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Random Game Crash when pausing & uncontrolable cam

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The Problem

Sometimes when I start the game, the mouse doesn't work, and the only way to make it work is to pause and resume. Also, when pausing, it sometimes crashes and I need to CTLR+ALT+DELETE out of it.

Also, when in pause mode, clicking an option sometimes doesn't do anything - I got to use the keyboard.


The Game

  • 100% Legit copy, Second Edition.
  • Runs at highest settings very well.
  • The fps barely drops beneath 40.
  • No mods, cracks or downgrader patches used.

The PC

  • OS: Windows XP Service Pack 3
  • GC: Nvidia 9600 GT, 512 mb memory
  • Intel Pentium Xeon Dual-Core CPU
  • 2GB Ram

Possible fixes I found, but they seem unappealing

"ALT-TAB out of the game, go to task manager, and assing only one core for the game"

Well with only one core I can't play the game so good at highest settings.


"In the pause menu, go to options->advanced and turn the frame limiter on"

Uhm, 25 fps is kinda bad...


"Record at the same time you play (using Fraps) and limit the fps at 30"

I tried that, but I don't have so much disk space to be able to record all the time and the bug still occurs.


The Conclusion

Can anyone help me solve this?

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