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I finally "cracked" all performance walls!,

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i have a noob question sad.gif


what is a commandline lol


where do i type that stuff  because i want to play on high textures smile.gif

"commandline" tweaks the games and gives you different additional option.

Create text file in your GTA IV folder and call it "commandline"- put the commands in the first line with space between them.

Edited by ron123
your funny !


if you have 512mb of VRAM high texture quality will not work as it suppose to why well the reason textures are in VRAM is because its incredibly fast, if it runs out of VRAM it will put textures in RAM therefore taking much longer to show up etc etc OR it will not bother showing the textures at all so ok you may be able to have some text saying high texture quality BUT all the high quality textures will not be showing hence why there is not much of a performance hit because the game does simply not show them!!!


i too with my 512mb VRAM can get high textures running at roughly same FPS but does that mean its all be showing NOOOO


the loading of textures is bad all ready within restrictions using high textures that far exceed the amount of VRAM you have will just make it worse


if the textures on high worked with a 512mb GPU with almost no performance hit dont you think that it wouldnt be restricted


you make me LOL



OH YE and also availablevidmem makes the game use more ram than VRAM therefore slowing FPS or loading of textures


before i had the commandline i was running with a slightly higher FPS and memory usage was norm


after the command line more of the ram was being used and i think Vram was at 30%usage which is LOW which will if anything decrease performance as VRAM is faster



I would also like to add you do not need to change CPU priority on vista as it does this automatically with full screen APPS aka games


cacheboost can also help mem leaks and improve performance





your screen shots look like turd anyway, because you do not have enough VRAM

your funny !


if you have 512mb of VRAM high texture quality will not work as it suppose to why well the reason textures are in VRAM is because its incredibly fast, if it runs out of VRAM it will put textures in RAM therefore taking much longer to show up etc etc OR it will not bother showing the textures at all so ok you may be able to have some text saying high texture quality BUT all the high quality textures will not be showing hence why there is not much of a performance hit because the game does simply not show them!!!


i too with my 512mb VRAM can get high textures running at roughly same FPS but does that mean its all be showing NOOOO


the loading of textures is bad all ready within restrictions using high textures that far exceed the amount of VRAM you have will just make it worse


if the textures on high worked with a 512mb GPU with almost no performance hit dont you think that it wouldnt be restricted


you make me LOL



OH YE and also availablevidmem makes the game use more ram than VRAM therefore slowing FPS or loading of textures


before i had the commandline i was running with a slightly higher FPS and memory usage was norm


after the command line more of the ram was being used and i think Vram was at 30%usage which is LOW which will if anything decrease performance as VRAM is faster



I would also like to add you do not need to change CPU priority on vista as it does this automatically with full screen APPS aka games


cacheboost can also help mem leaks and improve performance





your screen shots look like turd anyway, because you do not have enough VRAM

Textures won't work? -ha ha ha

Let me explain you how textetures work:

All textures have been saved in your GTA IV folder in the hard drive, from thier the processor loads them to the VRAM and RAM. Even with 5 Gb of VRAM you won't be able to load them all together.

Your computer always uploads the textures in some radius.

most of close texturs being load to the VRAN memory (the fastest one) and most of the far textures being load to the RAM memory.

All textures should be processed, and as a resoult the CPU usage goes higher, it goes higher with higher quality of textures and higher resolutions.

Normally GTA give you a limit to the size of textures relative to the amount of your free VRAM. the "norestrictions" command cancels this limit and your VRAM goes full, then as a result of full VRAM your textures may not have enough memory and it couses all the "bugs\missinging textures",with the commande "availablevidmem x.xx"you set the amount of free RAM that GTA IV will use as an extra to RAM that is already in use, this allowes loading of more far texturs. the problem is that more textures cost more CPU usage which may drop the general framerate.

If you see a textures (and it's not flickering), then you can know that it excists and that it in the proper way.


user posted image


your funny !


if you have 512mb of VRAM high texture quality will not work as it suppose to why well the reason textures are in VRAM is because its incredibly fast, if it runs out of VRAM it will put textures in RAM therefore taking much longer to show up etc etc OR it will not bother showing the textures at all so ok you may be able to have some text saying high texture quality BUT all the high quality textures will not be showing hence why there is not much of a performance hit because the game does simply not show them!!!


i too with my 512mb VRAM can get high textures running at roughly same FPS but does that mean its all be showing NOOOO


the loading of textures is bad all ready within restrictions using high textures that far exceed the amount of VRAM you have will just make it worse


if the textures on high worked with a 512mb GPU with almost no performance hit dont you think that it wouldnt be restricted


you make me LOL



OH YE and also availablevidmem makes the game use more ram than VRAM therefore slowing FPS or loading of textures


before i had the commandline i was running with a slightly higher FPS and memory usage was norm


after the command line more of the ram was being used and i think Vram was at 30%usage which is LOW which will if anything decrease performance as VRAM is faster



I would also like to add you do not need to change CPU priority on vista as it does this automatically with full screen APPS aka games


cacheboost can also help mem leaks and improve performance





your screen shots look like turd anyway, because you do not have enough VRAM

Textures won't work? -ha ha ha

Let me explain you how textetures work:

All textures have been saved in your GTA IV folder in the hard drive, from thier the processor loads them to the VRAM and RAM. Even with 5 Gb of VRAM you won't be able to load them all together.

Your computer always uploads the textures in some radius.

most of close texturs being load to the VRAN memory (the fastest one) and most of the far textures being load to the RAM memory.

All textures should be processed, and as a resoult the CPU usage goes higher, it goes higher with higher quality of textures and higher resolutions.

Normally GTA give you a limit to the size of textures relative to the amount of your free VRAM. the "norestrictions" command cancels this limit and your VRAM goes full, then as a result of full VRAM your textures may not have enough memory and it couses all the "bugs\missinging textures",with the commande "availablevidmem x.xx"you set the amount of free RAM that GTA IV will use as an extra to RAM that is already in use, this allowes loading of more far texturs. the problem is that more textures cost more CPU usage which may drop the general framerate.

If you see a textures (and it's not flickering), then you can know that it excists and that it in the proper way.


user posted image

but the fact is if you can RUN high textures smoothly with 512mb of VRAM why did they restrict it in the first place?


you might say because of high CPU usage but if they have a capable processor why should it be limited with 512mb of vram?





Note: about mirmihir for his: "Open regedit and go to hkey local machine/system/current control set/control/session manager/memory management and change disablepagingexecutive and largesystemcache to 1" - this really works, changing the "fage file usage" to min always helpfull, I readed It in Microsoft's site about thier games.(the posted gameplay without mirmihir's tweak)


Under all but the most very extreme circumstances it does nothing. What this setting does is force XP to keep the kernel (the core of the operating system) in RAM. This means that the kernel will reside in the fastest storage area in your computer. Sounds great right? Guess what? XP does this anyway unless the system comes under such an extremely heavy load that it needs the space. The very millisecond that the system has free memory, it will put the kernel right back into RAM. If the system is in such dire straights that it needs to use the space that the kernel is using I would say you are on your way to a crash and you better let whatever wants the space have it. You also better add more memory ASAP.




This is just hoax

Note: about mirmihir for his: "Open regedit and go to hkey local machine/system/current control set/control/session manager/memory management and change disablepagingexecutive and largesystemcache to 1" - this really works, changing the "fage file usage" to min always helpfull, I readed It in Microsoft's site about thier games.(the posted gameplay without mirmihir's tweak)


Under all but the most very extreme circumstances it does nothing. What this setting does is force XP to keep the kernel (the core of the operating system) in RAM. This means that the kernel will reside in the fastest storage area in your computer. Sounds great right? Guess what? XP does this anyway unless the system comes under such an extremely heavy load that it needs the space. The very millisecond that the system has free memory, it will put the kernel right back into RAM. If the system is in such dire straights that it needs to use the space that the kernel is using I would say you are on your way to a crash and you better let whatever wants the space have it. You also better add more memory ASAP.




This is just hoax

just to add cacheboost can force this as well without a registry edit

i too with my 512mb VRAM can get high textures running at roughly same FPS but does that mean its all be showing NOOOO


the loading of textures is bad all ready within restrictions using high textures that far exceed the amount of VRAM you have will just make it worse


if the textures on high worked with a 512mb GPU with almost no performance hit dont you think that it wouldnt be restricted


you make me LOL


You are wrong here, well at least from my pov. Using LOW Tex quality actually does not increase my performance at all. Almost no difference in the benchmark or during gameplay between Low and High. sing the "-availablevidmem 1.25" on my card allowed me to use high quality textures without getting any blurry or slow loading textures.

Note: about mirmihir for his: "Open regedit and go to hkey local machine/system/current control set/control/session manager/memory management and change disablepagingexecutive and largesystemcache to 1" - this really works, changing the "fage file usage" to min always helpfull, I readed It in Microsoft's site about thier games.(the posted gameplay without mirmihir's tweak)


Under all but the most very extreme circumstances it does nothing. What this setting does is force XP to keep the kernel (the core of the operating system) in RAM. This means that the kernel will reside in the fastest storage area in your computer. Sounds great right? Guess what? XP does this anyway unless the system comes under such an extremely heavy load that it needs the space. The very millisecond that the system has free memory, it will put the kernel right back into RAM. If the system is in such dire straights that it needs to use the space that the kernel is using I would say you are on your way to a crash and you better let whatever wants the space have it. You also better add more memory ASAP.




This is just hoax

just to add cacheboost can force this as well without a registry edit

Dont get me wrong but all this does not help very much if the system is crap already.


I have e8400 @ 3ghz 4gb ram, and with superfetch running, its doing very well. The performance is very good, the "way ahead" will only happen if the engine is fixed, witch i doubt, so at all it need is more cpu, oc is the way.


I doubt seriously about all those "memory manager" programs. And i think vista64 have a very good memory management.

Note: about mirmihir for his: "Open regedit and go to hkey local machine/system/current control set/control/session manager/memory management and change disablepagingexecutive and largesystemcache to 1" - this really works, changing the "fage file usage" to min always helpfull, I readed It in Microsoft's site about thier games.(the posted gameplay without mirmihir's tweak)


Under all but the most very extreme circumstances it does nothing. What this setting does is force XP to keep the kernel (the core of the operating system) in RAM. This means that the kernel will reside in the fastest storage area in your computer. Sounds great right? Guess what? XP does this anyway unless the system comes under such an extremely heavy load that it needs the space. The very millisecond that the system has free memory, it will put the kernel right back into RAM. If the system is in such dire straights that it needs to use the space that the kernel is using I would say you are on your way to a crash and you better let whatever wants the space have it. You also better add more memory ASAP.




This is just hoax

just to add cacheboost can force this as well without a registry edit

Dont get me wrong but all this does not help very much if the system is crap already.


I have e8400 @ 3ghz 4gb ram, and with superfetch running, its doing very well. The performance is very good, the "way ahead" will only happen if the engine is fixed, witch i doubt, so at all it need is more cpu, oc is the way.


I doubt seriously about all those "memory manager" programs. And i think vista64 have a very good memory management.

it helps with any memory leaks and since the prog takes under 2MB of ram itself its usually worht it my performance does nto degrade now


also i have a Q6600 and 4GB ram and although my GTA4 is working to an acceptable level i would not says its doing very well, i also turn super fetch off with it on its constantly loading data at start up for about 5-10 minutes, most of the cache data it probs dont need anyway so it gets off loaded and the stuff needed gets loaded on slowing things down


and at the end of the day what does superfetch do speed up the loading times of your programs by what 2-5 seconds BIG whoop, whilst doing this it slows bootup loading times, wears your hard drive and can slow things down in some cases which is why i have it off smile.gif

Note: about mirmihir for his: "Open regedit and go to hkey local machine/system/current control set/control/session manager/memory management and change disablepagingexecutive and largesystemcache to 1" - this really works, changing the "fage file usage" to min always helpfull, I readed It in Microsoft's site about thier games.(the posted gameplay without mirmihir's tweak)


Under all but the most very extreme circumstances it does nothing. What this setting does is force XP to keep the kernel (the core of the operating system) in RAM. This means that the kernel will reside in the fastest storage area in your computer. Sounds great right? Guess what? XP does this anyway unless the system comes under such an extremely heavy load that it needs the space. The very millisecond that the system has free memory, it will put the kernel right back into RAM. If the system is in such dire straights that it needs to use the space that the kernel is using I would say you are on your way to a crash and you better let whatever wants the space have it. You also better add more memory ASAP.




This is just hoax

just to add cacheboost can force this as well without a registry edit

Dont get me wrong but all this does not help very much if the system is crap already.


I have e8400 @ 3ghz 4gb ram, and with superfetch running, its doing very well. The performance is very good, the "way ahead" will only happen if the engine is fixed, witch i doubt, so at all it need is more cpu, oc is the way.


I doubt seriously about all those "memory manager" programs. And i think vista64 have a very good memory management.

it helps with any memory leaks and since the prog takes under 2MB of ram itself its usually worht it my performance does nto degrade now


also i have a Q6600 and 4GB ram and although my GTA4 is working to an acceptable level i would not says its doing very well, i also turn super fetch off with it on its constantly loading data at start up for about 5-10 minutes, most of the cache data it probs dont need anyway so it gets off loaded and the stuff needed gets loaded on slowing things down


and at the end of the day what does superfetch do speed up the loading times of your programs by what 2-5 seconds BIG whoop, whilst doing this it slows bootup loading times, wears your hard drive and can slow things down in some cases which is why i have it off smile.gif

i checked the preloading cache data. I was playing most medieval ii and gta iv. I was surprised that, checking the files being cached on memory (with resources monitor) was a lot of gta iv files. So when i was looking mail it was precaching gta.


hi guys, i've got a problem here..my system specs are as follows:

acer aspire 6920g 2.4ghz core 2 duo

512 mb nvidia geforce 9500m gs

4 gb ddr2 ram


the game runs fine for the first few minutes but it becomes very slow after that ( i mean the frame rate decreases drastically..) i have tried all the latest video drivers but no success...

any help wud b appreciated.


hi guys, i've got a problem here..my system specs are as follows:

acer aspire 6920g 2.4ghz core 2 duo

512 mb nvidia geforce 9500m gs

4 gb ddr2 ram


the game runs fine for the first few minutes but it becomes very slow after that ( i mean the frame rate decreases drastically..) i have tried all the latest video drivers but no success...

any help wud b appreciated.


ive got Q8200 2.3ghz 2 core quad

512 mb nvidia 9500 (same as you)

3 gb ddr2 ram (less than yours)


My framerate is ok at an average of 30 when something like a big explosion in rain comes up drops to 20 but increases back up, dont understand your prob so cant really help maybe its your processor although im dont know much mine could be better than yours...


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