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Speculation about future SLI support

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Hey you can trust Rockstar. They will have a patch that fixes everything. Sit back and wait. Screw the money you've spent paying their salaries by buying this pos ported piece of ASS. You just sit back and let Rockstar do their thing. Everything is under control. The PC version is fine. It runs great and looks good. The thousands of threads relating to problems with the game are false!! Just play away son!! You got dis!!


F*CK YOU ROCKSTAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He's right, I'm having a bitch of a time finding it though. It was stated that SLI was to be supported with further patches.

I know I read it on a release note or something.


I know that sounds less than credible.



Makes no sense for it not to be true anyways.

Ive read it aswell somewhere, along the lines of

"SLi support will be added with a future patche along with updated nvidia drivers"


Edit : Heres the proof, its in black and white on documentation direct from R*



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