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I hate GMax...

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Okay, hate's a strong word (at least it's free), but I'm not getting it. mad.gif


I want to take one pedestrian's head and put it on another pedestrian's body (I'm trying to switch one into another's clothes, but since the clothes are part of the skin, and the skin's shaped by the model, I've gotta do it the hard way). After creating a perfectly good headless body and bodiless head gmax file, I can't get the two of them onto the same screen.


After some research, I thought maybe I don't need to bother with all that work. If I just use "replace" to replace the head section of one with the other, maybe I could do it in one step. But that doesn't work. I can "replace" all I like, nothing actually changes unless I replace everything and then, of course, the whole model swaps out.


Why in God's name doesn't GMax have a simple copy/paste command for just selecting one group of polygons and sticking them into another file? Anyway, I could use some help on this one...

Edited by Brit_Bllt
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Tried that, over and over again. It didn't seem to do anything either.


CORRECTION: When I merge the two intact models together, pick "head" and choose "remove old" for everything, I get a freaky giraffe-necked model. whatsthat.gif

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How about you do them both in the same file? Like, why are you using two different max documents anyway? WHy not import both to the same file in gmax and then edit each and put them together like that? Pretty trivial really...


But I think you will need to reskin it after ward, and there will surely need to be poly edits to weld it all together cleanly.

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Hm, I wasn't thinking of import like that - I was treating it more like a "convert" option. I'll try importing them both this afternoon. Polyediting won't be hard, but I'll have to learn how to reconnect the vertices to bone when it's all done. I'll have to do that anyway with another ped model in the works, so I might as well get that started. It's a shame merge or replace won't do it though, it seems like that'd be the simplest way.

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Okay, that worked - thanks!


Now the model's perfect, but I'm running into that stupid "object is not skinned correctly, skin modifier must be at topmost of hierarchy" gibberish. And I'd be happy to rig the head, except that I can't find ANY pedestrian rigging tutorials that deal with GMax, and the instructions don't make any sense when I try to interpet them from other tutorials. Apparently there's a quickrigging tutorial by someone named modelingdude, because threads here have referred to it, but I couldn't find anything on Google. There's "the world's simplest rigging tutorial", but it didn't make any sense because it's not for GMax. Even the GMax tutorials seem useless, because they skip steps. "Select 'paint weight'," it cheerfully says, but it didn't say how to even get that option on the screen and, once it's on the screen, how to make it so the button's not grayed out...


All this, just to change a pedestian's clothes... dontgetit.gif


If anyone can gave a simple version of how to rig a perfectly matched polygonal head onto a pedestrian's skeleton (it's already position perfectly, polygons matched up and everything), you'll have saved this mod's life! The rest of the body's fine, I didn't change anything except deleting the old head's polygons and fitting the new head in its place.

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Well I thought I'd solved it by using "add bone" to connect the entire polygon-head to the head bone (I'll worry about rigging the jaws separately later, I'd like to at least see if I can export it first), but now it's saying "select the skinned character only" every time I try. I HATE this, all I'm trying to do is swap one head for another, why is that so difficult? Anyway, does *anybody* know how to just rig a pedestrian's head to an already-existing skeleton? This should be really simple, and it's not, because all the tutorials I've read waste time and make themselves impossible to follow by talking about MAKING skeletons, which is useless to me because I'm not trying to build a new model, I'm just slightly adjusting one that already exists! mad.gif


EDIT: Maybe I missed some stray shoulder polygons, I'll try that...


...and now the head and jaw have simply VANISHED from the list of bones I can rig the head portion to. I didn't save any changes, this is the exact same model I was working on before. There's no consistency to GMax at all. It's like it just makes things available or unavailable whenever it feels like it.

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