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Hey I used the Vice City MOD Packager Guide found on these forums to convert Knight Rider KITT and Knight Rider KARR to VCM files for easy install.


When I install them I get that little box says it is installing MOD, but then the gray box on VCMM turns green and then immeditally turns gray again.... Any ideas why this is?


I converted an actually '69 Dodger Charger/General Lee (Not the one that is just a SabreTurbo skin, but an actual charger to VCM and it installed correctly...


So I know VCMP and VCMM is working... Plus I have like 4 other card MODs installed through VCMM... Delorian, Flying Delorian (Replacing the Maverick), Volkswagen Beetle, Bulldozer, and the 1989 BatMobile...


I'm going to convert the HoverBoard to VCM if I can get KITT and KARR to convert correctly.


Please help! (Also If I posted this in the wrong place please forgive me!)

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