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Car/ Sounds


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Yeah I think the sounds are pretty good too. I like the sound of the suspension squeaking when bouncing etc. Also the different engine sounds are cool, think they could be a little louder though. Same goes for the radio, I had to set the game volume down and the music volume up to make the radio sound nice and loud.

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You must have a bad sound card, My on board HD audio is great, All the cars sound great with the sub they don't make unnecessary bass like in SA, When the cars get damaged I can hear the engine dying and all kinds of things clanking around, But I wish they would have made some cars have headers like the sabre that would be awesome roaring threw the city.

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I don't like the sound of the muscle cars and really fast cars like banshee/turismo. They're too weak, not enough sound. I'd love it if it sounded more like this

No way, Really would you call that a mustang? If anything the Sabre is a chevelle




Sitting idle it sounds like more a beast than the mustang.





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