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realistic gta4


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you know how rockstar was trying to maje gta4 realistic but how come when u get arrested how come they dont put u in the back of the squad car and take u downtown to a police station and also u cant get jobs or fly airplanes like u used to in gta san adreas and u cant enter building like the police station etc except ur house thats it why?????

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You can eat food too, but you can't poop. You can also drive around the city ten times and not have to put gas in. Rockstar obviously had to draw the line somwhere or else they'd never be able to release the game. They'd be too busy coding and programing little details that most people wouldn't even notice, or things that you'd check out once and never bother with again *cough* hookers *cough*

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Its more realistic than the past GTAs, that's for sure. What would be the point of the cops putting Niko in the back of a squad car? R* tried to make it fast so when you do get arrested, you automatically respawn at the police station. And there are no assets or flyable airplanes in IV because it would take away from the realism, not add to it. bored.gif And you can enter many interiors. You just have to look around.

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The Stoneman

I agree with the fellow above, Rockstar would have a blast coming up with conversations between Niko and the cops in the police car.


I normally refuse arrest so I don't know if they do actually put you in the car sometimes but I do know if you get into a fight with someone and the cops turn up or you call them, they will put the guy who is fighting you into the car and drive him to the police station.

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