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Whats next for the GTA Series

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ok we had gta 1, gta london and gta 2 on the P.C and PS1.

these were the games that started it all the topdown 2d view with its off the fall madness and cool missions and extras.



GTA: VICE CITY STORIES on the PSP and the PS2.

With there full 3d view from the characters point of view and of the wall madness, awsome storylines and cool side missions and all the extra stuff that keeps us coming back again and again for more to find and talk about. To this day we still play and talk about all the 3d gta games.


And now its the Next gen GTA in the series GTA IV on the PS3 and the X-BOX 360 with the 360 getting the D.L.C. This is the gta game that has made its jump to the next gen in a big way and the possibilitys are there



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You've just made a thread that pretty much has the same goal as this entire forum, to discuss the possibilities of GTA NeXt? That's what this entire forum is for, I don't think we need a single thread to summarize it.

Firstly when you say next gen i assume you mean current and when you say ps2 and xbox i assume you mean last gen. Please use the correct terms and get use to that, i myself had that problem aswell lol.gif andyways i think there will be at least one more gta game on the current gen consoles, if were lucky we should get two, and for the Next gen consoles i have no clue at all, All i know is the graphics will be even better than they are now. Hopefully

look what i am saying. What can we do with series to refresh it.


Not by a new main character, Or a new city. I want to know what they can do now to make the series refrehed and new.

Edited by claud3
look what i am saying. What can we do with series to refresh it.


Not by a new main character, Or a new city. I want to know what they can do now to make the series refrehed and new.

what? it is refreshed and new, they started gta iv era. can you please stop posting the same thigns that other people already posted

You've just made a thread that pretty much has the same goal as this entire forum, to discuss the possibilities of GTA NeXt? That's what this entire forum is for, I don't think we need a single thread to summarize it.

haha i laughed at that point

ok i know everyone wants a new city and a new story and a new main character.


What i want to know what can they do with the msission setup and the side-missions, I also what they can give us in terms of rewards, We have the trophies and the stuff we get for beating a gta game 100%.


So we need the set out what we really want in the next gta game, The city, the story and the main character rockstar are talented and can come up with awsome stuff. But the missions and side-missions and rewards is what i am worried about, We drive, fly, and boat everywhere. But mostly drive and shoot, We also always fight- shoot or beat gang members up, Side-missions also has the same setup. I and a few others do think this is abit boring. Look i am not saying do away with it i am saying we need so fresh idears mix it up about. Change or add alot more new stuff.

The GTA series is a formula that has revolutionized gaming. However, with the revolution it has become perfect, susceptible only to evolution within the series.

Drive, shoot, or fight? Yes, OK, HL2 has those three things. Does that mean it's stale? No, it's possibly the best game ever created. The important thing is taking the elements that work and plugging them into different situations whist improving the technology.

The whole point of the GTA games is the storyline. Well, and the ponyfarming. You cannot deny that. This is what the series are, and it can evolve from there only technologically.

If you have these ideas, explain them a bit. No, not features, like Just Cause's stunts. That's just a feature. No, what 'new stuff' that would revolutionize the series do you have in mind?

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