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I created a script to make a lot of things on cars tounge2.gif


--What we can do with it?--

You can change the color of the car you drive, remove the windows, open the doors, make it invincible, fix it, clean it and other things


--How it's work?--

When you press a key you have a "beep" to confirm And When you cancel you have a "Black screen" to confirm.


The "menu" works like this, it applies to the car you drive or if not the car you have saved :


F8 - Key to save a car


F9 -

NumPad 1 - Change the first color

NumPad 2 - Change the second color

NumPad 3 - Change the first specular color

NumPad 4 - Change the second specular color


F10 -

NumPad 1 - Remove the first window

NumPad 2 - Remove the second window

NumPad 3 - Remove the third window

NumPad 4 - Remove the fourth window

NumPad 5 - Remove all of the windows


F11 -

NumPad 1 - Fix the car

NumPad 2 - Cleaning the car

NumPad 3 - Make the car invincible

NumPad 4 - Exploded the car saved


F12 -

NumPad 1 - Open a door

NumPad 2 - Close a door

NumPad 3 - Teleportation to the car saved as driver

NumPad 4 - Teleportation to the car saved as passenger

NumPad 5 - Turn on the hazard lights

NumPad 6 - Turn on the interior light


To cancel at any time just press again the FX key.


--How to change colors?--


First, press F9 and the key that corresponds to the color you want to change


Second, type the ID of the color desired with the NumPad


The ID of color have 3-digit and are availed Here.


Example :

If you want to change the first specular color to Red (ID=27) :

Type F9 and NumPad 3 and the color ID like this : NumPad 0, NumPad 2, NumPad 7


--How to Open/Close a door?--

It's like the colors but you just have to press a key to select the door :


NumPad 0 - Left front door

NumPad 1 - Right front door

NumPad 2 - Left rear door

NumPad 3 - Right rear door

NumPad 4 - Hood of the car

NumPad 5 - Trunk of the car


--How to install?--

You need to install Alice before.

And copy the file "GarageMod.lua" to your "GTAIV\Alice" folder





You can share this mod to any website and do whatever you want with it.


Ideas, suggestions and bug report are welcome.

Edited by GAK
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Excellent work !


I had some of the options already in a LUA script, but I particularly liked the teleporting option ! So handy, was doing a mission, which involved a chase on foot, didn't know where I left the car, so pressed M+num 3 (I changed the keys a bit) and voila back in the car biggrin.gif


Thanks mate.


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Very useful script, tyvm. icon14.gif


Been messing around with my carcols file to add extra colours, but if you add extra ones to the end of the file this script will ignore them as its set to ignore any number above 133, you can increase that limit in the script by editing this line:



elseif (ColorVal > 133) then



Change the 133 to the amount of colours you have in your file, i would suggest not going over that though as that lines probably there to stop it crashing smile.gif.

Edited by Lucial
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