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What weapons?

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I know tons of people who want a chainsaw, flamethrower ect.


We see forums on it all the time.



When you do see one that says "I WANT AN AUTO HAND GUN!"???????



And who cares if the "Lost" gang wouldnt "realisticly" carry around a chainsaw or a katana. You could atleast PUT them in the DLC.


You guys are a bunch of losers. This game sucks ass.


I traded it for Fable 2 and havent looked back since. I check here to see IF i really have missed out on anything, and turns out R* still sucks balls.


The only people who care about these stupid weapons are stupid people. Like all of you.

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Can one of you DLC loving retards tell me how the new weapons sound appealing to you?


A pistol is a pistol in a game.  Its just going to look and maybe sound different.


Why put a bunch of realistic guns that are nothing more than a simple skin change on the pistol we have now when you could put something actually worth my money???


We want something totally new.  Chainsaw, flmaethrower, katana, anything of that nature.


sh*t even a grenade launcher might be fun.


Why just put another gun?  Thats so f*cking stupid.


R* quit sucking!

Who's we? No one wants a f*cking chainsaw and a flamethrower or katana.

What Lost member would you see with any of those?

Agree, i want more options for weapons as well. Who the f*ck cares if a make believe biker gang doesn't use chainsaws and katanas in your opinion, ITS A f*ckING VIDEO GAME, NOT THE f*ckING SIMS. I want fun factors. I don't want to start paying bills, taking sh*ts, brushing my teeth and such but some of you people act as if you want that reality. If you don't want chainsaws, katanas and such then don't use it.


If they add pistols, it will be just the same as the two that are already there, they will alter the sound otherwise no difference. The same with sniper rifles and other machine guns, there will be no difference when it comes to how they shoot and kill.

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To be honest I want new guns. But, what I really want, is simply a 60 round clip for the m4 carbine. It is a bit unrealistic I know, I just dont like to reload. But, if this isn't possible than a silenced weapon (for taking out those pesky pigeons), and perhaps a 1 shot 1 kill .357 magnum six shooter.

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To be honest I want new guns. But, what I really want, is simply a 60 round clip for the m4 carbine. It is a bit unrealistic I know, I just dont like to reload. But, if this isn't possible than a silenced weapon (for taking out those pesky pigeons), and perhaps a 1 shot 1 kill .357 magnum six shooter.

That's not unrealistic dude, there's a 60 round ammo capacity of M4 in reality, not just 60 round but a 100 round ammo capacity is also available. Depending on the size of magazine. If u ever play Hitman blood money there's a M4 that had a 100 round ammo. The size of the magazine is big and heavy. Hope they add on DLC.

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Well lets see, if there are going to be 2 more weapons in each class (likely) then here are my top picks



Police Baton




.45 Colt 1911 (already in)

.357 magnum







Streetsweeper (already in)

Sawed-off (already in)


Assault Rifle:





.50 Cal (especially good at stopping cars)

Hunting Rifle (basically a sniper with no scope, a good 1 shot killer from behind cover)



Heat Seeking RPG




Satchel Charges

Tear Gas Grenades

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i would like some more melee things e.g. pool cue, axe,police baton there all in the game you just carnt pick them up and a few silenced guns would be nice but i would want more fast cars and cool bikes and some more interiors to explore online and offline

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it isn't a Colt, it is a CZ75 auto like this: http://www.conjay.com/CZ_75_Automatic_Right_Side.JPG

Hmm, so do you figure it will be automatic in game, or follow rockstar's model of just taking a gun model and making it to whatever specs they choose?

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This isnt really a gun, but perhaps some better body armour, something that is a little bit more durable for those extra long rampages. Bulletproofing a car or car glass would also be pretty cool. the ladder is far more unlikely...but, nevertheless it would add to my rampaging fun. satchel charges would also be quite fun as throwing several at nikos feet and the following detenation would be hilarious.

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Derelict Frog


I would like to see the stealth knife attack from S.A. return.


I think R* should definitely add a stealth element. It would work perfectly with the current cover system, and the excellent lighting. Similar to Splinter Cell style, whereby you could ambush people round corners. That'd be very cool devil.gif

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My list isn't that long - it only includes weapons that would be substantially different from what was seen in GTA IV. That means not having three or four different varieties of 9mm handgun that would be nothing more than new skins for the weapons.


- Pool cue (a must for any game focusing on bikers)

- Tire iron (again, a must-have for a biker game)

- .357 Magnum revolver (kills in one hit, but slower to fire, and only six rounds)

- M14 rifle (far more powerful than the AK and M4, but more recoil, and only 20 rounds. Would be semi-auto only, for realism and as a trade-off for its power - most soldiers who used the M14 did not use the full-auto mode due to the recoil)


Weapons that have been seen in the trailer:


- Street sweeper (although it could just be a new skin for the combat shotgun)

- Sawed-off double-barrel shotgun

- Automatic handgun (although it could just be a new skin for the regular handgun)

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