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Thank you very much indeed.


I was planning to convert this code to c#, but no need. It is lean and crispy.


Time to implement a communication between this dll (running in gta process) and an external vb process to include vb coders to have an easy-going UI with a solid c++ dll at back-end.

Exporting the calls will not be enough. As then, even through extern dll calls, a new instance of this dll will get loaded into vb process, and the gta4-process injected dll will not be referenced.


cheers, and happy coding

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Oh well, no biggie. Dled VC2008 and messed around with it. Been meaning to learn something other than VB anyway.

But I have question: how do I display text? Displaying your own strings isn't probably possible, like in SA, but how can I display text from GXTs? I don't really know what gxtName should be.

If you want to display your own strings without using a gxt file, you could use Direct3D.


DL the DirectX SDK: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details...&displaylang=en


Then follow this tutorial: http://www.toymaker.info/Games/html/text.html


It's actually doable with no/little experience with C++ (i could do it, so that is proof) tounge.gif

Edited by the hubster
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great job aru! i am just having a problem with constant ingame crashes. Did you use the asi loader that came with alice or the more outdated standalone asi loader(both by Alexander Blade)?

I did all my testing with xliveless... avail @ http://www.gtaforums.com/index.php?showtopic=388658&st=0


You might have to copy some save games around to get it to load your existing save, but other than that, its works pretty well.

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Yeah, a DotNet script hook (for C# and VB.Net) would be perfect! I already tried to compile the scripthook with managed extensions (to call other dotnet assemblies from it) but it crashes the game. sad.gif nevertheless, amazing work aru!

This is un-managed pure C++ code if im correct smile.gif I prefere unmanaged myself since i learned C++ in CBuilder 6.

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You need 2008 to open the sln file... for 2005, just create a empty Win32 DLL project and add the source files (cpp/h) to it.


And yes, this is fully unmanaged C++. I *think* it should still load up with IV if compiled with /clr, as long as you keep the CustomThread, NativeThread, NativeContext, etc classes as unmanaged since they are subclasses of game types.

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And yes, this is fully unmanaged C++. I *think* it should still load up with IV if compiled with /clr, as long as you keep the CustomThread, NativeThread, NativeContext, etc classes as unmanaged since they are subclasses of game types.

Yes, i tried that. It crashed. confused.gif I was suprised too. I converted other unmanaged projects to mixedmode/managed projects before, but yet i'm still VERY unexperienced in C++ and such a hook is a more special case too. I maybe did something wrong... i just added the /clr parameter and added "#pragma unmanaged" directives to all files, to be sure that no unwanted stuff is compiled as managed.

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Argh, 2008 version needs now activation. Can i download full version from somewhere?

Just get the Visual Studio 2008 Express Edition. It's free.

I have it, but it needs now activation because it is 30 days old or something.

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Register this product within 30 days. To receive your free registration key, click Register Product on the Help menu of your Express Edition. For more information, visit Registration Benefits .


DLL/ASI loader = "XLiveLess" or "ASI Loader"

Edited by L0uNGeR
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