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I just met the most bitter player in GTA history

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Wow, I take time to type out a calm, non-flaming post with logical reasoning, and that's the reply you come up with? Tsk, tsk, how disappointing. Well, serves me right for putting time and effort into an argument with someone of your intellectual stature.  monocle.gif

Hmmm.....maybe because you compared using fake characters to grief other fake characters in a VIDEO GAME to someone committing multiple crimes against real people?


EDIT: Didn't see your other posts where you clarified that you were indeed a moron for the comparison. Is moron ok? I mean it's not sh*tbird or dickweasel...

Edited by ScrewedYou


Have you betrayed that guy yet?

Me? Have not had the chance to yet. If I do I'll return to this thread and post results.


EDIT: Is there a multi-quote function on this board?

Edited by ScrewedYou


Wow, I take time to type out a calm, non-flaming post with logical reasoning, and that's the reply you come up with? Tsk, tsk, how disappointing. Well, serves me right for putting time and effort into an argument with someone of your intellectual stature.  monocle.gif

Hmmm.....maybe because you compared using fake characters to grief other fake characters in a VIDEO GAME to someone committing multiple crimes against real people?


EDIT: Didn't see your other posts where you clarified that you were indeed a moron for the comparison. Is moron ok? I mean it's not sh*tbird or dickweasel...

OK, this is getting ridiculous now. Yeah, I admitted the analogy was over the top. I didn't say I was a moron for coming up with that analogy, because the analogy wasn't irrelevant. I even explained why it wasn't irrelevant. Actually, I believe I explained it several times, didn't I? And I'm almost positive I did it in a calm, logical manner, with little to no flaming.


I don't think I've intentionally insulted you at all for the duration of the argument taking place in this topic. In fact, in one of my more recent posts, I even apologized for any flaming I've done. So seriously, what the f*ck is the problem now?







You ARE being griefed...HERE...RIGHT NOW...just cuz its in a forum instead of a video game means nothing.


I think you must be right confused.gif

Superjude add me to your griefer account, I really wanna see all of you in action. I dont really quite get what "griefing" really is but I kind of get it.


for the guy who said about the kill to death ratio, how can you check that, I just wanna compare mine.


Is that invisible curb you mention on I.A. the last left, where if you cut it too tight you're all done? Yeah...I learned quickly to avoid cutting that one. Lost many a race thanks to that.


Yup! I usually sail around it just fine, but sometimes when the race is tight like that I think *maybe* it won't happen to me this time. And it does.




Anyway, I decided to use Griefer_Account for the first time in a while this morning. Got into an awesome game of TDM where I was running over my teammates, blowing them into the sky with the Rocket Launcher, and flinging them around with helicopter blades. A few people got pissed at me, but I just kept cracking jokes and boasting about how "good" I was doing! By the time the game was over, everyone was laughing and having a good time, despite the fact that we were losing miserably.


That's what I aim for when I go into games with the intention to grief. Some people take the game way too seriously, and it's really just my goal to get them to loosen up, have fun, and enjoy the game for what it's worth. Doesn't always work (see the reason this thread was started to begin with), but you gotta try!

Rudy you're right. Some people flip the F out! Read the post I just put in the Griefer Account thread about the guy from a GTA Race last night. He's a prime example of someone who probably shouldn't be playing video games. He probably shouldn't even be allowed to breathe anymore too.


Oh yeah on the corner in IA I've noticed that certain cars will hit it every time, like the Coquette and especially the Sabre GT, but when I have the Comet a lot of the time I don't have a problem with it. It's still gay tho.

Edited by ScrewedYou

What's intellectual stature?


I need someone to grief w/ when I'm not doin' somethin'. But then every griefer on my friends list is off by the time I'm done. How lame.


I was called a fanny. What's that? PSN messages are funny.




What's intellectual stature?

intellectual - possessing or showing intellect or mental capacity

stature - degree of development attained

intellectual stature - degree of mental development or capacity


Or to simplify it even more: level of smartness.


Anyways, some guy was griefing me in a race. He kept going the wrong direction, waiting for me to come by. Then he'd smash head first into my car, totally f*cking up my chances of getting a good position in the race. He'd also occasionally do a P.I.T. maneuver, send me spinning out of control, then he'd keep smashing into me while I tried to recover. The whole time, he was saying "Learn how to drive, f*ckin retard." He was only doing it to me. Griefers just want to make everyone have a good time, huh? What a giant load of steaming bullsh*t...


above post

haha thats a good way to look at it biggrin.gif hahalol im so happy everyone got to laff at me griefers are fun turn.giftounge2.gifwink.gifhappy.gif And they definitely AREN'T dumbass adolescent pieces of sh*t, and they definitely AREN'T the reason 49 out of every 50 Xbox Live matches suck ass. colgate.gif


Of course, what I meant to say was f*ck you.

I gotta wonder if the person griefing you is from this forum?


That is a classic move right there, drive backwards then accuse YOU of not knowing how to drive.


I've done that in games where my intent is to not get a kill and die as many times as possible. I will then message whomever had the most kills and accuse them of being a fag, a crappy shooter, a jihadist, whatever. Or using the voice changer and accusing other people of using voice changers. Or hosting an AA on game then accusing everybody of being a bitch because they play auto aim, etc etc etc.


Of course it sucks when somebody is derailing your game, and it truly used to annoy me greatly but I saw the light. In fact, my only qualm with a lot of griefers is that they suck at it.

above post

haha thats a good way to look at it biggrin.gif hahalol im so happy everyone got to laff at me griefers are fun turn.giftounge2.gifwink.gifhappy.gif And they definitely AREN'T dumbass adolescent pieces of sh*t, and they definitely AREN'T the reason 49 out of every 50 Xbox Live matches suck ass. colgate.gif


Of course, what I meant to say was f*ck you.

Glad we can agree.

What's intellectual stature?

intellectual - possessing or showing intellect or mental capacity

stature - degree of development attained

intellectual stature - degree of mental development or capacity


Or to simplify it even more: level of smartness.


Anyways, some guy was griefing me in a race. He kept going the wrong direction, waiting for me to come by. Then he'd smash head first into my car, totally f*cking up my chances of getting a good position in the race. He'd also occasionally do a P.I.T. maneuver, send me spinning out of control, then he'd keep smashing into me while I tried to recover. The whole time, he was saying "Learn how to drive, f*ckin retard." He was only doing it to me. Griefers just want to make everyone have a good time, huh? What a giant load of steaming bullsh*t...

I got lost w/ the definition until I saw "Level of Smartness". Aha. Thanks.


I set up road blocks& wait at spawn spots near weapon spawns in GTA Race, in regular races I race and either win or really close, unless I crash or racing in the Southern Switch w/ high traffic. biggrin.gif



In the realm of non bitter players...I randomly spawned into an AA match at the airport and while racking up kills, kept taunting everybody for playing AA. When the game ended, I really got on the host about AA and quit the room...only to respawn back in the same room and the dude had actually turned AA off.


So we played a couple really awesome games (despite my teammate refusing to play, reverse griefing me I guess?)


Just so rare you meet somebody you sh*t talk, who then has a sense of humor about it and is like "okay, tough guy, you want AA off, it's off!"


infadon_murderer was the dude. Kudos, bro!

Superjude add me to your griefer account, I really wanna see all of you in action. I dont really quite get what "griefing" really is but I kind of get it.


for the guy who said about the kill to death ratio, how can you check that, I just wanna compare mine.

since you hide in the sky to get your kills. its probably 5000 to 1.


Now that I'm back from my brief absence I am going to attempt to get Kotton to play GTA with me so I can execute my betrayal.  I'll post on how it turns out.

If you get him into a match you should invite other Griefers online to the game....would LOVE to see/hear it! devil.gif


And to the guy that got 'singularly' griefed...did the dude have a voice changer on?


I only have a few racing Grief techniques, but what you described fits one of them to a tee, including berating the racer being griefed for not knowing how to drive... biggrin.gif


Note: If it WAS me, then it wasn't cuz of seing you here...you were just lucky enough to have me spawn into your race...lmao

Now that I'm back from my brief absence I am going to attempt to get Kotton to play GTA with me so I can execute my betrayal.  I'll post on how it turns out.

If you get him into a match you should invite other Griefers online to the game....would LOVE to see/hear it! devil.gif


And to the guy that got 'singularly' griefed...did the dude have a voice changer on?


I only have a few racing Grief techniques, but what you described fits one of them to a tee, including berating the racer being griefed for not knowing how to drive... biggrin.gif


Note: If it WAS me, then it wasn't cuz of seing you here...you were just lucky enough to have me spawn into your race...lmao

Yeah if I was able to get him into a game with me the first thing I would do is send invites to you guys provided you were online.


I think the guy I sent the message to for sucking at driving after being griefed by me was a foreigner, his response was something completely unreadable. Still, I'll continue to employ it when griefing race mode.


I was actually racing for a short time this afternoon on my serious account. The room was mostly 7's and 8's but there was one guy that was a 3 named Blond1. He was Mexican I believe, speaking mostly spanish. Once I fired off a few insults his way he turned to somewhat broken english that I could make out as "I F'd your mom" and "you're a fag" and "I hate the USA" and other stuff. I snuck by him most of the time but there were the occasional times that he got me. Since the race had mostly skilled players it was hard to recover after being hit. After the third straight race of being unable to secure a victory I decided to grief him back by doing what I could to prevent him from griefing other players. He thought he was smooth blocking the first ramp on Southern Switch, until I sat at the top of ramp waiting for players to approach, then I zoomed down and knocked his ass across the street into the wall upside down, and the other players were able to continue on their merry way. Now usually I'm the one doing that type of stuff and I didn't mind him griefing me or anyone but I couldn't resist an opportunity to grief when I wasn't griefing lol.

foreign people have the best insults. i swear it was borat on the microphone telling me i was a "stupid silly boy", i tried to teach him better insults in english but i don't think he wanted to be taught by an "idiot child"

Edited by DA_LAD

You and me BOTH!! I forgot to message him this afternoon. I may not be on tonight, depends on how late I'm up. Got a buddy coming over to hang out and I'll probably be too hammered to string together a readable message....

There are a lot of angry people who play this game. That or the economy has really soured the mood this week, because I've heard more random trash talking this week than any time other than when everybody first got on multiplayer.


I mean like, I'm randomly entering games and walking into people screaming at eachother. I get my first couple kills of the game and say "yeah" kind of quietly and get told by my teammate to "Shut the f*ck up fa**ot"




On a random note, I did enter a game a couple nights ago where everybody was trying to kick this one dude with a voice changer who had apparently been griefing his team the last game. No clue who they were, but I'd like to think they read this forum.

As double posting is kind of a grey area: the last game I played, I got into a car and suddenly my teammate says "bitch, shut the f*ck up!" to which I ask "who, exactly, were you talking to?"


He said "you, the only person talking"


Then the hilarity of the situation hit me: he was hearing the radio in the car I was in playing through my bluetooth and thought I was talking some kind of crazy sh*t.


THAT was funny!

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