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I completed all the main story missions on Vista 32 bit. Then I made a back up of the savegames and installed Vista Ultimate 64 bit, reinstalled GTA and put the save game files in the appropriate folder.

But whenever I start the game it shows Load failed and starts from the beginning though it shows all the saved files. Any solution to this or I will have to play the game all over again?

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Use the xlive wrapper which will allow you to load your savegames (and saves from other players as well).




As far as I can tell, this should not be necessary if you use the same live account, then the saves should load fine (at least they did on my machine, not use the wrapper).



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Strange, I did the same as you, and I can load my save games without the wrapper even, (since I use the same live account).


Make sure the save files are not readonly, and check them using explorer, as they might have a restriction on them, for being from another computer/system.



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