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Ok I get home after buying the game, something I rarely do these days due to the fact that most games out of the box fail time and time again.


After spending 3 hrs downloading and installing a bunch of crap and fighting with errors and beta drivers for an hour the game actully ran!... at 5 fps...


The game is completely unplayable I have installed the patch, beta drivers trying running the game in various modes and it just plain sucks, and on top of this I get horrible artifacts! I mean seriously the quality of the graphics at these settings is downright awful, I have played crysis cod4 and others on this machine and granted not at the highest spec but it looked pretty damm nice.


If someone could please help me im sure this is not just my system being so terrible that it cant render walls that look like they have 8bit textures on them. I really wanted to play this game but it looks like ill be trying to a refund if this can't be resolved.


benchmarks: (I meet all the minimum requirements aside from the GPU, but seen as it is in the 7000 series and is a 256mb card I thought there would be no problem.)



Average FPS: 6.82

Duration: 5.57 sec

CPU Usage: 97%

System memory usage: 71%

Video memory usage: 93%


Graphics Settings

Video Mode: 800 x 600 (56 Hz)

Texture Quality: Low

Render Quality: Low

View Distance: 1

Detail Distance: 1



Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition

Service Pack 3

Video Adapter: NVIDIA GeForce 7800 GS

Video Driver version: 180.84

Audio Adapter: M-Audio Delta AP Multichannel

Intel® Pentium® D CPU 2.80GHz


Thanks in advance for you help.



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It's your Pentium D... the game is very CPU resourceful, you'll need atleast a core 2 duo to play it at around 15FPS (If your lucky)


I have a core 2 dup at 1.86 ghz - steady 30FPS.


Intel® Pentium D CPU 2.80GHz is indeed an issue. GFX card might even be fine once you move up the CPU, but no promises...

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