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female gamers


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im girl gamer but ive noticed something anytime i mention to my friends "I BEAT GRAND THEFT AUTO SAN ANDREAS THIS WEEK END!" none of them care because they mostly have no idea what the hell im talking about but usually i random guy pops up saying U PLAY GRND THEFT AUTO?!?!? why is there a lack of female gamers? do u guys think they should be frowned apon? why are they so rare? post your opinions here!

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There are just aren't that many games being marketed to women/girls right now. I mean, when was the last time you heard about titles such as Easy Bake Oven 64 and Hanging Up The Laundry 3D?

I find that quite disrespectful actually.


But yeah okay I can appreciate that the games industry is aimed at guys, this to me is pretty obvious, but there are girls out there that play games.


I even built my own PC, and own a PS3 and had an XBOX360 before it RRoD'd on me a few months ago.


PS. And no I'm not a lesbian lol

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There are just aren't that many games being marketed to women/girls right now. I mean, when was the last time you heard about titles such as Easy Bake Oven 64 and Hanging Up The Laundry 3D?



I know loads of girls who play that cooking game on the wii

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There are just aren't that many games being marketed to women/girls right now. I mean, when was the last time you heard about titles such as Easy Bake Oven 64 and Hanging Up The Laundry 3D?



This had me dyin' for a good minute or two. Anyhow, I don't think it's that big of a deal, to have women gamers. I mean, I see them online all the time, and I actually knew a few before. Not all that serious, really.

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There are just aren't that many games being marketed to women/girls right now. I mean, when was the last time you heard about titles such as Easy Bake Oven 64 and Hanging Up The Laundry 3D?

im not saying why are there not more games marketed towards girls what im saying is why are there not more girls playing violent games instead of playing those games that are marketed towards them?

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im also not making this topic saying:OH I BEAT GTA SAN ANDREAS LOOK AT ME!!! so what thats not much of a big deal (well it is to me but not other people)

It's a big deal to me. Very big.


lol but don't worry about it. It doesn't have to be an issue.

Edited by MC_320
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GTA SA was realeaed 4 years ago, thats his f*cking point



Do some research.

SOrry I was being hasty plus its nearly 5am here... damn you insomnia

Initial response to questionable gender is automatically 'him' I guess.


Then again not many guys would have purple as the main theme as their sig/avatar. monocle.gif

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yeah i know gta san andreas has been out for a couple years but i only beat it recently beacause i was well.. bored i got bored of running around setting people on fire i just started doing the missions until i beat it btw the last mission was pretty damn hard >.> and why are do u people keep talking about sandwiches and dolls and pancakes? here have some cookies cookie.gif

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