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Performance Tests (Videos)

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Hi all! New to the forums, but wasted $50 on this unoptimized/poorly performing game and have been struggling like many of you even with the system specs listed in the video description. I understand that the game is very CPU bound, but I figured I would show you a couple videos I've created showing the problems I've been having with the game which stretch beyond even low frames per second.


Here are the links (titles of videos in bold):

Crashes/Poor Performance/The Agony



Performance Test (Using FRAPS)



I've tried numerous tweaks but nothing works. Even lowering the video settings down to LOW does absolutely nothing. I've not tried tweaking around with the sliders all too much just yet, but that's probably the next road I'm going to take. My current average FPS outside is around 20 or so, which is borderline unplayable. When something starts to happen or there's a lot of action going on, it often drops into the teens and becomes impossible to play.


There are even certain times of day, such as when the fog rolls in early in the morning, when the frame rate takes an even bigger hit than usual and leaves me stranded with no other options other than running around in what is essentially a fast-moving slideshow or completely shutting down the game (that is, if it doesn't crash before I have a chance to do so).


Grand Theft Auto IV was a PC game I'd been waiting for for quite a long time, like many of you. When I received it this Christmas, I was echstatic and couldn't wait to explore the game with even better graphics on my PC as opposed to the XBOX 360 and Playstation 3 versions. After all, my PC crushes games such as Team Fortress 2 and Red Alert 3 and even runs Crysis: Warhead at some of the higher settings (especially in DX9 mode) with no problems and smooth frames per second. "So why would this one be any different?", I asked myself.


I did start seeing reviews others had posted about bad performance, but I didn't pay too much attention to it because I usually have no problems on my end. But God, was I wrong. Bad wrong. So now I have on my hands a $50 computer game that I can't reasonably play no matter what I lower the settings to and very few options other than tweaking the living hell out of it or simply returning it to the store for a refund.


I look forward to frequenting these forums more often and searching every nook and cranny for tweaks to help my game somehow perform better without going out and upgrading my CPU just to be able to play. It isn't like I'm playing the game on a Pentium 4, so why the hell should I be forced to upgrade for a single game that doesn't look a whole lot better than any others besides its sophisticated Euphoria physics engine?


That's pretty much all that I'm going to rant about for now. Until next time: Thank you, Rockstar. icon14.gif

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i watch your video...


it is very annoying for you..


i have the same loading time in vista with 2 gb of ram. if you had a windows xp then try it. in xp there is not any increase of fps but game runs much stabile and it is only 2 pictures waiting when the game starts.


sorry for bad english.

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is a 4800 amd 2.4 gig or better processor?


amd 4800 is only 2.2 gigs :-(



Minimum System Requirements

Windows Vista - Service Pack 1 / XP - Service Pack 3

1.8GHz Intel Core2Duo or 2.4GHz AMD Athlon X2 64

1 GB of RAM (Windows XP) or 1.5 GB of RAM (Windows Vista)

16 GB free hard drive space

256MB NVIDIA 7900 / 256MB ATI X1900

Edited by TruXter
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You are below minimum requirement for the most important piece of hardware in this game, the CPU.


Why did you buy a game without checking the requirements? You have no one else to blame but your self m8, not trying to be a dick but you can't just expect good fps with a processor that isn't up to it.


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You are below minimum requirement for the most important piece of hardware in this game, the CPU.


Why did you buy a game without checking the requirements?  You have no one else to blame but your self m8, not trying to be a dick but you can't just expect good fps with a processor that isn't up to it.

I rarely look at the minimum/recommended system specs before purchasing games because of two reasons:

1. My PC has played every game to date with no problems and at close to the highest settings

2. The minimum/recomended specs are rarely accurate or good measurements to go by; especially the "minimum" requirements which basically states, "Even if you do technically have the minimum requirements to play this game, you're still not really going to be able to unless you like EXTREMELY low frame rates."


So yes, it is my fault for not double-checking the requirements. Now that I've seen them, it just makes this game seem even more ridiculous. Rockstar needs to get their sh*t together - this is UNACCEPTABLE. How many folks out there even have processors beyond the minimum specifications? icon13.gif


Also, don't take my post the wrong way. I'm not being a dick, either, but I'm just upset that I can't even get playable frame rates on here. Guess it's time to start browsing Newegg for a CPU. I wonder if it's just that the Euphoria engine is so demanding? I hope more games don't adopt it too soon. It's good and fun to mess around with, but not worth the expenses.



By the way, what's the song in the video? I kinda like it.

It's Tenacious D - Tribute tounge2.gif

Edited by Chubz
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AMD 5200 Dual Core 2.7GHz

6GB DDR2 Ram

ATI HD4870 1GB

Windows XP SP3




Texture: Low

Render: High







15 - 25FPS outdoors


50 - 60 FPS indoors


I'm getting an AMD Phenom 9950 X4 Quad Core soon icon14.gif should increase performance icon14.gif

Thanks for the reply. Glad to hear I'm not alone. tounge2.gif I guess I'll be shopping for a new CPU, too. I just hate having to move around and find something compatible with my motherboard/power supply and putting in a new piece of equipment like that is something I prefer to do as infrequently as possible.

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My system is very similar :


Opteron 185 (Dual core @2.6Ghz ) --> overclocked to 2.9Ghz (task manager say 90% CPU usage in game)

2 GB DDR 400 in dual-channel (slow memories, this is a true bottleneck ) -->overclock to DDR 520 (G.Skill is a good mem).

ATI Radeon 4850 512Mb (Rivatuner says max 60% GPU usage in game -> no bottleneck )


Average FPS = 24 fps (with Fraps) clear day or night.

Slowdown to 20~19 fps in rain only.


My settings :


Texture = High

Render = Very High

Distances = 40 / 40 / 20

Shadow = 4

Resolution = 1280 x 1024 75Hz


my commandline :




-noprecache <--I will remove after install some memory manager.

-texturequality 2

-renderquality 3

-shadowdensity 4

-viewdistance 40

-detailquality 40

-width 1280

-height 1024

-refreshrate 75




Sorry for my bad english.




Edited by pep legal
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