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Clean Vista and new Quad

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Well my new Q9550 Quad arrived on time today. I had my PC all apart and gave it a good cleaning last night. The new CPU is installed. I did a clean instal of Vista Ultimate 32. Right now I am waiting for Windows update to get me back up to speed. Many updates I have installed before. You actually get to see them all at once and you really see how many there were.



I have-




The new Quad 9550 2.83

EVGA 8800GTX 768

4 GIGS System Ram

P5Q Deluxe ASUS

Dual 24" Monitors





I had a core 2 DUO 2.4. That is the only difference in my PC from the last time I played GTA4 except for a clean install of Vista. It needed it let me tell you. I was able to run GTA4 before fairly well on medium, High, Draw 30-50. I never did lock down an average with fraps but before the Redo I spent a couple hours in the game doing different things in different places to get a feel what to compare to. When I am all done with drivers and basically getting software back up I will let you guys know the difference.




I am psyched but not going to hold my breath.

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I got a question. Does anybody know what dictates which core will be working at any given time? I have been watching the gadget and it got me wondering.

It's called the operating system scheduler.




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I got a question. Does anybody know what dictates which core will be working at any given time? I have been watching the gadget and it got me wondering.

It's called the operating system scheduler.




Interesting read but it seemed to be generalized in its explanation. I may have missed something but I didnt really see anything directly about the seperate cores. Once again I may have missed something. I speed read a lot. Thanks for the link. I wouldnt have known to google the term scheduler. SP1 almost done!

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I knew this game looked good! I said it before I upgraded to the Quad even with the framerate issues!! I feel so bad for the people that cant see the real game! It looks awesome. I have NO framerate issues at all now. No other issues either!



They aint lying when they recommend a Quad! It is absolutely night and day different now! I was kinda worried that it wouldnt make much difference but I am estatic! biggrin.gifcool.gifcool.gifcool.gif




If it worked or not I would use the Quad for everything else so it wouldnt have been a waste. My wife isnt even mad for me spending the money after she saw me run like a little kid to the living room, interrupted her movie and had her come look! She was amazed too!





She asked what exactly it was that I replaced (explained PC hardware to her many times but she just doesnt remember each part) I told her the Processor and showed her the old one and said it looks like this. "$300 dollars for that little thing"? I said but babe you could spend over a thousand on one of these little things. "So your telling me that that little thing is making your game run THAT much better"? biggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif I says.....YUP! She said she was expecting something the size of my 8800GTX.






Hell I dont even have the fastest memory.


Upgrade people

Anybody want a core2 duo 2.4? colgate.gif


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Well my new Q9550 Quad arrived on time today. I had my PC all apart and gave it a good cleaning last night. The new CPU is installed. I did a clean instal of Vista Ultimate 32. Right now I am waiting for Windows update to get me back up to speed. Many updates I have installed before. You actually get to see them all at once and you really see how many there were.



I have-




The new Quad 9550 2.83

EVGA 8800GTX 768

4 GIGS System Ram

P5Q Deluxe ASUS

Dual 24" Monitors





I had a core 2 DUO 2.4. That is the only difference in my PC from the last time I played GTA4 except for a clean install of Vista. It needed it let me tell you. I was able to run GTA4 before fairly well on medium, High, Draw 30-50. I never did lock down an average with fraps but before the Redo I spent a couple hours in the game doing different things in different places to get a feel what to compare to. When I am all done with drivers and basically getting software back up I will let you guys know the difference.




I am psyched but not going to hold my breath.

It would run better with x64 sigh.gif

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Congrats man. Looks like you took my advice and installed Vista after you got the processor right?


Have fun smile.gif.

Yes sir colgate.gif I was going to look you up and say thanks. I was just back playing and I still cant believe how awesome it is runnin! I have been cruisin in the rain and not one stutter!



I would like to thank you and thales100 who reccomended this processor and BorgDroneX ( He gave me the method for retrieving my save games and it worked) Whew....I did not want to start over again!

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Well my new Q9550 Quad arrived on time today. I had my PC all apart and gave it a good cleaning last night. The new CPU is installed. I did a clean instal of Vista Ultimate 32. Right now I am waiting for Windows update to get me back up to speed. Many updates I have installed before. You actually get to see them all at once and you really see how many there were.



  I have-




  The new Quad 9550 2.83

  EVGA 8800GTX 768

  4 GIGS System Ram

  P5Q Deluxe ASUS

  Dual 24" Monitors





    I had a core 2 DUO 2.4. That is the only difference in my PC from the last time I played GTA4 except for a clean install of Vista. It needed it let me tell you. I was able to run GTA4 before fairly well on medium, High, Draw 30-50. I never did lock down an average with fraps but before the Redo I spent a couple hours in the game doing different things in different places to get a feel what to compare to. When I am all done with drivers and basically getting software back up I will let you guys know the difference.




  I am psyched but not going to hold my breath.

It would run better with x64 sigh.gif

I wouldnt know, I quit AMD about 8 years ago and never looked back. They are like ATI for me. Not a big fan. Oh they are ATI now, huh? Not beatin up on ya but you threw it in the thread. tounge2.gif But I dont see how it could run better. I can honestly say I have no problems with the way it is running now. If they didnt give a patch I wouldnt worry at all. But hey, the more they add the better.

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No problem man, good to see that the game's working well for you. Just wondering, how much FPS are you getting now?

I have been runnin FRAPS and it is hangin average 32-34 sometimes it spikes up in the 40s .sometimes a mild dip but never enough to stutter even in the rain. I am runnin on Medium, Highest, Draw 55, Vehicles 55. You know I havent tried High yet. But to tell you the truth the game is beautiful even on medium........Did I say I love this game?!! Maybe by tomorrow I will calm down!



I am like a 40 year old kid. I just like things that work the way they are supposed to and with the right hardware COMBINATION, this game works.



I bet the guys at Rockstar are so frustrated at peoples comments saying the game was not well made. There is no doubt a LOT of effort that was put into it. With the right Rig they would not say these things. Sadly many will never get to see it.



I like the way it is now but I am going to bump things up and see what I can get away with just for sh*ts and giggles smile.gif

Edited by nvr2fst
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Good for you, I guess. I'm just as happy with my trusty E8400.


This little chip rocks!

Same cpu here too. Got this baby cranking at 3.6GHz. Paired with a set of 280gtx(SC) and it tears through everything thats not

a port. However, nvr2fst I'm glad your enjoying your quad. Nice cpu you got there smile.gif.



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Good for you, I guess. I'm just as happy with my trusty E8400.


This little chip rocks!

Same cpu here too. Got this baby cranking at 3.6GHz. Paired with a set of 280gtx(SC) and it tears through everything thats not

a port. However, nvr2fst I'm glad your enjoying your quad. Nice cpu you got there smile.gif.



What CPU do you have. I see you qouted the E8400

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I knew this game looked good! I said it before I upgraded to the Quad even with the framerate issues!! I feel so bad for the people that cant see the real game! It looks awesome. I have NO framerate issues at all now. No other issues either!



They aint lying when they recommend a Quad! It is absolutely night and day different now! I was kinda worried that it wouldnt make much difference but I am estatic! biggrin.gifcool.gifcool.gifcool.gif




If it worked or not I would use the Quad for everything else so it wouldnt have been a waste. My wife isnt even mad for me spending the money after she saw me run like a little kid to the living room, interrupted her movie and had her come look! She was amazed too!





She asked what exactly it was that I replaced (explained PC hardware to her many times but she just doesnt remember each part) I told her the Processor and showed her the old one and said it looks like this. "$300 dollars for that little thing"? I said but babe you could spend over a thousand on one of these little things. "So your telling me that that little thing is making your game run THAT much better"? biggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif I says.....YUP! She said she was expecting something the size of my 8800GTX.






Hell I dont even have the fastest memory.


Upgrade people

Anybody want a core2 duo 2.4? colgate.gif

I will have it, is it free biggrin.gif

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    I knew this game looked good! I said it before I upgraded to the Quad even with the framerate issues!!  I feel so bad for the people that cant see the real game! It looks awesome. I have NO framerate issues at all now. No other issues either!



  They aint lying when they recommend a Quad! It is absolutely night and day different now!  I was kinda worried that it wouldnt make much difference but I am estatic! biggrin.gif  cool.gif  cool.gif  cool.gif




  If it worked or not I would use the Quad for everything else so it wouldnt have been a waste. My wife isnt even mad for me spending the money after she saw me run like a little kid to the living room, interrupted her movie and had her come look!  She was amazed too!





  She asked what exactly it was that I replaced (explained PC hardware to her many times but she just doesnt remember each part) I told her the Processor and showed her the old one and said it looks like this. "$300 dollars for that little thing"? I said but babe you could spend over a thousand on one of these little things. "So your telling me that that little thing is making your game run THAT much better"?  biggrin.gif  biggrin.gif  biggrin.gif  I says.....YUP!  She said she was expecting something the size of my 8800GTX.






    Hell I dont even have the fastest memory.


    Upgrade people

  Anybody want a core2 duo 2.4? colgate.gif

I will have it, is it free biggrin.gif

To be honest, I would give it away if somebody was close by. I dont care. I have 8 video cards in my closet. The oldest being the Voodoo! Remember 3dFX!! That was a bad ass card with its purple pod and all. None of my friends are into high end pcs so I have a hard time getting rid of stuff. Every once in a while I will get rid of something. I think I keep this stuff for nostalgic reasons. Upgrade my wifes PC sometimes but she doesnt need the graphic stuff.

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Hell I have controllers, old games, all GTAs, Processors, memory, Tv tuner cards, power supplies, all kind of crap. That is just it, I will never reuse any of it. With PC hardware, and games for the most part "Been there, done that, dont look back" There are still some poor saps that would get an upgrade out of some of this stuff but I would feel guilty pawning this stuff of on them. smile.gif

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Good for you, I guess. I'm just as happy with my trusty E8400.


This little chip rocks!

Same cpu here too. Got this baby cranking at 3.6GHz. Paired with a set of 280gtx(SC) and it tears through everything thats not

a port. However, nvr2fst I'm glad your enjoying your quad. Nice cpu you got there smile.gif.



What CPU do you have. I see you qouted the E8400

Yea, its the e8400. It plays gtaiv pretty decent. I average about 24-27 fps with some peaks and valleys like everyone

else. Funny thing is I was over at microcenter after work and they have the quads on-sale. I ALMOST talked myself

into getting one. However, I've got a second pc I use to web-browse (using wifes atm) that I need to pickup a case and a

psu to get it back online so I decided to wait. What I really would like is an i7 setup. To pull that off however would set me

back about 900 bucks (mobo, cpu, mem). On that setup there was a video on here that showed someone playing gtaiv at

some insane res and still getting 30fps. Anyhoo...



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Good for you, I guess. I'm just as happy with my trusty E8400.


This little chip rocks!

Same cpu here too. Got this baby cranking at 3.6GHz. Paired with a set of 280gtx(SC) and it tears through everything thats not

a port. However, nvr2fst I'm glad your enjoying your quad. Nice cpu you got there smile.gif.



What CPU do you have. I see you qouted the E8400

Yea, its the e8400. It plays gtaiv pretty decent. I average about 24-27 fps with some peaks and valleys like everyone

else. Funny thing is I was over at microcenter after work and they have the quads on-sale. I ALMOST talked myself

into getting one. However, I've got a second pc I use to web-browse (using wifes atm) that I need to pickup a case and a

psu to get it back online so I decided to wait. What I really would like is an i7 setup. To pull that off however would set me

back about 900 bucks (mobo, cpu, mem). On that setup there was a video on here that showed someone playing gtaiv at

some insane res and still getting 30fps. Anyhoo...



when I was looking for this processor I read up on the i7. Not worth it .....YET. I quit spending on the first run on hardware.....It just makes no sense anymore. Too much money on launch. I used to do it but I came back down to earth. If there is a game that comes out and I cant run it decent....then I upgrade any or everything I need to. I am usually Future proof 1 to 2 years.

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I have come to my own personal opinion that running this game fast comes down to this, seriously, hear me out.


Memory - you need at least 533mhz (PC4200)speed, the size can be 1.5gig and up (judging by others, tho i have 2 gigs) - if I turn it any lower (like say 266mhz or 333mhz or 400mhz), I begin to get the hiccups and stutters we read so often.


CPU - You need 1066mhz FSB or better if your CPU is 2 cores and clocked at under 2.8ghz. Any slower FSB on 2 cores of lower than 2.8ghz, from what I've seen, is not efficient.


Video - wasn't really part of my journey, so I will leave this to anyone, it's not as important as the CPU and RAM I specified in this game, and there are many who have very different outcomes, good and bad, from the same cards, and from mainstream, budget, and even some of the big boys are funky too - so let's just say mine is an HD3850 and I get greater than 40FPS, with a 1.86ghz C2D processor. The only thing I can find that makes others with my slow processor have problems is that their version is only 800mhz, again, the FSB.


Anyone who has 533mhz ram and higher, and 1066mhz FSB speed on a processor with at least 1.8 ghz can run this game at great speeds, but I am not negating the common issues - the LOD flicker (like going from dukes bridge just before the toll booth, the road LOD always is gone and it looks beautiful, then wham, LOD on, then off, then on, then off as I'm "leaving the surface of that model", stuff like that)


Now, why do I say that? Before your adoption of the quad (congats by the way xmas.gif), did you meet or exceed my theoretical speed ratings above, regardless of the other values used for minimum and recommended specs? Did you meet 533ram, and 1066FSB, with at least a e6300?


One other thing I wondered is that I have the next level up from the 1066FSB C2D's, the 6320 with 4mb cache - may be helpful.


I wonder what speeds all of us are running at. Makes sense with the streaming nature of this engine.

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Yeah I agree. 7 seems to be the best OS so far, even at BETA stage. IMO this is the OS that's worth upgrading to from XP, Vista is horrible. Go for the 64 bit version though, I don't see any point in using 32 bit any more.


Downloading the latest 7 as I speak biggrin.gif.

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Vista just killing the framerate, xp and 7 beta is much better, why to use vista for gameing, on xp your rig will rock, lets compare benchmarks, try your max settings.

I have no problems with Vista and gaming. I can and have run every game out, maxed. I just set GTA4 to high to see what it would do with the new processor and I still average in the 30s with rain. I could not get the processor usage to go over 70 percent. smile.gif

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I just set GTA4 to high to see what it would do with the new processor and I still average in the 30s with rain. I could not get the processor usage to go over 70 percent.  smile.gif

Welcome to the quad club. biggrin.gif

Just have to coax him into the 4GHz club now. wink.gif

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