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First off, make a marker. Pick a place in your film and hit "M" or chose the 'new marker' button. Once selected you can do exactly what you asked:


1. If you want to "control" the camera, switch camera type to "Free".

2. If you want to slow the camera down, choose speed.

3. If you want to do close ups, change the "FOV" to a lower number.

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Who's idea was it to put that stupid range limitation on the camera? You can only go about 10 meters away from Niko at any time, and if he happens to walk out of that range the camera switches back to standard view.


Is there any way to remove this?

Yeah, that sucks. Especially when you're driving really fast, and you want to use the Free cam as you plow down a bastard. You get about 0,5 seconds before you have to move the cam. It's quite understandable though. Since there is nothing going on in Liberty City except for right around Niko, there's no point in watching it. If could move the camera just a litt longer away from Niko, objects would probably be appearing out of nowhere.

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frodo baggins

Indeed only the area around Niko is recorded, and besides even as you're playing only that area is being rendered. Beyond that there is nothing more than just rough textures with nothing happening.


If you wanted a bigger radius more would have to be rendered and you'ld need a beast of a computer

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