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Quick Question

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I recently bought GTA IV for the PC, and I do not have a 360 copy, although I do have a 360. Now the DLC will definetly not come out for the PC is that correct?


I browsed other topics and it seems so, so my best bet would be to sell my PC copy on Ebay or something like that, then buy a used GTA IV for 360?


Thank you!

Edited by Irviding
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Today I read a quote from the PC producer saying it wasn't available to them. The content has been announced as an Xbox Live exclusive. It's not going to be available on the PC, it's not going to be available on a disc at the store, you're going to need an Xbox 360, a 360 copy of GTAIV and an internet connection to get this content.


Now, a couple years down the line I can see this content possibly winding up on PC. It's not like Microsoft wouldn't get any money that way. When the DLC sales die off on the 360 they can squeeze a few more bucks out of PC owners so I think it's within the realm of possibility (allowing the content to be released on the PS3, on the other hand, could only hurt Microsoft and that's why that will never happen) but I wouldn't hold your breath. If it happens it won't be for a long time.


The content will be available on Xbox Live for about $20 in 37 days. We know that. As a 360 owner with a 360 copy of the game I know I'll be playing it then (barring a delay, of course) and that can't be said if you own a PC or PS3 version. With a PC copy your position is iffy at best.


So yeah, just bite the bullet, unload your PC copy on somebody else, get a 360 copy and relax because you'll be able to get this content without having to convince yourself that you'll eventually play it somewhere down the road.

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My question to you is, why buy a PC game?

I didn't have my Xbox 360 until December 21st or so, due to the drop in price I was able to get it for pretty cheap. My local bestbuy had the Pro for 275.00 so I grabbed it. I bought GTA IV the day it came out for the PC.



Definitely going to unload it. Thanks for the advice.

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Don't worry, the Episodic Content will most likely be ported by modders to PC within a week of release due to the similarities between the 360 and PC file formats. smile.gif

So it's possible to port the game without having a disk of the game?

The game is basically done through Xbox Live.

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Don't worry, the Episodic Content will most likely be ported by modders to PC within a week of release due to the similarities between the 360 and PC file formats. smile.gif

So it's possible to port the game without having a disk of the game?

The game is basically done through Xbox Live.

People know how to access files on the HDD, don't worry about that.


How do you think the NXE was leaked? wink.gif

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