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Mission Ideas

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These is a screen from the Debut Trailer:

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It looks like a bus which is driven by a LCPD officer, which is probably transporting prisoners.

It may be a mission involving breaking out one of the lost crew frow jail by assalting the bus.


I can remember seeing gerry mcreary in jail and always wanted a mission that involved breaking him out of jail.(I dont think the jail has really been used in the main story)

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i think the first pics are just a screencapture of the main character jacking a bus to be honest


The picturte above this post that is def a mission. pretty much bank on one of the missions being called get my bike.

Edited by oysterbarron
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Let's see... missions hinted at in the trailer...


-Stealing some Angels of Death bikes (Jim says, "We gotta steal some bikes man")

-Getting back Billy's stolen/impounded bike ("GET MY BIKE!")

-Some kind of kidnapping (possibly Roman)

-Hijacking a bus, possibly a prison bus

-Raiding Angels of Death clubhouses

-Some kinda hit on the mafia (the scene with Johnny and Jim hurrying to get out of Al Dente's kinda hints at this)

-Taking out some kind of VIP in a limo/convoy that is being protected by the Spanish Lords (there are two scenes with gang bangers in yellow shooting out of nice cars at Johnny)

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I think the hit at Al Dente's is a very realistic guess. I've been looking around on the LCPD database, and it says "Hsin Jaoming", the head of the Liberty City Triad Underworld is "working with both the Angels of Death OMG and several Korean Street Gangs". There is an Al Dente's on Calcium Street, Chinatown, which if you put 2 and 2 together you will proberly come up with The Lost ambushing the Angels of Death and the Triads at the Al Dente's in Chinatown. There is also the Mafia to think about, whom Kenny Petrovic mentions in "Deal Breaker" as having the Angels of Death work for them for many years. Which Mob Family it is I don't know, but I think we will see a lot more revealed about The Commission in TLAD.


As for the Yellow guys shooting from the cars, i'd say they were either Triads or Koreans. The Korean Gang is based in Alderney City so they could have a dispute with The Lost.


And the Prison Bus ; I think that is also a realistic guess. In the second screen in the original post, look to the far right. You can vaguely see a patch of orange and a head. The Prisoners at Alderney State Pen. wear Orange jumpsuits, so it does look like we'll be ambushing Billy's prison transport.

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And the Prison Bus ; I think that is also a realistic guess. In the second screen in the original post, look to the far right. You can vaguely see a patch of orange and a head. The Prisoners at Alderney State Pen. wear Orange jumpsuits, so it does look like we'll be ambushing Billy's prison transport.

Nice spot, i missed that.

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That looks like some sort of security guard. Maybe they break Billy out. or it could be a gruppe6 heist.


Can you post a screenshot of the limo chase on the bridge? icon14.gif

You mean this!

user posted image

Yeah thats the one, thanks Bullseye. I think that`s gonna be when they steal the diamonds from Gay Tonys night club as was hinted at in the mission "Taking In The Trash" for Ray Boccino.

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u can never tell from the trailers anymore, rockstar dramitizes everything now a days. for example niko walking past a burning building in slow motion during trai ltrailer 3 sorry typing from the ps3 is hard they wont let me see wat im typing

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Derelict Frog

At some point on the Liberty Tree website - I read it after doing "No Way on the Subway" - there is an article about members of the Lost shooting up some Asian gentleman at a restaurant/bar. Then the Angels of Death leader said to the Liberty Tree that his gang does not do that kind of stuff.


Make of that what you will... mercie_blink.gif

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