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weird problem

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I have this problem when i 'fall' or 'jump' into blue hell. It says 'Loading' for an amount of time just enough for you to read what it says.


For your hydra problem; are you on PS2, PC or XBox?

If you are on PC, i think it may have something to do with your Frame Rate, so if you change that and then see what happens, might work.

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Damn, im not too sure what you can do about it.

Does it happen only when you are in a Hydra?

Every 10 seconds?


Turned off your console, cleaned the disc, lens, and disc cavity, then tried it again?

What he said. This used to happen to me occasionally on the xbox 1.

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Damn, im not too sure what you can do about it.

Does it happen only when you are in a Hydra?

Every 10 seconds?


Turned off your console, cleaned the disc, lens, and disc cavity, then tried it again?

Yep...i did what u said....but it still can't work...well...maybe its my disc problem....i dunno...told ya its weird...

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When something happens to me first,it was definitely a disc problem. Or u put in too many cheats? Cheats that are 'dangerous' (Im not sure if its true) ? Did this happened when u flying or static? If flying,maybe the objects dont load properly.


Just trying to help smile.gif

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When something happens to me first,it was definitely a disc problem. Or u put in too many cheats? Cheats that are 'dangerous' (Im not sure if its true) ? Did this happened when u flying or static? If flying,maybe the objects dont load properly.


Just trying to help smile.gif

the problem occurs when i'm flying.....or maybe u're right too.....i did use a lot of cheats....and i mean A LOT...hahaha....and yea....the objects and buildings don't load properly too....it takes a few seconds before it becomes clear.....hmmmm

Edited by BryanLoh95
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It could also be that the laser in the ps2 is deteriorating, if this sort of thing has happened in other games you may have to replace it.


A replacement laser doesn't cost too much, of course if you do decide to do this get someone who knows what they are doing to replace it.

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