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[REL|GTAIV] Bullet Time+


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  • 2 months later...

*updated guys




-press TAB to enable full BulletTime

-press T to enable just timer slowdown

-press Y to enable hyper run BulletTime (niko moving speed is almost normal)


the ini:



[KeyBindings]BTKey=9          <-TABSlomoKey=5          <-Alternative Left Mouse (lucky me!)HyperKey=84          <-T[settings]AutoCancel=0                   <-set to 1 for timed, while 0 makes every key toggleCancelTime=4000          <-duh!HyperRunMult=3          <-how fast Hyper isShowMessages=0           <-display toggle/stop/on/off messages



Shifty41s_beerhatsmilie2.gif enjoy!



hmm, nice mod.


I have one request though. Could you improve the 'cheat bullet time' by making Niko be faster.


EG. faster running, normal speed driving in a car, shooting etc

nah its just moving for now... other stuff require specific animation names and who has time for that? tounge.gif


here comes another version...


Timed (Fiber-threaded) VERSION:


-press TAB/Mouse4 (rightside button) to enable full BulletTime

-press T/Mouse3 (the left one) to enable just timer slowdown

-press Y/~ to enable cheat BulletTime (niko moving faster)


= expires after a few seconds, the reason ive made it timed is because its too much cheating and i hate the fact boats can fly too far due to the no gravity factor in the full BT.

now, that little time gap while holding TAB/mouse 4 allows gravity to direct objects back (at least alittle bit)


* so you ppl know, ive made another version for this mod where BT costs money mercie_blink.gif its just... too cheatty! sly.gif

im guessing no1 is interested in such weirdness lol.gif (for me to enjoy Shifty41s_beerhatsmilie2.gif )

ok man.......you have passed the sound barrier of awesome into warp speed mode of just utter and absolute coolness.........THANKS

  • 2 weeks later...
LOL blush.gif


you said it!

laws of physics... ReSpeCT mY AuThoRitee'ah!! lol.giflol.giflol.gif



Since i made you blush.......lol


I was wondering if you could make me a super hero mod, that adds 4 facets to Super Hero Niko


oh and please can you make them all toggle on and off? for normal mode gameplay? and to switch back to super hero mode


1. A offensive superhero ability ( super strength? flaming blast? touch of death? i dunno, your the creative master hippie lol)


2. A defensive Superhero ability ( or to make it easy just add in your healing regen mod and make it super fast so it can be like wolverines healing factor)


3. A super hero transportation ability that intergrates BULLET TIME...and Super High speed flying...although the bullet time is toggle based, but it makes it easy to fly at street level ( it has to be flying, but a flying mod has already been made, but it hasn't been patched, maybe you can make a better flying mod that makes niko's arms go forward like superman )


4. A super "sense" ( I think it would be cool to integrate some sort of sensing ability.......like......knowing where enemies are as in "Vigilante mode" ....I dont know if you would pull it off but it would be hella cool



if you could integrate vigilante mode WITHOUT the need to be in a police car, or any car........that would be awesome, i dont know if you can pull this off though.....need some super modding skills to do it probably, in which i know you have......wink wink


also make the game "Think you are in a vehicle when in flying mode, to allow for vehicle missions to be cooler"



Ok so this is how the scenario goes...........imagine walking around with niko..............and at a push of a toggle keyboard button you switch to super Niko


As super niko you have all the above listed abilities ( or more? )


You trigger your super sensing ability ( Vigilante mode without the car ) and set off Flying at super speeds ( you can move around easily at street level hovering at super speeds in flying mode due to a Bullet time that toggles on and off, so when your up above the building you can fly FAST!!! but at street level activate Bullet time Vision to have proper reflex to navigate the busy street levels i.e trucks, building walls, lamp post..etc...


Once you fly near the enemy as super niko.......you land in front of him ( in bullet time mode to allow easy landing lol ) and then use your Super Offensive ability to take the enemy out....


Uh oh, but the cops dont like your vigilante ways, so you will get a shot at by cops....well no problem, you have a healing factor like wolverine....but it doesnt last forever.........go fly away and escape the cops..........another day for Super Niko......


this will all be cool if you allow for flying in the actual storyline missions, and make it so you do not have to use a vehicle...... flying instead of driving.

  • 5 months later...
  • 4 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

here comes an update!




*sound effects


*each kill you make will blink a red blip over the player and hear a low pitched sound to confirm

(sound only while on an adrenaline rush/stage 2)


*you can see the adrenaline count every few seconds on the right bottom corner of the radar


i love the way it turned out!

tell me what you think...

nice idea hippie smile.gif i love the notion of improved bullet time.


2 suggestions - it seems like adrenaline gives a brighter weather. frankly i that the weather should turn to darker. nto brighter. i dont know how to explain it. when i tried the NSQ mod it felt "right". like the bullet time is some kind of dark ability. dark weather fits the emotion "rage" better i think. chirping birds in sunny sky - less smile.gif


also there should be a "deactivate" button. when i go into a rush and kill a whole bunch of guys i am left without tergets and without the ability to stop the slo mo. im just trying to "walk it off" smile.gif its kinda weird that u are forced to walk with slo-mo until it runs out of adrenaline.


also, dont u think there should be some limiting mechanic to it? like u have to kill a few peds to gain the ability to slo-mo. i assume u dont want to imitate NSQ too much but, um, he kinda nailed it tounge.gif


there is a deactivate button... its toggle button (deactivation has a keypress delay)

*use it to preserve rage, rage stacks to up to 2 killed victims, so that the third in bullet time will trigger the adrenaline rush.


i love if as it is, beside the sky that i will work on.


see if you can get to stage 3



oh and the mod is not based on rage... bored.gif (read the mod's name)

you need to de-frame your mind



also, nerdook's BT weather stays the same while on lightning weather =\

if you want i can make that an ini option as well... notify.gif

Edited by HippieCommunist

it does feel better in dark tough blush.gif

aaand i tricked it to still look darker in lightning weather... it was easy biggrin.gif challenges...




*DARK adrenaline rush


*ini for killing before starting 1st stage of BT

Edited by HippieCommunist

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