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Custom Music on PS3?

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Riiiight I have read on some other topics that there is still no way to play music in game on a PS3 but there have been some updates so I was wondering if you could yet? Skate allows you too so I dont see why GTA IV (best game of 2008 if u ask me) cant . Please I dont wanna start a fanboy war or get my grammer dissed. Just could some clever person find a way other than MP3, Stereo or sh*t like that. Thanks in advance!

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Nah, at the moment very few games support it. I know Motorstorm 2 and Burnout Paradise do (and some PSN titles), so we know it's possible with 1st and 3rd party games.


It's just up to Rockstar to provide the update, and seeing as they're quite quiet at the moment, I doubt we'll hear any good news from them in the near future.

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Nah, at the moment very few games support it. I know Motorstorm 2 and Burnout Paradise do (and some PSN titles), so we know it's possible with 1st and 3rd party games.


It's just up to Rockstar to provide the update, and seeing as they're quite quiet at the moment, I doubt we'll hear any good news from them in the near future.

So, you'd rather hear so-called "good news" about the lame ability to add custom soundtracks to your game rather than "uber bad-ass news" announcing DLC for the PS3?


Plus, I'd rather R* keep quiet at the moment, it means they are working on something else. Which I personally would rather have them do than some update to let us play music in a pre-existing game.


Let's see, entirely new game from a sweet game company, or boring update to let me play lame metal and rap while I kill hookers?

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Nah, at the moment very few games support it. I know Motorstorm 2 and Burnout Paradise do (and some PSN titles),  so we know it's possible with 1st and 3rd party games.


It's just up to Rockstar to provide the update, and seeing as they're quite quiet at the moment, I doubt we'll hear any good news from them in the near future.

So, you'd rather hear so-called "good news" about the lame ability to add custom soundtracks to your game rather than "uber bad-ass news" announcing DLC for the PS3?


Plus, I'd rather R* keep quiet at the moment, it means they are working on something else. Which I personally would rather have them do than some update to let us play music in a pre-existing game.


Let's see, entirely new game from a sweet game company, or boring update to let me play lame metal and rap while I kill hookers?

hehe you got both my music tastes wrong and I dont kill hookers I dont even use dem waste of money but I would like them to focus on making a new game but it wouldnt be that much work to make the music on ps3. Btw Im not a ps3 fanboy I dont care about dlc for the ps3 if we get it great i'l buy it if we dont boo f*cking hoo I wont buy and just get a new game.

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Nah, at the moment very few games support it. I know Motorstorm 2 and Burnout Paradise do (and some PSN titles),  so we know it's possible with 1st and 3rd party games.


It's just up to Rockstar to provide the update, and seeing as they're quite quiet at the moment, I doubt we'll hear any good news from them in the near future.

So, you'd rather hear so-called "good news" about the lame ability to add custom soundtracks to your game rather than "uber bad-ass news" announcing DLC for the PS3?


Did he say that?

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I doubt R* will step up on that one as it seems they have no interest in keeping PS3 users happy. I'm even suspect that the whole GTA series will leave us in the future ( no proof just a feeling )

Is this all because of the DLC? Because thats Microsoft's fault not Rockstar's.

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Nah, at the moment very few games support it. I know Motorstorm 2 and Burnout Paradise do (and some PSN titles),  so we know it's possible with 1st and 3rd party games.


It's just up to Rockstar to provide the update, and seeing as they're quite quiet at the moment, I doubt we'll hear any good news from them in the near future.

So, you'd rather hear so-called "good news" about the lame ability to add custom soundtracks to your game rather than "uber bad-ass news" announcing DLC for the PS3?


Plus, I'd rather R* keep quiet at the moment, it means they are working on something else. Which I personally would rather have them do than some update to let us play music in a pre-existing game.


Let's see, entirely new game from a sweet game company, or boring update to let me play lame metal and rap while I kill hookers?

This has nothing to do with the DLC. It wasn't even worth mentioning.


Now I bet this thread is going to turn into a DLC debate sigh.gif.

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Nah, at the moment very few games support it. I know Motorstorm 2 and Burnout Paradise do (and some PSN titles),  so we know it's possible with 1st and 3rd party games.


It's just up to Rockstar to provide the update, and seeing as they're quite quiet at the moment, I doubt we'll hear any good news from them in the near future.

So, you'd rather hear so-called "good news" about the lame ability to add custom soundtracks to your game rather than "uber bad-ass news" announcing DLC for the PS3?


Plus, I'd rather R* keep quiet at the moment, it means they are working on something else. Which I personally would rather have them do than some update to let us play music in a pre-existing game.


Let's see, entirely new game from a sweet game company, or boring update to let me play lame metal and rap while I kill hookers?

This has nothing to do with the DLC. It wasn't even worth mentioning.


Now I bet this thread is going to turn into a DLC debate sigh.gif.

Of course, you missed the point of my topic. The point was that I'd rather them work on something significant than something as trivial as custom soundtracks. But, yeah, this forum is full of people who are too dense to see through the fog.

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it would be nice since the tune action is a bit poo. but its not possible with gta and many other good games because the hard drive is almost constantly being read in sync with the disc .

not possible?

so by that, your also saying you can't record TV through PlayTV while playing a game?

and it was also done on xbox and no doubt the pc.



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it would be nice since the tune action is a bit poo. but its not possible with gta and many other good games because the hard drive is almost constantly being read in sync with the disc .

not possible?

so by that, your also saying you can't record TV through PlayTV while playing a game?

and it was also done on xbox and no doubt the pc.

i think it only works on games that dont require an install on ps3

also i think i remember it said that u could listen to the radio on foot through the phone ..before game came out....obviously didnt but whatever

Edited by SHARKEM
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Lord Illicious

In-game music is already available on the PS3 since the 2.40 firmware but developers must patch their game to allow use of this feature.

This is because MS owns the patent laws to in-game music tech.


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Really wish Sony would get to work on this. I'm sick hearing lame ass tunes in games. I'm a metal man, not a ponce. Give me a bit of Slayer/Pantera/Metallica over what ever that sh*t that plays in GTA anyday.

Yeah, cause metallica is soooo hard core...ha!

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