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Where would Rockstar be without Playstation

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In fact,






I am no longer going to stoop to your 10 year old level by typing in all caps.

Microsoft paid Rockstar to make the game. Rockstar can set the price. Microsoft can't. Rockstar owns TLAD and the other DLC.

Also, is "DERP" a word you learned in the schoolyard last week?

Jesus you're stupid to a hole new level, facepalm.jpg

...just like I like to use my PS3 as a Blu-ray player because thats what it is...

Are you saying that the PS3 is nothing but a blu-ray player? If so, you need to get shot in the f*cking nuts with a 12 gauge dozingoff.gif.


And all fanboys: please SHUT THE f*ck UP I don't care if you're a PS3 or 360 fanboy.


Btw, I'm a PC gamer.

Who f***ing cares?


Where would R* be if it wasn't for PC? I'm a Sony fan, but people quickly forget GTA started life as a PC game. confused.gif



Seriously, one thing what everyone forgot is that, the PC community has a big part in GTA's success. If we weren't there for GTA III, you would still be f*cking bored with vanilla unmodded Vice City and San Andreas, on PlayStation... whatsthat.gif

I am not taking anything away from the P.C nor XBOX. i just think that Playstation fans deserve DLC. i also agree that P.C has played a big part in the succes of rocksar. i also agree that xbox fans has now showed the loyalty to R* games and think it should not be exclusive. and as 4 liberty city and vice city stories i think that they were the poorest rocksar games of them all and just think thier were to help funding the budget of GTA 4.

All platforms deserve DLC, I agree with that. But there's nothing we can do about it. C* aren't what they used to be before, when they put their fans before anything else. But now, all they care about is money and don't give a f*ck about their fans.


If Sony pays C* $50 million too, they'll get their own version of DLC, same goes for PC if Microsoft pays another $50 million for a PC DLC.


I'm pretty sure that Sony can afford to pay $50 million easily, but they seem to be trying to get the DLC WHICH MICROSOFT HAS PAID TO DEVELOP for the PS3 for free. Are they f*cking insane? Why the f*ck would they expect Microsoft to give up DLC which they paid 50 MILLION DOLLARS for?


Us PC gamers are f*cked though, in every possible way smile.gif.

All platforms deserve DLC, I agree with that. But there's nothing we can do about it. C* aren't what they used to be before, when they put their fans before anything else. But now, all they care about is money and don't give a f*ck about their fans.


If Sony pays C* $50 million too, they'll get their own version of DLC, same goes for PC if Microsoft pays another $50 million for a PC DLC.


I'm pretty sure that Sony can afford to pay $50 million easily, but they seem to be trying to get the DLC WHICH MICROSOFT HAS PAID TO DEVELOP for the PS3 for free. Are they f*cking insane? Why the f*ck would they expect Microsoft to give up DLC which they paid 50 MILLION DOLLARS for?


Us PC gamers are f*cked though, in every possible way smile.gif.

i agree i also posted this topic to hear that kinda view. i have access to The 3 platforms we discusing. and i didnt post it moan. just to hear new ideas. i own a ps3 and my brother has Xbox so i will play DLC. i also Enjoy pc gaming and understand what you mean warlord by use bieng f*cked! as 4 LitoBX you must be a real tough guy sat on your fat ass behind a computer screen hailin nonsence abuse at ps3 fans. you might want to get a life or a job 4 that matter. And as 4 bieng 15 imature you are................. any 1 agree?

Let me know when Liberty City Stories and Vice City Stories show up on Xbox Live then we'll talk about PS3 getting The Lost and Damned.

hey its not like "the stories" were cool games their were balls and they fukin sucked

I feel that if it wasn't for Playstation fans/ owners Rocksar games wouldn't be in the position they are today. I have purchased every GTA and feel pissed off that Rockstar would all of a sudden go were the money is.


What do you think of the exclusive content that is The Lost And The Damned?

If you love GTA, you have to be grateful EA games didn`t take over take two interactive. The up-front payment from MS put a stop to that and GTA 5 would have been a bag of sh*te.


P.S. don`t forget to pin the tail on the baseball stadium

very true viva la rockstar

I feel that if it wasn't for Playstation fans/ owners Rocksar games wouldn't be in the position they are today. I have purchased every GTA and feel pissed off that Rockstar would all of a sudden go were the money is.


What do you think of the exclusive content that is The Lost And The Damned?

who wouldnt????


$50 million is enough to sway anyones loyalty and its a business.


Im got a ps3 and completed GTA 4 and played loads of multiplayer..fact is its a great game but while others are playing DLC ill be playing other games. GTA is a good game to come back to now and then when you wanna take out your frustrations on peds..but activities wise we been over that now and again its not that great..Replay value is not that great. If there was no multiplayer people would have returned this game or traded it in time ago.


Rockstar can make DLCs all they want. But nothing they make will warrant $50 million dollars and Microsoft can feel ripped off. But at least they can say they swayed some peoples decisions in buying an Xbox 360.


While playing DLCs like i said ill be on Killzone 2 and whatever else comes out this year. Seeing as theres no new GTA.


We could do with another game like GTA. This is why I was pissed when sony decided to cancel two projects. Sony should have at least kept 8 days or Getaway on their books.


I wont touch saints row with a barge pole after playing GTA 4.

i agree saint row 2 was poor, it was poor in visuals, it was poor in the stroy and it was poor on the shelves............


Enough said!


i just think that Playstation fans deserve DLC.


Maybe but Sony doesn't if they aren't willing to pay for it like Microsoft was. Again, it's a business and you can't expect Rockstar to charge Microsoft $50 million for it and just donate it to poor PS3 like it's a charity.



All platforms deserve DLC, I agree with that. But there's nothing we can do about it. C* aren't what they used to be before, when they put their fans before anything else. But now, all they care about is money and don't give a f*ck about their fans.


How naive can you be? I think it's hilarious that your idea of the company includes a board meeting where the Housers gathered everyone around and said "OK guys, we're actually going to have to start worrying about money here". They've always been a business.



If Sony pays C* $50 million too, they'll get their own version of DLC, same goes for PC if Microsoft pays another $50 million for a PC DLC.


Um, no.


For starters, if Sony was willing to pay this kind of money we'd be sitting here talking about the $50,000,000.01 exclusive DLC deal from Sony and you'd have a bunch of 360 owners whining about it. That wasn't the case. Both parties were undoubtedly involved in a bidding war and Microsoft was willing to pay the cash and Sony wasn't.


Secondly, you need to familiarize yourself with the word "exclusive". There is absolutely no way in the world that Microsoft forked over $50 million to Rockstar without a contract the size of a phone book and this contract would undoubtedly contain provisions preventing Rockstar from turning around and doing a similar deal with Sony, especially since they obviously weren't willing to pay as much as Microsoft was.


Ultimately you need to look at it this way: why would Rockstar accept less money from Sony and why would Microsoft allow it?



I'm pretty sure that Sony can afford to pay $50 million easily,


OK Mr. Economist. I love it when people talk about how they know what Sony can afford and how they know that Rockstar would have made more money with cross-platform DLC. Again, if Sony had this money to spend on DLC they would have spent it. As it stands the PS3 and PSP are losing money like crazy. They're in no position to throw that kind of money out there.



but they seem to be trying to get the DLC WHICH MICROSOFT HAS PAID TO DEVELOP for the PS3 for free. Are they f*cking insane? Why the f*ck would they expect Microsoft to give up DLC which they paid 50 MILLION DOLLARS for?



This is the first thing you've said that makes any sense. That $50 million figure really says it all. Back to that phonebook-sized contract, you can rest assured that $50 million keeps it off of the PS3 for good.



Us PC gamers are f*cked though, in every possible way


No, we're talking about Games for Windows so Microsoft can squeeze a few bucks out of this DLC that way somewhere down the line, even if it's a few years. That's within the realm of possibility. Putting this content on PS3, on the other hand, doesn't help Microsoft in any way, shape or form and that's why that will never happen. But a 1% chance is still infinitely better than a 0% chance.

Edited by GuruAskew

People just don't get it. R* got offered $50 mil to make it Xbox-exclusive. They took the deal because they thought it would make money. R* doesn't owe Sony or PS3 owners anything. Somebody said that PS3 owners "deserve" DLC. They don't deserve it. They got the game. They bought it. They just don't get DLC. They're not going to either. As I said, Microsoft paid $50 million. R* is bound by contract to make all DLC for GTA IV for the Xbox 360, or else they lose the $50 mil MS gave them.

I don't think anyone is undeserving of the DLC on a personal level. I mean, the exclusive DLC deal was known before PS3 even launched so in that respect nobody should be complaining about buying a console that doesn't have access to the DLC.


It's Sony that doesn't deserve the content. You can make a lot of excuses about why they didn't get it. You could say they weren't aggressive enough in persuing it because they erroneously underestimated the demand for it. You could say they've been running their video game division into the ground and aren't in the financial position to secure the content.


Either way the blame for Sony not having the DLC falls on Sony and Sony alone. They failed their users and that's what should be upsetting PS3 owners, not "evil $ellouts Micro$oft and Rock$tar".


Ultimately anyone who researched GTAIV when deciding on their console purchase could have learned about this issue before buying their PS3 but at the very least this should teach a valuable lesson about the ridiculousness of brand loyalty. I know if Microsoft f*cked up like this I'd take my business elsewhere. You should buy game consoles based on what they're doing to offer you a great gaming experience now and in the future, not what they did years ago.


Sony had their run in the past, and if Nintendo has taught us anything it's that a major video game company can pull itself out of a huge slump and kick ass again, but right now Sony is between those two positions. They were a great video game company back in the day and they may be great in the future but they're anything but great right now.

Wanted Assailant

I hope you know that Rockstar is here to make money, not to cater your every need because you can't afford a DLC. They're being paid for this. I bet they care less that they even started on the PC or PS1. Move on.

Ha, well said.


They are a company that needs to make money. They really don't give a sh*te about what it's on, what it started on or anything like that. They don't owe anyone anything.

The only "failure" they've had is the PC version being a bit of a resource hog. That's it.

Mae King Fuch


mercie_blink.gif i hope you guys are enjoying bashing your heads in unison against the proverbial wall what is the ps3 fanboy.it's fun to watch lol.gif ,but i'll refrain from inflicting nerve damage to my masturbatory hand.guruaskew seems to have enough wrist braces for everyone.he speaks nothing but the truth yet these sheople refuse to hear. suicidal.gifsuicidal.gifsuicidal.gifsuicidal.gif

i guess you have an xbox? no but i mean why does it have to be exclusive i think it should have been for both platforms.

R* just wanna earn more $$$. But in my opinion they could get more $$$ if they put TLAD for both consoles

You're not a paid economical analyst and planner working for Rockstar, are you?


Quit whining, it's like Sony doesn't have any exclusive GTAs, right, right, right?

To add a voice of reason to this discussion....


Everyone keeps saying that MS paid Rockstar $50 million to make the DLC. This isn't exactly true.


The way it was actually structured is that MS paid Rockstar a $25 million royalty advance on future sales of each episode of the DLC.


What this means is Rockstar pays this back on the sales of the DLC-- Rockstar makes $14 on each copy DLed (MS gets the other $6), -- the $14 goes to MS for the first 1.75 million copies sold (of each episode)-- (this pays back the royalty advance)-- any sales above about 1.75 million, Rockstar then makes $14 per copy.... Rockstar doesn't make a profit off the DLC until they make back the production costs of the DLC (whatever that is).


The deal essentially allowed Rockstar to pull forward future sale revenue from future years to last year-- makes their books look better for last year at the expense of this year when they won't see hardly any money from the sales of the DLC.


Anyone with a lick of common sense will see that the money paid was a loan against future sales, not a $50 million payment.


The advantage of this deal to Rockstar is that they didn't assume any risk (MS assumed the risk) that the DLC sales will fall on its face and they get to pull future revenue forward.


MS gets it exclusive on XBL (at least for a period of time)


Because this is a royalty advance and not a payment for license of the content-- I do believe that there is a possibilty that the content will make its way to the other platforms after a period of time--- I obviously don't know this, the same as the Xbox fanboys don't know that it is impossible for the content to come to PS3....


Do I think it will make it to PS3??--- probably not. If there is not an announcement by next year this time, it isn't going to come out for PS3.


Further info on the royalty advance part of this deal can be read about here....




Specifically from that article



Assuming 2.5 million downloads of both episodes -- although Pachter acknowledges it could be much greater -- Take-Two takes home only $14 of each purchase, as the rest goes to Microsoft for royalty. Moreover, Microsoft has already advanced the company $50 million on those royalties, so Take-Two must first "earn" that back before it can begin to profit from the DLC.


"Take-Two will receive no cash from sales of downloadable content until each download generates approximately $35 million in sales (around 1.75 million units," says Pachter -- which means that for the coming year, Take-Two's financials will decline.

Edited by Spuds725

is anyone of you sure that there will be no TLAD for the ps3 and the PC... NO! so stop bitching around making these topics a war zone or what ever... and about that that R* doesn't give a f*ck about the fans anymore...dude, do you work for R* or what... why is everybody so sure that R* will not release a DLC for the ps3 and PC too,why is everyone so sure that R* do not care about there fans anymore...


i just think that Playstation fans deserve DLC.


Maybe but Sony doesn't if they aren't willing to pay for it like Microsoft was. Again, it's a business and you can't expect Rockstar to charfge Microsoft $50 million for it and just donate it to poor PS3 like it's a charity.



All platforms deserve DLC, I agree with that. But there's nothing we can do about it. C* aren't what they used to be before, when they put their fans before anything else. But now, all they care about is money and don't give a f*ck about their fans.


How naive can you be? I think it's hilarious that your idea of the company includes a board meeting where the Housers gathered everyone around and said "OK guys, we're actually going to have to start worrying about money here". They've always been a business.



If Sony pays C* $50 million too, they'll get their own version of DLC, same goes for PC if Microsoft pays another $50 million for a PC DLC.


Um, no.


For starters, if Microsoft was willing to pay this kind of money we'd be sitting here talking about the $50,000,000.01 exclusive DLC deal from Sony and you'd have a bunch of 360 owners whining about it. That wasn't the case. Both parties were undoubtedly involved in a bidding war and Microsoft was willing to pay the cash and Sony wasn't.


Secondly, you need to familiarize yourself with the word "exclusive". There is absolutely no way in the world that Microsoft forked over $50 million to Rockstar without a contract the size of a phone book and this contract would undoubtedly contain provisions preventing Rockstar from turning around and doing a similar deal with Sony, especially since they obviously weren't willing to pay as much as Microsoft was.


Ultimately you need to look at it this way: why would Rockstar accept less money from Sony and why would Microsoft allow it?



I'm pretty sure that Sony can afford to pay $50 million easily,


OK Mr. Economist. I love it when people talk about how they know what Sony can afford and how they know that Rockstar would have made more money with cross-platform DLC. Again, if Sony had this money to spend on DLC they would have spent it. As it stands the PS3 and PSP are losing money like crazy. They're in no position to throw that kind of money out there.



but they seem to be trying to get the DLC WHICH MICROSOFT HAS PAID TO DEVELOP for the PS3 for free. Are they f*cking insane? Why the f*ck would they expect Microsoft to give up DLC which they paid 50 MILLION DOLLARS for?



This is the first thing you've said that makes any sense. That $50 million figure really says it all. Back to that phonebook-sized contract, you can rest assured that $50 million keeps it off of the PS3 for good.



Us PC gamers are f*cked though, in every possible way


No, we're talking about Games for Windows so Microsoft can squeeze a few bucks out of this DLC that way somewhere down the line, even if it's a few years. That's within the realm of possibility. Putting this content on PS3, on the other hand, doesn't help Microsoft in any way, shape or form and that's why that will never happen. But a 1% chance is still infinitely better than a 0% chance.

Read my post again. I was actually agreeing with you on the 'TLAD is exclusive for 360' part. I know MS own TLAD.


I didn't know about the bidding war, thanks for informing me. So I guess, its Sony's fault. If they really wanted it they should've been willing to pay for it. I don't see why they think they have the right to whine about it now.


I don't think that MS will decide to release TLAD for PC for atleast a year after the 360 release though, which sucks for us PC gamers. It would be awesome if they release the 360 and PC versions on the same date, but I'm sure that won't happen sad.gif.


@Spuds, Thanks for posting that. Didn't know that it was actually a loan wow.gif.

i just think that Playstation fans deserve DLC.


Maybe but Sony doesn't if they aren't willing to pay for it like Microsoft was. Again, it's a business and you can't expect Rockstar to charfge Microsoft $50 million for it and just donate it to poor PS3 like it's a charity.



All platforms deserve DLC, I agree with that. But there's nothing we can do about it. C* aren't what they used to be before, when they put their fans before anything else. But now, all they care about is money and don't give a f*ck about their fans.


How naive can you be? I think it's hilarious that your idea of the company includes a board meeting where the Housers gathered everyone around and said "OK guys, we're actually going to have to start worrying about money here". They've always been a business.



If Sony pays C* $50 million too, they'll get their own version of DLC, same goes for PC if Microsoft pays another $50 million for a PC DLC.


Um, no.


For starters, if Microsoft was willing to pay this kind of money we'd be sitting here talking about the $50,000,000.01 exclusive DLC deal from Sony and you'd have a bunch of 360 owners whining about it. That wasn't the case. Both parties were undoubtedly involved in a bidding war and Microsoft was willing to pay the cash and Sony wasn't.


Secondly, you need to familiarize yourself with the word "exclusive". There is absolutely no way in the world that Microsoft forked over $50 million to Rockstar without a contract the size of a phone book and this contract would undoubtedly contain provisions preventing Rockstar from turning around and doing a similar deal with Sony, especially since they obviously weren't willing to pay as much as Microsoft was.


Ultimately you need to look at it this way: why would Rockstar accept less money from Sony and why would Microsoft allow it?



I'm pretty sure that Sony can afford to pay $50 million easily,


OK Mr. Economist. I love it when people talk about how they know what Sony can afford and how they know that Rockstar would have made more money with cross-platform DLC. Again, if Sony had this money to spend on DLC they would have spent it. As it stands the PS3 and PSP are losing money like crazy. They're in no position to throw that kind of money out there.



but they seem to be trying to get the DLC WHICH MICROSOFT HAS PAID TO DEVELOP for the PS3 for free. Are they f*cking insane? Why the f*ck would they expect Microsoft to give up DLC which they paid 50 MILLION DOLLARS for?



This is the first thing you've said that makes any sense. That $50 million figure really says it all. Back to that phonebook-sized contract, you can rest assured that $50 million keeps it off of the PS3 for good.



Us PC gamers are f*cked though, in every possible way


No, we're talking about Games for Windows so Microsoft can squeeze a few bucks out of this DLC that way somewhere down the line, even if it's a few years. That's within the realm of possibility. Putting this content on PS3, on the other hand, doesn't help Microsoft in any way, shape or form and that's why that will never happen. But a 1% chance is still infinitely better than a 0% chance.

Read my post again. I was actually agreeing with you on the 'TLAD is exclusive for 360' part. I know MS own TLAD.


I didn't know about the bidding war, thanks for informing me. So I guess, its Sony's fault. If they really wanted it they should've been willing to pay for it. I don't see why they think they have the right to whine about it now.


I don't think that MS will decide to release TLAD for PC for atleast a year after the 360 release though, which sucks for us PC gamers. It would be awesome if they release the 360 and PC versions on the same date, but I'm sure that won't happen sad.gif.


@Spuds, Thanks for posting that. Didn't know that it was actually a loan wow.gif.

i have to ask you , do getting a free gift reaally work? i'm desperate for a free xbox.

A loan dressed up as a royalty advance on future sales wink.gif


The following is my opinion on why I think it is a "Possibility" (although not likely)-- not based on anything other then putting pieces together.


I don't know if MS is willling to take a loss on the "loan"-- they certainly could afford it-- however any loss they might make on the deal (assuming each DLC doesn't reach 1.75 million downloads), would most likely be offset by sales of Xboxes and/or XBL services.... and MS may have already decided to eat any possible loss in exchange for denying Sony market share.


Assuming TLAD is good (and it looks pretty good) take two should make profit above what they already took on the royalty advance (last year) and a good product of TLAD will likely bade well for the 2nd DLC installment in september-- I think they will make an additional profit on it via xbox alone... in which case there would be no reason for MS to allow Taketwo to make the content available on other platforms.


If MS does not wish to take a loss on the "loan", then it may have been written into the contract to allow Take two to make the content available on other platforms.... (most likely PC before allowing it on PS3) if the sales are not high enough to offset the royalties they paid to Take two already-- this is so taketwo can pay back the royalty advance. It could be totally at MS discression as to how big a loss they are willing to eat.


If MS was prepared to eat a $10 to $15 million loss on the DLC (if the sales don't do as they hope)-- then they likely wrote it into the contract to NOT allow the content on other platform under any circumstances--- this certainly is a possibilty.


There could also be a "buy out" for Rockstar-- Rockstar pays MS extra to allow them to release it on other platforms- this could be worth it to MS since they realized extra front end revenue on increased xbox sales-- this would only make sense if Rockstar could make a large enough profit on DLC sales on other platforms.


It could also just be a "timed exclusive" agreement....


Everyone can say what they want-- but to assume that there is "no chance" for it on other platforms is quite arrogant and IMO you are setting yourself up to eat crow next year-- especially since none of us knows hardly anything about the "deal"


Once again-- I don't think it will make it to the other platforms-- just that there is a small chance of it some time next year.... and PC DLC is more likely then PS3 DLC....


My 2 cents anyway.

Edited by Spuds725


Where would Rockstar be without Playstation

They would be getting a lot less stick from the public beacause some chav on his PS3 has gone out and shot someone!



(For LEGAL reasons I must point out that gun deaths are not the fault of the SONY corporation or any of its counterparts)

You can dissect what the $50 million was until you're blue in the face but at the end of the day it's $50 million more than the $0 that Sony paid and the end result is exclusivity.


The denial when it comes to this is mindblowing, especially considering the overwhelming simplicity of the deal.


As of today "The Lost and Damned" will be launched on Xbox 360 in less than a month and anyone who thinks $50 million only bought a period of exclusivity that a PS3 owner would find acceptable needs to be thrown into a rubber room. People bring up more reasonable exclusivity-lapses but again, you can rest assured that $50 million bought Microsoft a lot of time on this exclusive.


I mean, when I was a kid I was an SNES owner and I used to love to go over to my cousin's house to play Sonic the Hedgehog on his Sega Genesis but the ability to play Sega games on a Nintendo console doesn't really mean sh*t to me now.


What you never see PS3 fanboys acknowledge is that even if there's a shred of a chance that the Xbox 360 exclusivity could lapse it could be years and years.


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