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Key to Her Heart

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My San Andreas game keeps crashing during date scenes and sex scenes for some reason i don't know after i tried tampering with the hot coffee mod >.>

I just gave up on the dating and just went on with the game at the beginning with denise


Now i can't complete Key to her heart or get the keycard after that because i can't even initiate a date


Can someone help me do this mission please?


This is my save file http://gtasnp.com/download/15230 as slot 7

Edited by WhtTheFawk
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You've installed Hot Coffee? Right, you've got a problem. As it's a modification involving the main.scm, if you revert back to the original game's main.scm to continue, it's likely the game will crash. Same goes for anyone else using an original main.scm that's trying to help you out here.


If you've modded the game I assume you were intelligent enough to make a backup of everything beforehand right? Backup the main.scm you're currently using and replace it with the original one you should've backed up in the first place. Try to load the game. If it crashes, you're at a loss as the only way round it is to start a completely new game.

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I'll give it a try

For: WhtTheFawk

Mission: Key to her Heart

Helper: JAJ

Link: http://gtasnp.com/15231



Mission passed.

You still have to date Millie two more times to get the key card. Just wear the Gimp suit & the date will go pretty fast. If you have trouble with it you can use the sacensor.exe program to turn the dating to 'censored' (that's what I did). If that fails & you still have problems you can make another request & someone will get the key card for you.

Enjoy the rest of the game!

Edited by JAJ
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