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Future wanted level system

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The wanted level system in GTA4 was a major improvement on previous titles but its still not quite there, i liked how police wouldn't just spawn from thin air and how you could commit a crime without instantly getting stars (the times in SA when i'd escape to Mount Chiliad from LV just to have the police appear seconds later was annoying as hell). I liked how you could escape this time but sometimes it felt a little too easy. I'd like to see something like when you have escaped the radar you would still have a wanted level and be hunted for but would have to either change your appearance (disguise), mingle into a busy crowd, dump the last vehicle you were seen in, hide in a building, pay n spray or travel way from the hot zone etc to completely lose the heat. How about a wanted level memory so if you're spotted without disguise and recognised committing a lowly crime like breaking into a car your 4 stars from the bank robbery you never got caught for or the 5 star shoot out would be re-instated, with all those crime sprees realisticly your bound to become most wanted.

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I think they won't do that. Some people also enjoy cruising though the city without getting police foreces on their ass all the time. Some optioans are already there. When you have a wanted level, you're outside the searching thing you'll normally be seen by cops and the chase continues. But if you change cars/appearance, cops drive to the red/blue circle without noticing you.


No. Just no. If you want to be a "hot" man for the police force, why wouldn't you just go out of your house and get amok. anuj_cop.gif

Thats a bit extreme tounge.gif


I was just throwing a few ideas into the mix, my point was escaping a 6 star wanted level just by crossing a radar/ imaginery line is a bit of an anti climax, for me anyway, personally i'd enjoy it being a little tougher needing a little more skill to escape the law, an easy solution (without going on a real life rampage) would be while you're in the radar the police know your location and hunt you down, out of the radar your wanted level/ stars would downgrade and flash as the do already but the police would still be looking for the last vehicle you were seen in or if on foot getting into an vehicle or hiding out of sight and stealthily escaping the scene would completely lose the heat

Edited by Starskos
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