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weird swing of death


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Yesterday i was at the swing of death then my car hut some civilian and i got thrown out of the windscreen.


Moments later i went back to the car and someone was in the wreck trying to drive it but it wouldn't because it was so wrecked.


So i jacked the car back again and the guy had the cheek to steal it back as if it were his in the first place.


Anyone else had this glitch.

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Dear x Sergio
WTF is the Swing of Death? Be nice fags...I don't claim to know everything about GTA!






@ OP: I believe that since someone was in front of your car when it launched, the person who took your car after the crash was probably hostile since you hit his pal. For example, if you hit a gang member, it's possible a fellow gang member attempted to get in your car. Of course, if you stole the car, there's always a possibility that the original ped just tried to get his ride back.

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Dear x Sergio
Whenever I try to use the swingset of death, my character always falls out of the car windshield for some dam reason.

Because you're supposed to back into it instead of going in frontwards. In order to go in frontwards and not fly out of the windshield, simply tap LB/R1 quickly.

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Is the swing still in the PC version? I've seen a few play parks, but never noticed a swing.. Although I haven't really looked that closely.

It's still there where it should be, in Firefly Projects.


And to stay in the car when swinging, just go there in the multiplayer, you won't get catapulted out of the car, no matter how you drive into the swing.

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Is the swing still in the PC version? I've seen a few play parks, but never noticed a swing.. Although I haven't really looked that closely.

It´s even way sicker. You can do some wicked stuff.


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