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I have tested 0.5.1 with GTA IV, but it seems that the dll isn't loaded by the game.

When I have the mod XLiveLess installed, the dll is loaded.


What have I done wrong?



The ASI Loader for SH was missing.

Perhaps add this as installation instruction.

Edited by H3llGhost
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  • 2 weeks later...

Two things I found using 5.1 BETA:

I'm running GTA IV, patch


No scripts are now loading, but scripts did work with the last version.


A small bug, but it is enough to annoy me, rain goes though solid objects. It rains inside safe-houses, inside buildings, and inside/under other structures.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Can any one tell me how to fix this

2011-09-01 17:33:15 - Error during NetHook.Tick:

System.AccessViolationException: Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt.

at unmanaged.NativeContext3.Invoke(Int32 nameptr, Byte[] args, Int32 argnum, NativeContext3* cxt)

at GTA.ScriptDomain.RemoteEvent(RemoteEventArgs ev)

at GTA.ScriptDomain.ProcessRemoteEvents()

at GTA.ScriptDomain.Tick()

at GTA.NetHook.Tick()


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  • 3 weeks later...
GTA IV C++ Script Hook

Version 0.5.1 BETA (May 28 2010)


- Download Version 0.5.1 (Redistributable) -


Supports GTAIV and EFLC Released as BETA, not tested extensively, bug reports are welcome (don't PM me with them, just post them in this thread).




Version 0.5.0 (Apr 16 2010)


- Download Version 0.5.0 (Redistributable) -


Supports GTAIV and EFLC


Please note that 0.4.0 onwards comes with a new License that is different from earlier versions. Make sure you read and understand ScriptHook-License.txt before you make use of ScriptHook.dll.




Development Info


This one is for all you coders out there (hopefully, there's still a lot of you)...


This module will let you create a custom script thread in C++ and have GTAIV process it along with its real scripts threads. Additionally, a type-safe manner to access native functions in GTAIV is provided.


Currently headers and a compiled dynamic library (DLL) is provided. Some very naive samples are provided as well. This is meant to be a base to build on top of. Feel free to contribute your own samples!


- Download Version 0.4.0 (Development Kit) -


Please note that 0.4.0 onwards comes with a new License that is different from earlier versions. Make sure you read and understand ScriptHook-License.txt before you make use of the ScriptHook SDK.


Developing for the 0.5.0 hook: You can continue to use the 0.4.0 SDK for development, and it is not being updated at this time. An updated DevLoader is available here:

- Download 0.5.0 DevLoader -

- Download 0.5.1 DevLoader -




Solution/Project files in zip are for VC++ 2008. Please read UpdateGuide.txt if you're upgrading your code to work from an older version of ScriptHook.


Whats New in 0.5.1


- Added support for GTAIV and EFLC

- Support for invoking undocumented natives by their "new" hash.


Whats New in 0.5.0


- Added support for GTAIV and EFLC

- Enabled MP on all unranked modes, however your multiplayer session will be isolated from people not using mods.

- Fixed bug with text flickering when using ScriptThread/NativeFiberThread

- Fixed bug with crashing when going in/out of video editor


Whats New in 0.4.0


- Added support for GTAIV 1.0.4 (Patch #5)

- New programming model replaces NativeThread and NativeFiberThread with ScriptThread

- A lot of performance enhancements, including:

---- Natives are now directly invoked using the native hash and not the name

---- "SpeedyInvoke" which dynamically rewrites parts of your compiled code to prevent repeated lookups of natives (only enabled for Release builds)

- Rewrote thread/service loading and now has better detection for when new game sessions start.

- Some minor bugs fixed


Whats New in 0.3.0


- New extensible services framework providing the following services currently:

---- D3DHook: Direct3D Device Hooking

---- Config: Configuration (ini and xml)

---- KeyboardHook: Keyboard hook to recieve events of key presses

---- Menu: A simple yet effective menu creation framework

- New "Speedo" sample demonstrating the use of services

- Added DevLoader which is an ASI loader with some development features such as module unload/reload.

- Improved thread hooking into the game -- less chances of crashing while hooking now (not that it crashed before).

- Added ability to unregister threads that were registered

- Added support for starting threads on demand

- Changed a lot of non-important log messages from Info to Debug

- Few internal bug fixes.


Whats New in 0.2.6


- Added support for GTAIV 1.0.4

- Support for Multiplayer when in LAN (any mode), or Online (Freeroam or Party mode only)

- Added a fix for world Z calculation for the Teleport sample in SampleCustomFiber


Whats New in 0.2.5


- Added support for GTAIV 1.0.3

- ScriptHook is now a DLL that can be updated independently of the mods that use it.

- Improved detection/hooking of scripts into the game engine

- Fixed invocation of natives that have Vector3* parameter types

- Fixed GetGlobalAddress/GetGlobalValue/SetGlobalValue for accessing Global variables

- Merged some of the Scripting native contributions back into the source (937 natives now available)

- A number of internal bug fixes

- ScriptHook is disabled for online play (currently its disabled regardless of which mode you play in or even Live/LAN, but this might change in the future)




- listener for some of the REing and natives mapping

- Seeman for some of the Natives documentation

- Reconsider for being my guinea pig on IRC during early development

- HazardX for some cleaned up natives

- sjaak327 for a lot of help with testing

- All of you guys PMing and emailing me and making me find the time to work on this smile.gif

- Last but not least, you (yes, you!) for creating (assuming that you will be creating) wonderful mods for this game.


Thanks guys!



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  • 2 weeks later...
Some people asked for a link to the devloader, so I'm posting a working link here:


0.5.1 Devloader



Version Mismatch


The ScriptHook Loader (d3d9.dll) requires ScriptHook.dll version 0.4.0 in order to function.




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  • 2 weeks later...

Anyone has a working link for 4.0 SDK?

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Hé, i downloaded Simple trainer v6.3 on gtagaming.com


I have windows 7 and it says that i need to open it with administrator.

When i do this and the game is full loaded, (with the stuff for TBoGT en TLaD placed in the EFLC map) and i hit f3 or f4 the trainer don't open.


Can you tell me what to do???


Plz i don't now what to do now. nervous.gif


And those patches don't work if i click on the link......



PLZ HELP ME dozingoff.gif

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you.


Does anyone know in what order the Heading, Pitch, and Roll are applied to the transformation? I can tell that they are rotations around body's Z, X, and -Y respectively, but I seem to have the order wrong.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
Two things I found using 5.1 BETA:

I'm running GTA IV, patch


No scripts are now loading, but scripts did work with the last version.


A small bug, but it is enough to annoy me, rain goes though solid objects. It rains inside safe-houses, inside buildings, and inside/under other structures.

i have the same weather indoors bug using scripthook.dll, using patch gta, i hate it confused.gif

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  • 1 month later...


Can someone tell me how to save the object spawned and how to load it? pleaseee



I think my first message got deleted so I am writing this again.


I've read your post here about wanting to learn how to spawn objects/delete. I host a YouTube channel and I am the creator of a trainer called My Super Mega Trainer.


Here is a link below. Let me know if you have any questions.







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Hey everybody, maybye someone here can help me a little.


For a long time i was trying to figure out how to convert hashes from




in to a char, so i can easly display it on the screen with DisplayTextWithLiteralString.

Looked already everywhere but still can't get to it.



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  • 1 month later...


I tried already, but it returns only hashes which i have to convert in to text...




f32 plx, ply, plz;u32 place1, place2;...GetCharCoordinates(GetPlayerPed(), &plx, &ply, &plz);FindStreetNameAtPosition(plx, ply, plz, &place1, &place2);const ch *ccPlace = GetStringFromHashKey(place1);PrintStringWithLiteralStringNow("STRING", ccPlace, 2000,1);



Don't forget: with "FindStreetNameAtPosition" you get only the name of the closest street, NOT the name of the street u'r standing... Why? I have no idea confused.gif


Życzę dużo zabawy wink.gif


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  • 3 weeks later...

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