considering the overwhelming simplicity of the deal.


As of today "The Lost and Damned" will be launched on Xbox 360 in less than a month and anyone who thinks $50 million only bought a period of exclusivity that a PS3 owner would find acceptable needs to be thrown into a rubber room.  People bring up more reasonable exclusivity-lapses  but again, you can rest assured that $50 million bought Microsoft a lot of time on this exclusive.


I mean, when I was a kid I was an SNES owner and I used to love to go over to my cousin's house to play Sonic the Hedgehog on his Sega Genesis but the ability to play Sega games on a Nintendo console doesn't really mean sh*t to me now.


What you never see PS3 fanboys acknowledge is that even if there's a shred of a chance that the Xbox 360 exclusivity could lapse it could be years and years.


If you are referring to me, If you have read my posts, I think I make it pretty clear I don't expect it to make it to other platforms...


That being said, you should say what it is... a royalty advance... aka a loan-- most likely interest free--


Not to say a $50 million interest free loan for a year or two doesn't buy you anything (perhaps even outright exclusive content).


With the look of Take Twos financials (I am a former stock holder), I just hope the company remains viable-- EA should try to make a hostile takeover now--- share price is down nearly 80% from last year.


@ Guru-- Do you deny that the $50 million is a royalty advance? (Money M$ expects to be paid back)

Edited by Spuds725

I have an Xbox so i cant say im dissapointed about the choice. I believe it would be nice, though, to have it released on both consoles; it would allow the two halves of the forum to give more feedback and have great discussions on the game, but i suppose rockstar believe they will make more money with the deal, than the sales.


I cant help but think that the minority of PS3 owners on here who are immature will begin flaming topics created once TLAD is released, and the rest will simply feel bitter about the choice - fingers crossed it will somehow get released in the future for you all though.

just don't respond to the flames-- click report post (located in the bottom right corner of every post here) to report to the staff members.


I do hope you guys enjoy your DLC.

Seriously... do you guys EVER get tired of praising your platform and flaming others? MS brought up the "exclusive DLC" and Sony did nothing to outbid them. Get over it already. They both f*cked you (respectively).

Edited by the7ftmidget
The Playstation can suck my hairy f*cking nuts, you'll never get the DLC


NYA-NANA-NA-NANA tounge2.gif

Either this post stinks of fanboyism or my sarcasm/senseless humor meter is broken.


To be OT, I think R* did too with this deal what they did to the PC version. Unsure and rushed. Haven't they thought about the amount of people with PS3s and PCs willing to pay for this DLC? What they're doing is helping M$ sell more Xbox 360s and forcing fans to buy Xbox 360s and the DLC. That is just stupid.


To be very simple, I did this.


$50M + DLC Dowloads from Xbox 360 only + (new X360 owners buying GTAIV) = $$$


DLC for PS3 + DLC for PC + DLC for X360 + $ from new fans in any platform = $$$$$$$


See? It is just pants.


To be very simple, I did this.


$50M + DLC Dowloads from Xbox 360 only + (new X360 owners buying GTAIV) = $$$


DLC for PS3 + DLC for PC + DLC for X360 + $ from new fans in any platform = $$$$$$$


See? It is just pants.


and to be even more simple:


if this was the case Rockstar would have done it this way.


They wouldn't have taken Microsoft's $50 million if they stood to make more than $50 million on Playstation 3 DLC.


They're losing X amount of sales and gaining $50 million from Microsoft so it's blatantly obvious that they determined X would be less than $50 million.


and it's also blatantly obvious that Rockstar knows more about how much Sony DLC would make than some random internet poster.

i would like to thank all of you who posted a repley to this topic! And i have come to a conclusion to "lord forgive my sins" f*ckING by an xbox 360 games console, in high definition. i also would like to thank you for your true expresive form and your true to heart answers.


So please feel free to continue the depate of Where would Rockstar be with out the Playstation?


Thanks again for all your posts and repley!

The Playstation can suck my hairy f*cking nuts, you'll never get the DLC


NYA-NANA-NA-NANA tounge2.gif

Either this post stinks of fanboyism or my sarcasm/senseless humor meter is broken.


To be OT, I think R* did too with this deal what they did to the PC version. Unsure and rushed. Haven't they thought about the amount of people with PS3s and PCs willing to pay for this DLC? What they're doing is helping M$ sell more Xbox 360s and forcing fans to buy Xbox 360s and the DLC. That is just stupid.


To be very simple, I did this.


$50M + DLC Dowloads from Xbox 360 only + (new X360 owners buying GTAIV) = $$$


DLC for PS3 + DLC for PC + DLC for X360 + $ from new fans in any platform = $$$$$$$


See? It is just pants.

Yeah! Woo! Microsoft is god! Woo! facedesk.gif

i would like to thank all of you who posted a repley to this topic! And i have come to a conclusion to "lord forgive my sins" f*ckING by an xbox 360 games console, in high definition. i also would like to thank you for your true expresive form and your true to heart answers.


So please feel free to continue the depate of Where would Rockstar be with out the Playstation?


Thanks again for all your posts and repley!

Your broken English is hilarious biggrin.gif

Dont listen to the fanboys i have strong believes it WILL make it to the PS3 only f three months later..[at the minimun]


http://www.gamekings.tv/index/videos/gamek...-aflevering-30/ [@ aprox 14:00]


The guy who explains [off the record confirmation of the DLC coming to other platforms] works within the industry knows people @R* and has a big phone book of developers..

Edited by Foppezão

Spid725 already explained the logics of economics..

be patient it 'ill come, the PC and PS3 did made GTA just as much as Take two later on wants to profit and milk from all buyers of GTA4..[yes on top of the "loyalties"]

Edited by Foppezão


The guy works in the industry, as for a living! so i more likely bet my money on him then some inbred retard from Albania...



Who is to say that some inbred retard from Albania doesn't work in the industry?


The kid at Gamestop "works for the industry" and he was telling me how their preorder contains "TLaD" on-disc and that doesn't mean he's correct. We all know he wasn't.


Your podunk Dutch podcast isn't a credible source. Accept it.


The guy works in the industry, as for a living! so i more likely bet my money on him then some inbred retard from Albania...



Who is to say that some inbred retard from Albania doesn't work in the industry?


The kid at Gamestop "works for the industry" and he was telling me how their preorder contains "TLaD" on-disc and that doesn't mean he's correct. We all know he wasn't.


Your podunk Dutch podcast isn't a credible source. Accept it.

And you are a turd that just wont flush rolleyes.gif


... the podcast was from an earlier recording of Dutch and Belgium national t.v

Edited by Foppezão


And the podcast was from an earlier recording of Dutch and Belgium national t.v


So PS3 DLC gets national coverage in the Netherlands? Like breaking news?


I have to laugh.


It's awesome that you post a Dutch clip on an predominantly-English board and nobody's offered up so much as a translation and you act like it's etched in stone.


I could go find a clip in some foreign language and say they talk about proof that Sasquatch exists and I woulnd't expect anyone to believe that no matter how much I cried "srsly guys there sayin it in frnech lol!"


and again, in any case, how some no-name Dutch loser is supposed to be credible when his info flies directly in the face of credible sources is beyond me.


But if clinging to flimsy info helps you sleep better at night more power to you, just don't expect anyone else to buy it with nothing to back it up.

Lmfao, okay. Okay. Lets kill the thread. You're right, it's going to be for the PS3.



Lmao -_-

The guy works in the industry, as for a living! so i more likely bet my money on him then some inbred retard from Albania...

I'm not inbred nor am I from Albania, it's just that you're a f*cking idiot

and I'm going to laugh and make several threads in about four months

when TLAD doesn't come out for the sh*tstation 3.

To be honest, I don't think ANY cross-platform game should have exclusive DLC to one system or another. IMO, it's bad for gaming, and no matter which system you own, I think we can all agree that we all want good gaming.

Think about that this way: PlayStation owners got GTA III, VC and SA earlier. They got LCS and VCS exclusively (PS2 and PSP). Now xbox gets just one damn thing exclusively and you can't stop bitching. I couldn't see pissed off xbox owners at the release of SA, could you?

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