gamerzworld Posted January 2, 2009 Share Posted January 2, 2009 Either that or TakeTwo\Rockstar North keep giving Toronto projects to do with a small time constraint and a limited budget. I agree though their reputation isn't great. I don't know much about those other ports because I haven't owned a console in ages but I do know that Bull Scholarship Edition for the PC still has quite a few game breaking bugs that have yet to be patched. Whether Toronto ported that mess or not I don't know but If you look at the Steam forums or do a Google search you'll see what I mean. Plus on the Steam forums there are a bunch of people who were bitten twice from buying both Bully and GTA IV and have yet to get either working properly. I wonder if TakeTwo\Rockstar North are worried at all about their reputation on the PC? Makes you wonder if they care at all. Couldn't that be because both games use RAGE? Only GTAIV uses RAGE. Bully SE on the PC uses Gamebryo. Funny story, Fallout 3 for the PC uses Gamebryo and it too is known to have problems. Lol... but didn't SA use gamebryo too? No. Do some research before you make posts. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SativaHaze Posted January 2, 2009 Share Posted January 2, 2009 (edited) This must be one of the worst threads around here. No proof at all of anything, just a bunch of unfounded rhetoric . There are so many assumtions being made in here it's comical. The game runs fine here, and fine for a buddy who just got it the other day and we really don't have super high end graphics except for our modded 9800's we revamped through our Genmark plotters and cooling engineering dept. Which makes it run faster than 2 9800's SLI. But thats another post. I think the night scenes in the game are great, and the playability fine for what it is... a virtual crime spree action game.... Look, unless you have some proof of all the developers being on the hook here, fk off please and stop stirring the pot. There are many many people enjoying this game on thier pc's who come here to read articles about modding etc and have no time for this nonesense... Come with some worthwhile facts if you're going to lob a bomb like this. Edited January 2, 2009 by SativaHaze Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GamerShotgun Posted January 2, 2009 Share Posted January 2, 2009 Either that or TakeTwo\Rockstar North keep giving Toronto projects to do with a small time constraint and a limited budget. I agree though their reputation isn't great. I don't know much about those other ports because I haven't owned a console in ages but I do know that Bull Scholarship Edition for the PC still has quite a few game breaking bugs that have yet to be patched. Whether Toronto ported that mess or not I don't know but If you look at the Steam forums or do a Google search you'll see what I mean. Plus on the Steam forums there are a bunch of people who were bitten twice from buying both Bully and GTA IV and have yet to get either working properly. I wonder if TakeTwo\Rockstar North are worried at all about their reputation on the PC? Makes you wonder if they care at all. Couldn't that be because both games use RAGE? Only GTAIV uses RAGE. Bully SE on the PC uses Gamebryo. Funny story, Fallout 3 for the PC uses Gamebryo and it too is known to have problems. Lol... but didn't SA use gamebryo too? No. Do some research before you make posts. LOL! That was just a question, not a statement. I asked it because a local games magazine called Gamestar wrote that the game uses the gamebryo engine... which I didn't believe and thanks to that, everyone flamed me that time. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GTA_XP Posted January 2, 2009 Share Posted January 2, 2009 I think R* Toronto are little kids studies. T2 probably needs kids with no life to port that gta4 sh*t PC port. 4 times in row is horrible. Wich codes did they used? C++? VisualBasic? And I guess they used Microsoft Paint for shadows. Seriousley, imagine you can do that. GTA5 probz may have shadows dithered level 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
gamerzworld Posted January 2, 2009 Share Posted January 2, 2009 4 times in row is horrible. :facepalm: READ THE f*ckING TOPIC BEFORE YOU REPLY. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SativaHaze Posted January 2, 2009 Share Posted January 2, 2009 I think R* Toronto are little kids studies.T2 probably needs kids with no life to port that gta4 sh*t PC port. 4 times in row is horrible. Wich codes did they used? C++? VisualBasic? And I guess they used Microsoft Paint for shadows. Seriousley, imagine you can do that. GTA5 probz may have shadows dithered level 2 How intelligent.... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GamerShotgun Posted January 2, 2009 Share Posted January 2, 2009 I think R* Toronto are little kids studies.T2 probably needs kids with no life to port that gta4 sh*t PC port. 4 times in row is horrible. Wich codes did they used? C++? VisualBasic? And I guess they used Microsoft Paint for shadows. Seriousley, imagine you can do that. GTA5 probz may have shadows dithered level 2 Go get some kids who'll port a brain for you... seriously, shut the hell up. What's the problem with C++ you idiot? You don't even know what it is Don't like the game, don't play it! End of story. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gangsta-NL Posted January 2, 2009 Share Posted January 2, 2009 Rockstar Toronto didn't port bully for the PC/360. New England did. Conclusion: Rockstar suck at PC porting. And that Rockstar North did a great job on consoles is because consoles have all the same hardware. But still, I agree that their are allot of problems.. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SativaHaze Posted January 2, 2009 Share Posted January 2, 2009 (edited) Rockstar Toronto didn't port bully for the PC/360. New England did.Conclusion: Rockstar suck at PC porting. And that Rockstar North did a great job on consoles is because consoles have all the same hardware. But still, I agree that their are allot of problems.. Exactly. Thats what I have been saying. Its very hard for Rockstar to test this out on every gpu/os/mobo/chipset combo and ensure storage performance is up to par on everyones pc. But they, as well as other manufacture's, can cover QC'ing of consoles very easily. However even they need to patched and aren't free of defects and lemons either... Im sure GTA IV has the potential to fry up a 360. I would also like to see ram tests and memory diagnostic results from many people's pc's having problems with sudden drops etc. Don't skimp on ram quality This is a milestone game when it comes to testing system hardware and o/s 's, and with that come the challenges of such. Perfect, no, but playable and enjoyable most definately. Ive been around long enough to run a clean fast pc and keep things in good working order, and so far have had zero problems with GTA IV. Knock on wood...but yes there are defects for sure. Same in any game. Edited January 2, 2009 by SativaHaze Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pixelated Posted January 2, 2009 Share Posted January 2, 2009 This must be one of the worst threads around here. No proof at all of anything, just a bunch of unfounded rhetoric . There are so many assumtions being made in here it's comical. The game runs fine here, and fine for a buddy who just got it the other day and we really don't have super high end graphics except for our modded 9800's we revamped through our Genmark plotters and cooling engineering dept. Which makes it run faster than 2 9800's SLI. But thats another post. I think the night scenes in the game are great, and the playability fine for what it is... a virtual crime spree action game.... Look, unless you have some proof of all the developers being on the hook here, fk off please and stop stirring the pot. There are many many people enjoying this game on thier pc's who come here to read articles about modding etc and have no time for this nonesense... Come with some worthwhile facts if you're going to lob a bomb like this. I feel I'm one of the lucky ones who play the game without too many issues. However The game still crashes a lot and has many unresolved problems. Yesterday I was editing a clip in the video editor it was really coming along and I was having a good time. I spent about 30 minutes getting all the angles right and then.... crash. sh*t I forgot to save it because I never even though about it.. So other than the crashes and poor UI it hasn't been gaming hell exactly but there are others who are having more problems so just because we aren't doesn't mean we should discount others problems. Also if you are here just too read about modding then you are in the wrong section altogether. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
gtathebest4ever Posted January 2, 2009 Share Posted January 2, 2009 i agree with the first post completely. if you want something done right, do it yourself R* north. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
infs Posted January 2, 2009 Share Posted January 2, 2009 Please kick out the toronto trash R*. Thank you. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Posted January 2, 2009 Share Posted January 2, 2009 Its a shame to be honest. The work what R* Toronoto did was an almost joke to PC fans. It's not really in the intesrsts of hardcore pc fans like myself so R* Toronto are a failure I guess. Even then, you see Crysis and how beutiful it looks at modern pc hardware. thats what actually is future proof. not the f*ck what R* toronto have ported. a sh*t company that dosent even give a f*ck about its pc fan base. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
iYateszy Posted January 2, 2009 Share Posted January 2, 2009 The best thing they should have done is tested it properly before they released the game. It would have been better if they delayed it to fix it rather than releasing it like it is now. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
v00d00m4n Posted January 2, 2009 Author Share Posted January 2, 2009 OMFG Guys JUST STOP f*ckING TALKIN ABOUT BULLY and anything else except GTA 4 !!!! f*cking subject not about that! Its about Toronto who havent finished GTA 4 before schuduled date, they was so slow so when the date have come T2 just released their unfinished GTA 4 for PC as is - a piece of beta that pretended as final version, and giving GTA 4 to Toronto was a mistake, just as was mistake to release Toronto`s unfinished Crap Slow Auto 4 for Windows for a Christmas ! I personally believe if Toronto already didnt finished game in scheduled date, then game should be delayed for a month or three to be finished, and additional human resources should be involved for that extra time of development to help poor skilled command like Toronto to finish game during delay of release date. But the much better way is never give away such a big projects ports to such unexperienced almost outsource (well its part of rockstar, but Toronto is different team in different city so it should be counted as outsource) teams like Toronto and let original Core team (Rockstar North) to do that job ! Anyone remember how bad was Orange box games proted to PS3 when Valve gave this job to EA??? In same time PC and XBOX 360 versions was made by Valve themselves and they have not so many issues like EA`s crappy port! Someone asked about some good port by native teams? How about Far Cry 2 made for PC\Consoles by Ubi Montreal?? Or how about Call of Duty 2, 4 made by Infinity ward for PC\Consoles ?? Is there are performance issues for anyone?? NO games looks as best as they can for each platform and on each platform including PC these games very good optimized and can be played even on really poor outdated PCs, so "new GTA 4 RAGE engine", "complicated structure and huge size of in-game city" and "Many players enjoying the game (when in fact 'many' is less then 30% or even less because just a very few peoples have quad cores)" and other most-favorite excuses of BLIND ROCKSTAR FUNBOYS, are just excuses, and fact is GTA 4 PC should be better when it finished (this mean WELL TESTED and WELL OPTIMIZED, like Far cry 2 and Call of Duty 4 for example) but the sh*t Crap Slow Auto 4 pc that we currently have and that made by Torronto is UNFINISHED and thats a PROBLEM!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CharmingCharlie Posted January 2, 2009 Share Posted January 2, 2009 OMFG Guys JUST STOP f*ckING TALKIN ABOUT BULLY and anything else except GTA 4 !!!! f*cking subject not about that! So why did you mention Bully so many times in your first post then ? If this topic is not about Bully why did you try a vain attempt at showing Toronto have a history of bad ports. That seems to be the point you miss YOU MENTIONED BULLY. I have yet to see you provide any evidence to back your claims up. You even had a dig in the sub title of the topic saying :- they failed porting 4 times in row Failed porting 4 times in a row ? How is that then since they had nothing to do with Bully (which you mentioned). This is their first PC since the warriors game many years ago. So the entire basis for your argument is flawed yet you won't admit it. You just keep going "don't mention Bully" in the hope we will forget YOU did it first. Its about Toronto who havent finished GTA 4 before schuduled date, they was so slow so when the date have come T2 just released their unfinished GTA 4 for PC as is - a piece of beta that pretended as final version, and giving GTA 4 to Toronto was a mistake, just as was mistake to release Toronto`s unfinished Crap Slow Auto 4 for Windows for a Christmas ! Again what !!!! They missed a deadline by 2ish weeks, do I need to remind you Rockstar north missed their deadline by SIX MONTHS and only got the job done because Sony and MS engineers went in and bailed them out. Plus the console version had it's fair share of problems especially the PS3 version which had to have a patch after 24 hours just to get it working for a large portion of the user base. So please tell me where you are getting this idea that Rockstar North are any better than Rockstar Toronto. I personally believe if Toronto already didnt finished game in scheduled date, then game should be delayed for a month or three to be finished, and additional human resources should be involved for that extra time of development to help poor skilled command like Toronto to finish game during delay of release date. Again just another mindless rant, it isn't just about deadlines it is also about budgets. Take Two will have given Rockstar Toronto a budget with which to make the port of GTA 4 with. Now you can bet that budget wasn't a multi-million dollar one. I personally believe that Rockstar Toronto has made the port they could make in the time allocated and with the funds that were made available. If you want to attack any one then you should be attacking Take Two they are the ones that call the shots. But the much better way is never give away such a big projects ports to such unexperienced almost outsource (well its part of rockstar, but Toronto is different team in different city so it should be counted as outsource) teams like Toronto and let original Core team (Rockstar North) to do that job ! As I have said has it not occurred to you that Rockstar North DID NOT WANT TO DO IT. Why do you think Rockstar North is your Knight in shining armour ? Please show me proof that Rockstar North secretly harbour a love of the PC because their actions say a different story. Anyone remember how bad was Orange box games proted to PS3 when Valve gave this job to EA??? In same time PC and XBOX 360 versions was made by Valve themselves and they have not so many issues like EA`s crappy port! Yeah and look at how the PS3 is no longer getting ANY valve games now. The PS3 owners bitched threw a temper tantrum didn't buy the game and generally did everything the whingers here are doing and guess what valve decided ? Oh yeah it was "f*ck the PS3 we we will just do games for the PC and 360 from now on". I take it you want the same thing to happen with the PC and Rockstar then. (when in fact 'many' is less then 30% or even less because just a very few peoples have quad cores)" and other most-favorite excuses of BLIND ROCKSTAR FUNBOYS, are just excuses, and fact is GTA 4 PC should be better when it finished (this mean WELL TESTED and WELL OPTIMIZED, like Far cry 2 and Call of Duty 4 for example) but the sh*t Crap Slow Auto 4 pc that we currently have and that made by Torronto is UNFINISHED and thats a PROBLEM!!! Again can I have some proof please, where is the proof that only 30% of people are able to play the game ? From the various posts I have been reading it seems to me it is 30% that CAN'T run the game. The other 70% can run it quite well although they will admit it could've been better optimised. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
chngdman Posted January 2, 2009 Share Posted January 2, 2009 HAHAHAHA! 30 percent! That is so rich! 30 percent of people actually playing it on a single core are playing it at acceptable and playable frame rates, that's more like it. This game is nowhere near as bugged or broken or stinking of port-status as even its supporters claim. That's just the plain truth. This game is quite well done and nowhere near as horrible to play as people make it out to be. It's bad enough that some people don't know the difference between a frames per second rendering system and one that is specifically designed to look like film at the same exact time it does "visual tricks" to help cope with the transformation of thousands of unique - not instanced - objects at once, not to mention anything that actually "lives" in the city... And one mo' time: Bully is Not Broken Either. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Marcin6 Posted January 2, 2009 Share Posted January 2, 2009 One answer for this : Easy Money End topic Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jc84144 Posted January 2, 2009 Share Posted January 2, 2009 One big problem. It seems Rockstar North doesn't want to waste it's time on ports. So if we keep Rockstar Toronto away, that means no more ports. Now I don't know about you, but I would prefer bad ports than no ports. Although I'm not saying GTA 4 is bad, it's not bad at all, but that's what you're suggesting. However, GTA 4 runs great for me. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mr_Prickles Posted January 2, 2009 Share Posted January 2, 2009 If you think you could do a better job of porting, click here. Otherwise, lay off. Yes, it wasn't done as good as it could have been, but would you rather not have the game at all? If Rockstar Toronto was the only group to show interest in making a PC port, you should be THANKING them, not blaming them. And, if T2 or Rockstar North assigned the port to R*Toronto, blame T2/R*North. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TruXter Posted January 2, 2009 Share Posted January 2, 2009 GTAIV Excellent port. Sorry newbs, if you don't like gta GTFO of the gtaforums. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GTAMonkey2012 Posted January 3, 2009 Share Posted January 3, 2009 I'm wondering if the more we slate it/them, the more justified internally it is not to make it for PC anymore. hmmm. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TruXter Posted January 3, 2009 Share Posted January 3, 2009 I'm wondering if the more we slate it/them, the more justified internally it is not to make it for PC anymore. hmmm. I thought that on day one. When I bought my game dec3 and everyone was bashing it, and mine was working fine. that it was a bunch of console kiddies on a raid/invasion and just dogging a sad joke into the ground. If there are any actual issue with teh game, it's that it didn't come with upgraded parts, upgraded drivers and a clean computer... oh yeah, and all the overclocking turned off. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GTA22 Posted January 3, 2009 Share Posted January 3, 2009 Here's the thing, they are expected to do a good job. That's what they get paid for. Telling people who complain about the port shouldn't be told and try do a better port, because abviously they have no training about anything. The workers there are trained to do it, and they did it pooorly. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GamerShotgun Posted January 3, 2009 Share Posted January 3, 2009 BTW, you can expect more games with high system requirements and no compatibility with older systems to be released. If hardware providers decide to release only f*cking expensice cards with new technology, and software developers DO NOT care about optimizing their games properly, then that IS a problem. The console version had pretty big flaws too, but this can clearly be seen on the PC version, since most of the console vesion's bugs are there. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
punisher.ita Posted January 3, 2009 Share Posted January 3, 2009 WORST GTA porting ever for sure. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
livilaNic Posted January 3, 2009 Share Posted January 3, 2009 OMG!!! I'm so glad this thread progressed the way it did!!!11!!111 GTA was ported by who knows what when how! ...and guess what? They who knows whats'd (made that word up, BAM!) it.... btw....your so probably think this song is about you...don't you...don't you...don't you? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
v00d00m4n Posted January 3, 2009 Author Share Posted January 3, 2009 (edited) One big problem. It seems Rockstar North doesn't want to waste it's time on ports. So if we keep Rockstar Toronto away, that means no more ports. Now I don't know about you, but I would prefer bad ports than no ports. Although I'm not saying GTA 4 is bad, it's not bad at all, but that's what you're suggesting. However, GTA 4 runs great for me. Dude u have no idea what u talking about! North and Toronto both are devisions of Rockstart and are under control of R NYC that is under control of T2, this isnt indie\freelancer developer like Valve, ID, Crytek, Remedy and some others... They cannot choose projects they want or do not want to do, there is no stupid childish talks and freedom like u think. After reading your post (and posts of other kids who have no idea how game industry looks inside) its looks like that in YOUR MIND its look simple like that: Houser (at some internal summit before GTA 4 production somewhere in 2005 or 2006 year): hey guys, who want to do GTA 4 for PS3 and Xbox? North guys: we!! we!! we!! Houser: Ok, North, guys do you want to do PC version?? North guys: Naaaah, no we dont f*cking care about PC, forget it! Houser: Ok guys, ill reporting to T2 ceo that nobody wants to do PC version, so its just canceled. Toronto guys (in Houser`s office 2 years later in may of 2008 year): hey, you know what Boss? We've been thinking all 2 years about that, and we all think now that PC users deserve to see GTA 4, well i know that North guys dont want to do it... so... so... well... maybe we not so skilled like them but we... um... we want to do GTA 4 for PC because we are the only guys from all T2 devisions who cares about PC. Please Give us a chance to do it, we will try to finish it before Christmas and will bring you and T2 ceo and investors a lot of money. Houser: O RLY? u guys want to do GTA 4 for pc? Ok guys, ill contact north and ask them if they want to give you sourcecodes and other sh*t! Toronto: thx, we cant wait already! Houser (talkin via phone with North guys): You what? You dont f*cking want to see GTA 4 on PC? Ok ill talk about that to toronto guys! Houser (to Toronto): Unfortunatly North guys dont want their own game to be available on PC where is high level of piracy and other sh*t, they wOnt give you or anyone else guys any sorcecodes before GTA 4 will be released. So just go rest a bit, we will see about that after release. few month later after GTA 4 console release: Houser: Toronto i got a good news for you, North so f*cking pleased that GTA 4 number one in all charts so they dont f*cking care anymore if anyone will do with sourcecodes and other game resources any sh*t, so u can get them now and do whatever you want to do, i have heard that Rockstar Leeds guys already riped some resources to do some freaky GTA 4 variation for Nintendo DS) Toronto: Wow its cool!! So we can even do some cool new things in game? Houser: Yeah for sure, u can even add video editor if u want guys. Toronto: Wow! Wicked idea!! We will add video editor! Ok we going back to Toronto (Place) and starting porting process! Its so Cool!!! We so happy to do GTA 4 for Pc, while north dont want to!! Houser: Anything you want guys ! ) Ask anytime! You know in our company every subdivision can do whatever they want to do))) If you guys really think that thing going like that then you just kids or morons))) Non toronto and non North making any decisions about what they will do, R* NYC under control of T2 managment is selecting division and giving the project to that division, so it was really simple to give more job to NORTH and give them all versions including PC one, and it also was possible to delay GTA 4 for PC untill april of 2009 year, it may be hard to wait, but as longer production so longer time to catch more bugs and optimize everything. Edited January 3, 2009 by Voodooman Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TruXter Posted January 3, 2009 Share Posted January 3, 2009 Right, because the whole world is like old russia. "Work all day and get your two cents on the way out!" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
v00d00m4n Posted January 3, 2009 Author Share Posted January 3, 2009 (edited) Just go away and dont flood the topic with your useless posts please! Here the PAYBACK for Toronto unfinished, poorly done work and for R* bad decisions to give that job to toronto and to release GTA 4 unfinished in 2008 - PC version of GTA 4 have bad sales because of all that i was talking about in this thread... bad decisions and bad work always results in bad profit. T2 lost 15 millions U$D in fourth quarter, and guess whats is one of the reasons of this ? Edited January 3, 2009 by Voodooman Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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