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r0b's IV Threads

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I've been trying to do a DLC style jacket for Johnny, decided to keep the waistcoat though as making leather arms just didn't look right.


It was SUCH a pain in the ass trying to get that side TLMC logo to arch properly, in the end i just settled for this, think it looks alright though, and probably will be better ingame, thought i'd release it anyway,


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those are johnny's boots, i used the player selector to get those screenies. but yeah i always use your boots on Niko, they're awesome


EDIT: V3N0UM: i didn't make the black sunglasses, but you can get them here Black Sunglasses [bottom of the page]


and thanks everyone for the props colgate.gif

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boCa - already working on V2 of my Lost White Logo Jacket but your right, that TLMC logo is a BITCH to fit round Niko, not having any luck so far, might have to swap the texture over to another jacket model confused.gif


Anyways, sticking with the biker theme i thought i'd make some Biker Leathers to go with the black jackets i did.


These were easy to do, just pasted the black leather texture from the jackets onto trousers and boots.


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The pack includes 5 Black leather jackets



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Nice texturing! will download

I love texturing not as much as modeling, but alot, i would love to do some clothes & stuff but very few can run the textures on high


I havent tried as its so far in the red its pointless, an i've got an extreme core / 8800gtx / an 4gb ocz pc 8500


kinda puts me off dozingoff.gifconfused.gif


sorry rambling, good work biggrin.gif

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sorry for the bump, and for posting more jackets!


Heres an old one i haven't uploaded, Niko's off the boat jacket and top, but changed to black leather


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Can Replace:





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Hey ROB great clothes  colgate.gif  , i have question can i put that Johnny's Jacket  in my mod The Lost In Liberty ??

So i can use it or no ?? sly.gif

Why would you make a Lost and Damned Mod?

some guys decrypted the DLC already so yeah


Hey ROB nice clothes

do you use CS3?

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Why would you make a Lost and Damned Mod?

some guys decrypted the DLC already so yeah



Because if they can't import models textures and other things we do mods ! offtop : I have HUD and i'm waiting for this jacket ( if ROB give me permission )

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Hi, I'm kinda new here, so I don't know if you take requests or not, but, I'd like you to make me a Converse all star sneaker if possible :shy:


I have all the reference needed, I took those pics on Converse's site, so it doesn't have any exterior lighting fiddling with the shoe. You shouldn't have problems in compiling a pair. I'd like them to replace the normal sneaker shoes. (not the running ones, nor the boots, but those ordinary white ones, that use the same model as those GTA3 Claude shoes.)


Here are the refpics, all compiled into a collage


I'll put up a link, since the collage is a bit wide. Oh and please, if you would, make it as big as possible, to render all the fine details. I know I'm being picky, but honestly, IV's shoe resolution is major ass suckage.



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Why would you make a Lost and Damned Mod?

some guys decrypted the DLC already so yeah



Because if they can't import models textures and other things we do mods ! offtop : I have HUD and i'm waiting for this jacket ( if ROB give me permission )

No but the same models from the DLC are the same type as GTA IV

so they can now import them just that they need more time

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thanks guys


arthurc: sorry ive been out all day, i sent you a PM


quechus13: i don't see any progress with decrypting TLAD so in the meantime i made it, i also made it because i had been working on it for a couple of weeks, never like to give up on anything, and yeah i use CS3

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sh*t, sorry for the double post


F.A.O. Gundog:


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Don't worry that the SparkIV pic shows less texture quality, it was just to show you the Converse badge, as the jeans cover it. Hope these will do man.

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sh*t, sorry for the double post


F.A.O. Gundog:


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Don't worry that the SparkIV pic shows less texture quality, it was just to show you the Converse badge, as the jeans cover it. Hope these will do man.

thanks for taking his request i wanted some of thse too biggrin.gif

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