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[IDEA]Be a Cop!

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This idea just came in my mind when I was driving the police car around the cities.


Wouldn't it be fun if you can be a cop? I am not talking about vigilante, but normal cop.

Not continuous crimes, but as you drive around the cities, if you find gang banging or something like that, you can stop that. Also, it would be nice to have a function where I can call for a backup.


Is this possible?

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Theres a mod already like that broski,


Well, if you download a few mods you can be a true copz.

-"Cop Shop" Mod, makes a cop car spawnable. (There are cops you can play as, but not alot, and they dont have the cool hats)

-"Playerselector" Mod, Can pick what cop you want, and what hat, or you can be like an FIB Guy, also, in a new version you will be able to talk like a police officer.

-"Native Trainer" Mod, to turn off the wanted level,


Then just spawn a cop car, turn off wanted levels, get a cop character (He's ID 172 In the skin mod), and then pretend to be a cop! Thats what I do tounge.gif

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1. Use the Playerselector and choose one off the cop models.

2. Use the car spawner to get a cop car or go steal one.

3. Use the Native Trainer or other program to swith off want level

4. Use the Bodyguard Mod to spawn a partner



Playerselector I have used before, works great! Its fun to play with someone other than Nico. There are about 345 models to choose from and most of them are adaptable. ID's 337 to 342 are some of the police models (in version 1.1).


Car spawner and trainer are optional, I diddent uses them before, so don't ask me how the work. I read good things about them, many people are happy with them. The Bodyguard Mod I also diddent try yet. But I was thinking you want to have a more 'real' feeling of being a cop in GTA. Cops in the real New York mostly work sin pairs (2), so you need a partner.


The Bodyguard Mod gives you the chance to spawn a ped (also around the 340 models to choose from) as bodyguard. Choose a police model and you have a partner to ride with. You can even spawn more bodyguards if you want to have some kind of 'call for backup' function.


I'm not intro the play as cop thing, but I think this way gives you the most complete experience possible for now, until someone makes a real 'play as cop' mod.


Note, The Bodyguard Mod is exclusive for GTAGaming.com

Edited by Marsmillo
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