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A lot of taxis!

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I wonder if that is the game's official "default vehicle". Because, if that is a skid mark trailing your front tire (or outline of one), that shouldn't look like that, I wonder if it's some fallback instancing of the model or something? Best I can give is that guess, I have no real clue confused.gif

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I wonder if that is the game's official "default vehicle". Because, if that is a skid mark trailing your front tire (or outline of one), that shouldn't look like that, I wonder if it's some fallback instancing of the model or something? Best I can give is that guess, I have no real clue  confused.gif

It's the skid mark from a burst tire, just the rims.

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I wonder if that is the game's official "default vehicle". Because, if that is a skid mark trailing your front tire (or outline of one), that shouldn't look like that, I wonder if it's some fallback instancing of the model or something? Best I can give is that guess, I have no real clue confused.gif


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I wonder if that is the game's official "default vehicle". Because, if that is a skid mark trailing your front tire (or outline of one), that shouldn't look like that, I wonder if it's some fallback instancing of the model or something? Best I can give is that guess, I have no real clue  confused.gif


Wow what?


BULL, thanks I never noticed that before happy.gif

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