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I tried already, but it returns only hashes which i have to convert in to text...




f32 plx, ply, plz;u32 place1, place2;...GetCharCoordinates(GetPlayerPed(), &plx, &ply, &plz);FindStreetNameAtPosition(plx, ply, plz, &place1, &place2);const ch *ccPlace = GetStringFromHashKey(place1);PrintStringWithLiteralStringNow("STRING", ccPlace, 2000,1);



Don't forget: with "FindStreetNameAtPosition" you get only the name of the closest street, NOT the name of the street u'r standing... Why? I have no idea confused.gif


Życzę dużo zabawy wink.gif

Really helpfull, dzieki !!! wink.gif

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey, I was hoping somebody would be able to help me with ScriptHook...


I've compiled a .dll (and renamed it to .asi for GTA IV) using the ScriptHook development kit, and am using the latest version of aru's ScriptHook. At first, the game was constantly crashing on load (either not responding or the process terminates). After replacing the compiled ScriptHook.dll with the redistributable version, it works somewhat; the game loads, but the scripts do not appear to be executing.


I then checked the ScriptHook.log file and found;



Log start: Sun Apr 29 22:55:46 2012


[iNFO] GTA IV Script Hook 0.5.1 - © 2009, Aru - Initialized

[iNFO] Process base address: 0x400000

[iNFO] Auto detecting game version

[FATAL] Failed to detect game version



I am using the Steam version of GTA IV (so I presume the latest version). Does anybody know why I am experiencing the aforesaid problems, or am I missing something?




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Hey, I was hoping somebody would be able to help me with ScriptHook...


I've compiled a .dll (and renamed it to .asi for GTA IV) using the ScriptHook development kit, and am using the latest version of aru's ScriptHook. At first, the game was constantly crashing on load (either not responding or the process terminates). After replacing the compiled ScriptHook.dll with the redistributable version, it works somewhat; the game loads, but the scripts do not appear to be executing.


I then checked the ScriptHook.log file and found;



Log start: Sun Apr 29 22:55:46 2012


[iNFO] GTA IV Script Hook 0.5.1 - © 2009, Aru - Initialized

[iNFO] Process base address: 0x400000

[iNFO] Auto detecting game version

[FATAL] Failed to detect game version



I am using the Steam version of GTA IV (so I presume the latest version). Does anybody know why I am experiencing the aforesaid problems, or am I missing something?




Why are you renaming it to ".asi"? You can compile your script as "myMod.net.dll" and place it in the scripts folder and it should work fine. In order to make an asi mod, I believe you have to compile it as such, not just rename it.

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Hey, I was hoping somebody would be able to help me with ScriptHook...


I've compiled a .dll (and renamed it to .asi for GTA IV) using the ScriptHook development kit, and am using the latest version of aru's ScriptHook. At first, the game was constantly crashing on load (either not responding or the process terminates). After replacing the compiled ScriptHook.dll with the redistributable version, it works somewhat; the game loads, but the scripts do not appear to be executing.


I then checked the ScriptHook.log file and found;



Log start: Sun Apr 29 22:55:46 2012


[iNFO] GTA IV Script Hook 0.5.1 - © 2009, Aru - Initialized

[iNFO] Process base address: 0x400000

[iNFO] Auto detecting game version

[FATAL] Failed to detect game version



I am using the Steam version of GTA IV (so I presume the latest version). Does anybody know why I am experiencing the aforesaid problems, or am I missing something?




Why are you renaming it to ".asi"? You can compile your script as "myMod.net.dll" and place it in the scripts folder and it should work fine. In order to make an asi mod, I believe you have to compile it as such, not just rename it.

I've done what you've said, renamed it back to .dll and placed it within the 'scripts' directory, but still no luck.

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I am obviously using the C++ ScriptHook (hence posting in this topic). So, could somebody give me a list of files that need to be in my GTA IV directory for the ScriptHook to work, and where?

Which version of the scripthook are you using, I have never seen a "failed to detect game version" error in my scripthook log, is why I ask. In my install folder, I have "ScriptHookDotNet.asi and ScriptHook.net.dll.", plus an asi loader (I use Xliveless) as well as a "scripts" folder. This should be all you need to run .net mods.

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I am obviously using the C++ ScriptHook (hence posting in this topic). So, could somebody give me a list of files that need to be in my GTA IV directory for the ScriptHook to work, and where?

then why is your dumbass putting .net at the end


Dont talk like ur smart because it's obvious your a f*ckin retard...FULL RETARD!!!!!!!!!!!

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I am obviously using the C++ ScriptHook (hence posting in this topic). So, could somebody give me a list of files that need to be in my GTA IV directory for the ScriptHook to work, and where?

then why is your dumbass putting .net at the end


Dont talk like ur smart because it's obvious your a f*ckin retard...FULL RETARD!!!!!!!!!!!

I think it was aru who said I needed to make it an ASI, via IRC (if not, I definately read it somewhere). Anyway, thanks for the insulting PM...PussyTamer.

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You don't need to rename your binary to asi. It's just that some not so smart people coded their loaders to only load asi files.



Should i go pull up your retard posts noob??


You think your a f*ckin a genius bitch??? WTF have you coded??? hmmm?? eh? never heard of your ass loser get lost

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No I am not mad bro.




Should i go pull up your retard posts noob??


You think your a f*ckin a genius bitch??? WTF have you coded??? hmmm?? eh? never heard of your ass loser get lost

What is your problem? Stop being so aggressive and disrespectful over nothing. He is only stating that some people code their loaders to load only .ASI mods. What's wrong with that?

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  • 4 weeks later...


right on thanks for another download mirror the one in first post don't work for me


and CallumISAHomo

Good god stfu already..

do think everyone wants to read you running your mouth ?

ya gotta scrub that sand out of ya vagina there chief !


Whats with kids these days so bloody cocky and mouthy

I bet your attitude would be different if you were looking UP at me wink.gif


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  • 2 weeks later...

can anyone upload the sdk part ?

links are dead


im trying to find a way to fix the memory / car mod - traffic issues

and gamepad save bug when using xliveless

Im spending time in a debugger and sometime im coding in

patched code using xlive as a loader for custom code etc

but writing some scripts might be quicker or open new possibilities

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right on smile.gif

thanks for sharing the link


i want to fix the custom cars / taxi bug

although i am skilled at cracking and coding

there is a number of extremly skilled people around here

and if they didn't do it yet i doubt i can ..slim chances



I have done what others could not (in cracking) man many times before

so ya never know unless ya try


I couldn't find the words to express how much that custom car bug pisses me off

if there was a solid proper fix for that issue the game would be 1,000x better i think

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