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GTA IV: PS3 & Xbox 360 Ranked Lap Records

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Hiho smile.gif


Do you know where I can look up the Leaderboards with the race lap records for ps3 and xbox360 online? I got GTA IV PC and very likely the stats I can look up ingame are PC only.


The reason for this is, that I found it relatively easy to set new lap records in the leaderboards of helicopter races. Maybe this is due to the lack of PC players that like to fly heli or because most just use mouse and keyboard which is a disadvantage to the gamepad I use (xbox 360 pad) imho.


So I want to know which best times the console pilots have, and try to beat those instead. If you have ps3 or xbox360 and don't know where I could find this, you would do me a great favor by writing down the lap records of the 9 or 10 air-"tracks" in the ingame stats.


Thanks in advance smile.gif

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You will have to register if you haven't registered there yet.


Give me a minute to look up the times real quick (in case you can't register)


First time listed is #1 "Race" mode time, 2nd one is #1 "GTA Race" mode time


556 connection 1:16.328, 1:10.938

Smokescreen 1:13.368, 1:44.208

Noise Polution 1:28.423, 1:01.126

Buzz the tower 1:15.141, 1:53.296

hard Eight 1:20.703, 1:09.166

Boogie down 0:48.519, 1:03.024

Bohan Burning 0:48.196, 0:47.405

Big Dip 0:42.176, 1:41.599

home turf 1:16.584, 1:16.928

Grand Tour 2:32.629, 2:58.938


I wouldn't trust the accuracies of these times-- there are some rediculous records in the stats for some of the car races... as you know the game is pretty glitchy.... I was even a MP GTA race one time-- doing exhaust fumes-- i got killed and literally respawned across the map (at the airport)...






I was just clicking around there and happened to click "global"-- I'm relatively certain that "global" is all platforms... I'm betting the default times that were displayed (that I copied above) were for PS3 players only... the global times were lower.


Sorry I don't have the time to copy them over again.



Edited by Spuds725

Thanks for your efforts smile.gif


The ones you wrote down probably are ps3 only, they differ from the global stats which pretty much look like PC only.

Okay some of the PS3 seem really unrealistic, and I can't imagine how to beat such times ... Hopefully they are just glitchy sigh.gif


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