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Shooting from a car

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Sorry for the dumb question, but I cannot figure out how to shoot from a car. I can pull a gun, but I just get the free aim reticule, and I cannot target my desired victim, and it is real hard to aim with just that free aim white reticule. Is there a way to set the target like when you are on foot...wher it centers on your target, and shows damage ammount. Also when I try to throw a grenade from a car it just drops it out and I blow myself up.


I have an XBOX 360 controller.


Thanks for a ny help you could provide.



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Unknown Terror

On that note...


Does anyone know how to throw grenades out of the right side of the car? Even with Free aim he always drops them out of the left side. I remember on the "Doorwedge 360" there was a way to throw it out the other side, but it's not so obvious on the PC, if it's even possible.


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hm im good in aiming with Gamepad ministicks) not so accurate as mouse, but keep practicing and u will gain aim skills will gamepad))

if u never played shooters with free aim with gamepad then its probably will be hard for u for a while)


P.S. - i do believe aiming on 360 from the car was easier, probably Toronto screwed up aiming "help" in pc version even when u using controller. Or maybe its just problems of wrong aim sensitivity in crapy PC version. icon13.gif

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