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memphis speedometer

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This mod is dead ?  cry.gif

No, relax, I am sorry but I've been really busy and don't touch in SA for weeks, but I'll be free this weekend and in the next week, if JoWie let me, I will release it, I need to change a few things, minor stuff, the most dificult thing is write the car specs one by one in the speedometer, but I believe that in one day I can finnish that task...


I am sorry but I believe that will worth the wait =D

Nothing new ? nervous.gif

I am adjusting car by car, it will take a while... :\


I have do test all cars and see the maximum speed and the best speedometer and tachometer for the car, and decide if the car have turbo or not...


Its easy but boring task :\


CJZera,Jan 6 2009, 18:36] I've been reading you were asking for keypress numbers, want a list?

Found it somewhere around this forums:

Backspace 8

Tab 9

Enter 13

Shift (both) 16

Ctrl (both) 17

Pause 19

Caps Lock 20

Esc 27

Spacebar 32

Page Up 33

Page Down 34

End 35

Home 36

(left arrow) 37

(up arrow) 38

(right arrow) 39

(down arrow) 40

Insert 45

Delete 46

0 48

1 49

2 50

3 51

4 52

5 53

6 54

7 55

8 56

9 57

A or a 65

B or b 66

C or c 67

D or d 68

E or e 69

F or f 70

G or g 71

H or h 72

I or i 73

J or j 74

K or k 75

L or l 76

M or m 77

N or n 78

O or o 79

P or p 80

Q or q 81

R or r 82

S or s 83

T or t 84

U or u 85

V or v 86

W or w 87

X or x 88

Y or y 89

Z or z 90

(left Windows key) 91

(right Windows key) 92

(application key - located between

the right Windows and Ctrl keys

on most keyboards) 93

0 (numpad with Num Lock on) 96

1 (numpad with Num Lock on) 97

2 (numpad with Num Lock on) 98

3 (numpad with Num Lock on) 99

4 (numpad with Num Lock on) 100

5 (numpad with Num Lock on) 101

6 (numpad with Num Lock on) 102

7 (numpad with Num Lock on) 103

8 (numpad with Num Lock on) 104

9 (numpad with Num Lock on) 105

* (numpad) 106

+ (numpad) 107

- (numpad) 109

. (numpad) 110

/ (numpad) 111

F1 112

F2 113

F3 114

F4 115

F5 116

F6 117

F7 118

F8 119

F9 120

F11 122

F12 123

Num Lock 144

Scroll Lock 145

; 186

= 187

, 188

- 189

. 190

/ 191

` 192

[ 219

\ 220

] 221

' 222

Thank you very much, but I think that list inst correct...is it?

Maybe It need another opcode... I say this because some of them I know and do not match, although its a great job, now I just need to find how to use those numbers in cleo tounge.gif


Thanks again smile.gif

http://www.ryancooper.com/resources/keycode.asp this is good for finding out keycodes you jus go to the page and press the key and it will tell you the keycode of that key, it a clever java page

all is ready, we just have a little problem, since the script features 3 types of transmision (manual, automatic, "semiautomatic") we need something to mark that on the gauges, some sign or some letters, that's the question, we want to show which transmission is wrking, but don't have a simbol for that, any ideas?



first of all thie is a very nice mod.


but i had too ask for some modifications/changes:

i use much mods a time and there are complications with some other mods so i ask if you can make a reduced version witch includes the visual part tacho/gas displaylights but without the carcontrols like the light on/off...


well at least there is a far more important part for me, i don´t like this automatic engine shutdown and the lightflashing after leaving the car, i see why you made it and it is nice but for me it is a little to much...


so please make a reduced version, please please please cookie.gif

or i have too kill myself suicidal.gif , i need this mod


(it shuld be less ado about remove functions than adding...well i hope so...)



Release ? xD



Yes, You're right, that's my fault, but I need to know the max speed of the original cars in game, the engine (turbo or Aspirated), and decide the maximum RPM for it....that must be done car by car and thats a boring job....sorry. The speedometer is ready, thats only that parameters that I need to insert in game...


Thats like this (one car for example):



Actor.DrivingVehicleType($PLAYER_ACTOR, #INFERNUS)


0004: $Speedometer = 5

0004: $Tachometer = 2

0004: $Gas = 1

0004: $Damage = 1

0004: $MAX_SPEED = 380.0

jump @NONAME_3



And that for all cars...lol


Thanks for waiting.




well i have one:

i seen a speedometer for airplanes and i thought it might be a nice addition to your mod...

see yourself


i like the bigger gps display and the elevationclock...

and yes good luck...


i really looking foreard to the next relese


In your new version have you improved the refueling, like the possibility to choose quanitity of fuel?

nice one...

vpower for my enzo.... sigh.gif



well i completly forgotten: in the beta the speed is wrong the display is to fast around faktor 1.5.


i use a real speed mod

and my cars run up 400kmh so its to funny to sit in a veyron with 600 on the tacho...


i hope it will be fixed in the new version...

Edited by jbond

It looks awesome!

I been looking for something like this for a few days now, as I think its dumb when you leave your car lights on and you cant turn them off! lol.giflol.gif

Nice job!

But could you fix the automatic door closing?

I usually close the door myself when i exit a car, and when I dont wait for it for my player to close, I usualy want it open...

Thanks if you fix it! And also, my game crashes when I die while in a vecihle. confused.gif

And oh, the end button for the headlights doesnt work!

Edited by Ultraussie

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