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I searched for this, and found nothig.

I've had a marker added to my map, i'ts around the corner from the safehouse Mallorie gets for Roman and Niko after the first one is burnt down to ashes, and it's a "Garage"... however, when I approach it with a car, it doesn't open, nor does any marker appear... So... is it good for anything? Is it just a bug from a remaining piece of early game coding? When I first saw it I was really excited about the possibility of at least choosing your car's paint... I guess it ain't happening.

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That's the garage you need to take the vehicles Brucies Friend(who's name escapes me) requests via txt message.

That sounds more like it! Thanks!

I haven't done many side missions, I want to save them for when the story is done.

Ah k you mean Brucies garage. Well i finished the game but i didn t make the car jobs. tounge.gif

But i often repainted vehicles lol.

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That's the garage you need to take the vehicles Brucies Friend(who's name escapes me) requests via txt message.

That sounds more like it! Thanks!

I haven't done many side missions, I want to save them for when the story is done.

When you did the second or third, maybe fourth, mission, you found pay and spray. It's right where you ended the mission and dropped him off wink.gif


@Lord: No, not in this release, but there are modded cars around. Google for gta iv modded car locations wink.gif

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Have you finished the game? How do you know you cant? ( Just want to make sure)

I have driven around in the game before, and seen random cars that have been mod'd. I drove, and a sentinal parked next to me, with a spoiler, bumpers and a new hood... so that puzzled me a bit. It was the only one...

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Yes, I have completed the game. I actually suspect it can be enabled (but only in modding, and really not a feasible idea to pursue for various reasons - one of which is that even if there are data in the folders still pointing to it, they didn't necessarily build that module of the code for IV) and will be in the next game.

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Have you finished the game? How do you know you cant? ( Just want to make sure)

I have driven around in the game before, and seen random cars that have been mod'd. I drove, and a sentinal parked next to me, with a spoiler, bumpers and a new hood... so that puzzled me a bit. It was the only one...

those are special cars

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