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[Q] Loading SP -> MP


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Hey guys,


ive heard that when you switch from SP to MP without hosting the game, you dont load the world again.

So i want to use some .asis for me and my friends but some of them never work.

For example Bodyguard or Car Spawner or Character Changer.


So here is my question:

Do you get a blackscreen saying loading in the lower right corner when joining a mp game, or am i the only one with this?

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I don't think that the black loading screen is actually loading the world again, I think it's just running the multiplayer script.

AFAIK the world never gets loaded again, that's why you can't select Multiplayer on the main menu, it's always "load the world" then "do stuff (sp or mp)".


About the ASI, I guess that when you switch from SP to MP or the other way, the Script Thread where the ASI hooks into, is restarted or somehow changed.

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KingBulleT 8747

If you have started your game, and start a loading screen reads 'Loading...' down right, after it it wont work anymore. (video-editor & multiplayer)


I got my asi's work online, You start your game, dont start it, just be in the main menu - goto X-Live guide, go to friends or players, search one who's multiplayer'ing and connect with him over the profile.

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