expiorer Posted January 3, 2009 Share Posted January 3, 2009 bump Link to comment https://gtaforums.com/topic/389407-r-should-keep-toronto-away-from-porting-manifest/page/4/#findComment-1058842481 Share on other sites More sharing options...
CharmingCharlie Posted January 3, 2009 Share Posted January 3, 2009 Voodooman I still haven't seen you provide proof that Rockstar Toronto has FAILED four times and please do not tell people to go away, I could equally call your topic completely pointless because you have not substantiated any of your points. expiorer do not bump topics like that. Link to comment https://gtaforums.com/topic/389407-r-should-keep-toronto-away-from-porting-manifest/page/4/#findComment-1058842498 Share on other sites More sharing options...
GamerShotgun Posted January 3, 2009 Share Posted January 3, 2009 One big problem. It seems Rockstar North doesn't want to waste it's time on ports. So if we keep Rockstar Toronto away, that means no more ports. Now I don't know about you, but I would prefer bad ports than no ports. Although I'm not saying GTA 4 is bad, it's not bad at all, but that's what you're suggesting. However, GTA 4 runs great for me. Dude u have no idea what u talking about! North and Toronto both are devisions of Rockstart and are under control of R NYC that is under control of T2, this isnt indie\freelancer developer like Valve, ID, Crytek, Remedy and some others... They cannot choose projects they want or do not want to do, there is no stupid childish talks and freedom like u think. After reading your post (and posts of other kids who have no idea how game industry looks inside) its looks like that in YOUR MIND its look simple like that: Houser (at some internal summit before GTA 4 production somewhere in 2005 or 2006 year): hey guys, who want to do GTA 4 for PS3 and Xbox? North guys: we!! we!! we!! Houser: Ok, North, guys do you want to do PC version?? North guys: Naaaah, no we dont f*cking care about PC, forget it! Houser: Ok guys, ill reporting to T2 ceo that nobody wants to do PC version, so its just canceled. Toronto guys (in Houser`s office 2 years later in may of 2008 year): hey, you know what Boss? We've been thinking all 2 years about that, and we all think now that PC users deserve to see GTA 4, well i know that North guys dont want to do it... so... so... well... maybe we not so skilled like them but we... um... we want to do GTA 4 for PC because we are the only guys from all T2 devisions who cares about PC. Please Give us a chance to do it, we will try to finish it before Christmas and will bring you and T2 ceo and investors a lot of money. Houser: O RLY? u guys want to do GTA 4 for pc? Ok guys, ill contact north and ask them if they want to give you sourcecodes and other sh*t! Toronto: thx, we cant wait already! Houser (talkin via phone with North guys): You what? You dont f*cking want to see GTA 4 on PC? Ok ill talk about that to toronto guys! Houser (to Toronto): Unfortunatly North guys dont want their own game to be available on PC where is high level of piracy and other sh*t, they wOnt give you or anyone else guys any sorcecodes before GTA 4 will be released. So just go rest a bit, we will see about that after release. few month later after GTA 4 console release: Houser: Toronto i got a good news for you, North so f*cking pleased that GTA 4 number one in all charts so they dont f*cking care anymore if anyone will do with sourcecodes and other game resources any sh*t, so u can get them now and do whatever you want to do, i have heard that Rockstar Leeds guys already riped some resources to do some freaky GTA 4 variation for Nintendo DS) Toronto: Wow its cool!! So we can even do some cool new things in game? Houser: Yeah for sure, u can even add video editor if u want guys. Toronto: Wow! Wicked idea!! We will add video editor! Ok we going back to Toronto (Place) and starting porting process! Its so Cool!!! We so happy to do GTA 4 for Pc, while north dont want to!! Houser: Anything you want guys ! ) Ask anytime! You know in our company every subdivision can do whatever they want to do))) If you guys really think that thing going like that then you just kids or morons))) Non toronto and non North making any decisions about what they will do, R* NYC under control of T2 managment is selecting division and giving the project to that division, so it was really simple to give more job to NORTH and give them all versions including PC one, and it also was possible to delay GTA 4 for PC untill april of 2009 year, it may be hard to wait, but as longer production so longer time to catch more bugs and optimize everything. Just one small question: Since when do you work for Rockstar? I mean.. you just assumed how things work, but you couldn't STATE that this is the way they do their job. Although it's logical in a weird kind of way. About the sales... no, it's mainly up to piracy that the game didn't sell well. Link to comment https://gtaforums.com/topic/389407-r-should-keep-toronto-away-from-porting-manifest/page/4/#findComment-1058842511 Share on other sites More sharing options...
v00d00m4n Posted January 3, 2009 Author Share Posted January 3, 2009 1 big fail of Toronto with GTA 4 for PC is more than enough (read about bad sales here http://www.gtaforums.com/index.php?showtopic=386714 for proves that GTA 4 for PC was failure) for this TOPIC and this what this subject about , so stop flooding and ask stupid offtop questions!!! if u really interested PM me! Link to comment https://gtaforums.com/topic/389407-r-should-keep-toronto-away-from-porting-manifest/page/4/#findComment-1058842516 Share on other sites More sharing options...
CharmingCharlie Posted January 3, 2009 Share Posted January 3, 2009 1 big fail of Toronto with GTA 4 for PC is more than enough (read about bad sales here http://www.gtaforums.com/index.php?showtopic=386714 for proves that GTA 4 for PC was failure) for this TOPIC and this what this subject about , so stop flooding and ask stupid offtop questions!!! if u really interested PM me! It is NOT off topic it is in the TOPIC subtitle that YOU MADE. How can I be off topic if it is in the f*cking sub topic YOU made you state :- R* should keep Toronto away from porting! MANIFEST - they failed porting 4 times in row !!! So please answer my damn question WHAT DID THEY FAIL FOUR TIMES AT THEN ? It is on topic because it is in the damn topic title stop trying to weasel out of it. Link to comment https://gtaforums.com/topic/389407-r-should-keep-toronto-away-from-porting-manifest/page/4/#findComment-1058842533 Share on other sites More sharing options...
v00d00m4n Posted January 3, 2009 Author Share Posted January 3, 2009 (edited) MasterK, i do not work for Rockstar but i working more then 3 years for other huge game publisher and know really good lot of generic rules that works for all the companies in our business (development and sales of entertainment software also knows as video games). This quote was absurd and sorcasmic joke about what many peoples says stupid thing here like "rockstar north dont want to do pc port, so we should say thx to Toronto for their care about pc gamers" , yeah *sarcastic* thx for wasting production time on useless video editor instead of concentrating this time on core porting and optimization. Here the list of top saling games ATM, and GTA 4 not even in top 10, u can exclude ONLINE ORIENTED TITLES: 1. World Of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King (ok u can exclude it) 2. Spore 3. Call Of Duty: World At War 4. Left 4 Dead (ok u can exclude it) 5. Fallout 3 6. The Sims 2 Deluxe 7. The Sims 2 Apartment Life Exp. Pack 8. Bejewled Twist 9. World Of Warcraft Battle Chest (ok u can exclude it) 10. The Sims 2 Mansion & Garden Stuff Exp (CAN U f*ckIN BELIEVE THAT??? SOME MUMBO JUMBO TWIST CASUAL PUZZLE AND FALLOUT 3 WITH COD WAW HAVE BETTER SALES THEN GTA 4??) About the sales read the topic (link above) and just tell me why 10 other PC games or addons have better sales then GTA 4 for PC? Do u think no one pirating them? No, u wrong, just many peoples dont want to pay for such a poorly ported Crap Slow Auto 4, many peops pirating to make decision if they should buy game or not! Others returning it to store and asking for refund. What will be most rational decision after u tested GTA 4 on your pc and its slow like snail on your powerfull brand new hardware that can make Crysis and Far cry 2 run 10 times faster with 10 times better gfx? Rite, do not pay for that game or if u already paid get your money back! that how disappointed auditory of gamers responds back to bad decisions of Rockstar games and bad job of Rockstar Toronto. Edited January 3, 2009 by Voodooman Link to comment https://gtaforums.com/topic/389407-r-should-keep-toronto-away-from-porting-manifest/page/4/#findComment-1058842589 Share on other sites More sharing options...
GamerShotgun Posted January 3, 2009 Share Posted January 3, 2009 So basicly the game got more than 500.000 downloads the first day because the port sucks? How, if they didn't even know that the game has bad performance on the release day? Get your facts straight. The main reason why this game is being pirated isn't becaus Rockstar Toronto f*cked up the port. The main reason is the 6 months waiting time we PC gamers get after the console version's release. And even after that, the people who bought it on console download it on PC. Link to comment https://gtaforums.com/topic/389407-r-should-keep-toronto-away-from-porting-manifest/page/4/#findComment-1058842675 Share on other sites More sharing options...
v00d00m4n Posted January 4, 2009 Author Share Posted January 4, 2009 (edited) Well dont get small thing out of context again, it more complex than u think: 1) there was 500 leachers at 1st day but due of lack of seeds with not really high speed and due of huge size of DL (17 gb) nearly 10 peoples got GTA 4 from torrents at 1st 3 days and 1st week there was not so many peoples who donwloaded and installed full gta 4. 2) as i said before at 1st 2 weeks many peoples downloaded game and planed to buy it, others bought it but when most of peoples realised that its slow like hell and have lot of crashes they decide not spend their money on box with a game. 3) At 1st week or even two it was in top 10 of sales, but after peoples understood that PC port is f*cked up, sales slowed down very quick and GTA 4 quickly vanished from TOP 10 of PC sales. If u will look at graph here http://www.forbes.com/markets/2008/12/18/t...8markets15.html u can clearly see that cost of stock (pardon if im using wrong term, it probably called share) of T2 have raised a bit during 1st week of December, and then (after everyone understood how bad is pc port) its quickly fallen with sales of GTA 4 PC even lower that it was before December. This represent peak of GTA 4 sales activity (which was good in beginning when no one knew that its a bad port) and its extreamely fast dawn. Due of all this crap GTA 4 that could be best PC game of year (BGOTY) turned into most disappointing PC game of year (MDGOTY, lol). Edited January 4, 2009 by Voodooman Link to comment https://gtaforums.com/topic/389407-r-should-keep-toronto-away-from-porting-manifest/page/4/#findComment-1058842749 Share on other sites More sharing options...
kakarot_9 Posted January 4, 2009 Share Posted January 4, 2009 I personally haven't tried this game with a quadcore or a triplecore, I suggest you try it before making such a big deal out of it. Secondly if ports are problem for you, buy console coz those aren't ported at all. Thirdly I don't see who we can blame, I've Xbox 360 version of this game too and it has some bugs there too but they fixed some stuff by patch, I suppose same will happen for PC version. Just have some patience. Link to comment https://gtaforums.com/topic/389407-r-should-keep-toronto-away-from-porting-manifest/page/4/#findComment-1058842795 Share on other sites More sharing options...
v00d00m4n Posted January 4, 2009 Author Share Posted January 4, 2009 One more "buy youself console" "smart"-ass here? Can u read whe whole thread and turn brains on?? Ports isnt problem for me, look at Far Cry 2 or Dead Space for example, they are ported as well, but they runs perfectly fast on 2 cores and even 1 and have better GFX then ugly outdated GTA 4! The problem is GTA 4 ITS A BAD PORT!! THAT SHOULD BE GOOD OUT OF BOX WITHOUT WAITING MONTHES FOR SERIES OF PATCHES THAT WILL JUST FIX PERFORMANCE!! I have console 360, and GTA 4 for it is good but ugly (now what? will u give me another useless tip to buy PS3 instead, where GTA 4 looks even more ugly will lower resolution?)))) , but i was waiting for PC version because it should have better performance and gfx with higher resolution, and much more advanced games like FC2 and Crysis do not require more then 2 cpu core to run smoothly on my pc, so why so f*cking special in GTA 4 so i should by 4 cores for it??? The answer is - they only thing is special about GTA 4 is bad unoptimized opcode of game that was trown on shelves in ufinished state! I was waiting for superior version but instead i got f*cked up port, and Toronto guys didnt finished it before scheduled day, we all should blame Toronto and NYC and T2! Main reason is poor skills and slow work of toronto team, 2nd reason is bad decision of R* NYC to give major project port to small non skilled team, 3d reason bad decision to release that unfinished port in 2008 instead of delaying it for 2009 year. its unclear for u or what? Link to comment https://gtaforums.com/topic/389407-r-should-keep-toronto-away-from-porting-manifest/page/4/#findComment-1058842865 Share on other sites More sharing options...
GamerShotgun Posted January 4, 2009 Share Posted January 4, 2009 (edited) One more "buy youself console" "smart"-ass here?Can u read whe whole thread and turn brains on?? Ports isnt problem for me, look at Far Cry 2 or Dead Space for example, they are ported as well, but they runs perfectly fast on 2 cores and even 1 and have better GFX then ugly outdated GTA 4! The problem is GTA 4 ITS A BAD PORT!! THAT SHOULD BE GOOD OUT OF BOX WITHOUT WAITING MONTHES FOR SERIES OF PATCHES THAT WILL JUST FIX PERFORMANCE!! I have console 360, and GTA 4 for it is good but ugly (now what? will u give me another useless tip to buy PS3 instead, where GTA 4 looks even more ugly will lower resolution?)))) , but i was waiting for PC version because it should have better performance and gfx with higher resolution, and much more advanced games like FC2 and Crysis do not require more then 2 cpu core to run smoothly on my pc, so why so f*cking special in GTA 4 so i should by 4 cores for it??? The answer is - they only thing is special about GTA 4 is bad unoptimized opcode of game that was trown on shelves in ufinished state! I was waiting for superior version but instead i got f*cked up port, and Toronto guys didnt finished it before scheduled day, we all should blame Toronto and NYC and T2! Main reason is poor skills and slow work of toronto team, 2nd reason is bad decision of R* NYC to give major project port to small non skilled team, 3d reason bad decision to release that unfinished port in 2008 instead of delaying it for 2009 year. its unclear for u or what? Well, blame who you want... I'm pretty sure that won't make the game better, nor make the developers recode it for your like Edited January 4, 2009 by MasterK Link to comment https://gtaforums.com/topic/389407-r-should-keep-toronto-away-from-porting-manifest/page/4/#findComment-1058843171 Share on other sites More sharing options...
v00d00m4n Posted January 4, 2009 Author Share Posted January 4, 2009 Have u ever heard about patches? Do u really think they are made without editing sourcecode and recompiling executables?)) How about next PC games from rockstar? (we have some rumors here that Manhunt 2 coming soon to PC) Do u want it to be done same poor way and released unfinished? im not! Link to comment https://gtaforums.com/topic/389407-r-should-keep-toronto-away-from-porting-manifest/page/4/#findComment-1058843181 Share on other sites More sharing options...
GamerShotgun Posted January 4, 2009 Share Posted January 4, 2009 Have u ever heard about patches? Do u really think they are made without editing sourcecode and recompiling executables?))How about next PC games from rockstar? (we have some rumors here that Manhunt 2 coming soon to PC) Do u want it to be done same poor way and released unfinished? im not! You really like to judge other people just because they don't really agree with your opinion, dont you? I'm not stupid, I know how patches are made. I just don't really get why are you blaming anyone at all... it won't make them release a new patch, just because you are ranting here on how much Rockstar Toronto sucks. I mean... you bite a hand which is feeding you... if you want these things to be fixed, the last thing you could do is wait patiently and stop calling them names. It's just pretty ridiculous. Link to comment https://gtaforums.com/topic/389407-r-should-keep-toronto-away-from-porting-manifest/page/4/#findComment-1058843223 Share on other sites More sharing options...
v00d00m4n Posted January 4, 2009 Author Share Posted January 4, 2009 If u will open your eyes wide enough u will see that thouthands blaming rockstar Toronto, NYC and T2 for that major bounch of problems. And it helps to make them move and think about what was good and what was bad decision. Link to comment https://gtaforums.com/topic/389407-r-should-keep-toronto-away-from-porting-manifest/page/4/#findComment-1058843241 Share on other sites More sharing options...
cuvip Posted January 4, 2009 Share Posted January 4, 2009 no they don't release a patch, R* Torronto is a pig, they lazy, bully is being bug like GTA 4, R* Games should fire R* torronto Link to comment https://gtaforums.com/topic/389407-r-should-keep-toronto-away-from-porting-manifest/page/4/#findComment-1058843248 Share on other sites More sharing options...
CharmingCharlie Posted January 4, 2009 Share Posted January 4, 2009 no they don't release a patch, R* Torronto is a pig, they lazy, bully is being bug like GTA 4, R* Games should fire R* torronto How many times does it have to be said Rockstar Toronto HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH BULLY A fact the topic creator still hasn't touched upon, could it be because he knows he is wrong. Link to comment https://gtaforums.com/topic/389407-r-should-keep-toronto-away-from-porting-manifest/page/4/#findComment-1058843258 Share on other sites More sharing options...
GTA3Freak-2001 Posted January 4, 2009 Share Posted January 4, 2009 Alright that's enough, this is going nowhere and will achieve nothing. Its a bad port we get it, pointing fingers at various parties doesn't change that fact and never will. Link to comment https://gtaforums.com/topic/389407-r-should-keep-toronto-away-from-porting-manifest/page/4/#findComment-1058843259 Share on other sites More sharing options...
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