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GPU only 60% used

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Hello all!


Whilst playing GTA4 my FPS are the same no matter what kind of resolution or detail I choose. The fps are always around 15-30 outdoor and 50-60(60 is the cap) indoors.


Upon checking with Ati Tray Tools I discovered that the GPU is only used about 60%. Now I know this game is very CPU limited and probably the reason why my GPU isn't used 100% but is it possible to relieve some load of the CPU which should result in better usage of the GPU and consequently increase outdoor fps.


My system info is in the sig.


I appreciate any help you can give me.


ps. I too had problems with missing texture so I applied this tweak:


Edited by ashrack
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Doubt anything anyone does will give any FPS boost, unless turning off a few GFX options that the PC players never got... Rockstar turned them off for us...


Anyway, my CPU is used max 11%... No matter what I do or change I cant get over 30FPS...

Go figure... sad.gif

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Have you tried the " commandline.txt " and putting commands in it ???

It did help me alot...


Also, use Textures on lowest but turn the "render" (I think its that) up to High, Higher to get better Graphics ???


I seriously dont know why I get bad FPS with a super computer...

My brother has a poo computer and gets better FPS, but he hates Bloom and no one can turn it off...

Yet at least...

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Did you check and see if you have the latest GFX Drivers ???


Also check and see if your computer is using "background services" instead of having on "programs"

In the System Properties/Performance Options...


I have mine on "background services" because Im using Xeon the computer goes faster this way...

hmmm...I might change to "program" myself and see if I get a FPS boost...

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using latest GPU drivers and I am using programs. Also the computer isn't running any unneeded programs or services.

ps. you really should try using 'programs' since 'background task' is used for servers where the background application need more priority than the foreground ones.

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I also have a 3850 and my low GPU utilization was the first thing I noticed when I started playing this game the day it came out, well that and the terrible FPS. The latest ATI drivers fixed freezing and crashing issues I had but didn't help with performance. I've just about gotten used to 25 fps (although I'm ashamed to say it) but multiplayer is where I still really hurt, it drops down to 20 and below most of the time making any kind of competitive gaming impossible.


This game is just CPU heavy, really really CPU heavy. It even eats up 95% of both of my cores when I'm just sitting in the menu. About the only thing most people can do to boost frame rates to any significant degree is overclocking their CPU, which is a ridiculous thing to expect people who are within specification for the game to do. Having a quad core helps, but the game has a maximum of three processor threads so it doesn't help as much as you might expect.

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