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ps2 help with turn on "tune in bug out"

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Stay inside the helicopter and go out when you are by the empire site south of the Little Haiti pay n spray. Then take the car parked there and quickly make it to PNS. And destroy the Downtown antennas from the roof across so you wont take damage.

  • 5 months later...
Little William

This is how I did it: first I get the Infernus at Lance's house and drive to the Washington Beach police station to take out the antennas there. Make sure the car is facing the bridge on the ramp. After destroying the antennas, get on the car, run the ramp and head to the bridge, cross the Starfish Island and go to Little Haiti ps. Shoot the cops on the chopper and destroy the antennas. Go back to the car, and go to the PNS. You got a four star level. From the PNS, you go to Downtown PS. You got some time before the wanted level return. At the PS, shoot the cops there and destroy the antennas. But don't drive. Use the Police Maverick and fly to the business near the PNS in Little Haiti. Drive your business car to the PNS to clear your wanted level and complete the mission.

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