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Canary islands?


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Here's my idea of the next GTA game!.

Carson Islands are four islans out in the ocean, there's actually only three of the islands but the fourth one is a little smaller island than the others ..

Carson Isl. is based on real-life's Canary islands like Gran Canaria,fuertvenura,Tenerife and Lanzarote the other isl's are unknown.

You play as a american-portugalian man who ecaped from the prison in his country, he's forced by the cops in both Portugal and Spain (for robbery and smuggling).

He needs money, a real home and all that stuff!

He is pissed of after all! and etc.


Not so much info but..I will maybe come with more if ya want so of course.

Come gladly with your stupid or "good" comments.

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I don't think that R* will release a GTA in Europe because they still have a lot of places in America which they can use. When all the big places of the USA are used maybe they take some in Japan because Take 2 has reserved "GTA Tokyo". And maybe when all this places are still in a GTA I think they come back to Europe. wink.gif

But a GTA with these islands you've said could be interested.

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I don't think that R* will release a GTA in Europe because they still have a lot of places in America which they can use. When all the big places of the USA are used maybe they take some in Japan because Take 2 has reserved "GTA Tokyo". And maybe when all this places are still in a GTA I think they come back to Europe. wink.gif

But a GTA with these islands you've said could be interested.

Yeah.You're right.

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I like Canary Islands and Puerto Rico, Gran Canira is one of my fav places on the planet. But a GTA there? I dont really like the idea myself but would be better than going back to somewre like VC or SA which have been done before and dont need to be done again. But there's like a 0.1% chance of this happening.

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'Portugalian man' haha!!!!!


It sounds OK if I'm honest 80sGTA_ViceCity but for a whole game based here I don't think it would work. However I'm all for future games having more than one location to roam around in and explore rather than just the one city and this would be a very cool location to visit or have a safehouse perhaps. I honestly don't think that the Canaries have that big a crime scene do they? So again a game based just here maybe would not work. Nice idea though good work.

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