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memphis speedometer

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CJZera,Jan 6 2009, 18:36] I've been reading you were asking for keypress numbers, want a list?

Found it somewhere around this forums:

Backspace 8

Tab 9

Enter 13

Shift (both) 16

Ctrl (both) 17

Pause 19

Caps Lock 20

Esc 27

Spacebar 32

Page Up 33

Page Down 34

End 35

Home 36

(left arrow) 37

(up arrow) 38

(right arrow) 39

(down arrow) 40

Insert 45

Delete 46

0 48

1 49

2 50

3 51

4 52

5 53

6 54

7 55

8 56

9 57

A or a 65

B or b 66

C or c 67

D or d 68

E or e 69

F or f 70

G or g 71

H or h 72

I or i 73

J or j 74

K or k 75

L or l 76

M or m 77

N or n 78

O or o 79

P or p 80

Q or q 81

R or r 82

S or s 83

T or t 84

U or u 85

V or v 86

W or w 87

X or x 88

Y or y 89

Z or z 90

(left Windows key) 91

(right Windows key) 92

(application key - located between

the right Windows and Ctrl keys

on most keyboards) 93

0 (numpad with Num Lock on) 96

1 (numpad with Num Lock on) 97

2 (numpad with Num Lock on) 98

3 (numpad with Num Lock on) 99

4 (numpad with Num Lock on) 100

5 (numpad with Num Lock on) 101

6 (numpad with Num Lock on) 102

7 (numpad with Num Lock on) 103

8 (numpad with Num Lock on) 104

9 (numpad with Num Lock on) 105

* (numpad) 106

+ (numpad) 107

- (numpad) 109

. (numpad) 110

/ (numpad) 111

F1 112

F2 113

F3 114

F4 115

F5 116

F6 117

F7 118

F8 119

F9 120

F11 122

F12 123

Num Lock 144

Scroll Lock 145

; 186

= 187

, 188

- 189

. 190

/ 191

` 192

[ 219

\ 220

] 221

' 222

DONE tounge.gif


Thanks man, I know how to use that thanks wink.gif


For you smile.gifcookie.gifcookie.gifcookie.gif

Thanks, altho the credit should be of whoever posted that in first place.

Hope this end good

dontgetit.gif Has the mod died?! I looked forward of release..

Lol no, me and JoWie we have been busy and the mod is going slow, I could release it in 2 days with the permission od JoWie but it wont go like We like, little things to be improved, testing new ideas and bugs, I thing that JoWie can make a video for you all.


BTW, the speedometer display will say: Trip kms and Total kms or RPM and Km/h or RPM and Miles/h...


Just need to change a few icons, insert others and coding new features.


Another thing:


The engine will cut gas at redline at all gears, but at the maximum speed, if you have nitro and reach redline, the engine will continue without cut gas, but you can damage car...remember that. tounge.gif



it wouldn't be a problem if it was that big with an activation/deactivation setup tounge.gif

yeah, I'm still rooting for that idea blush.gif

lol... I wont do that on this, because I use the gas file and the speedometer file separated, and that would be a little bit dificult, although, I can use 2 buttons and disable one or another...Thats easy, I'll think about it wink.gif

but when you down the speed the number changes,

That's because when you drive slower, then the car spents less fuel, but also drives slower, so the number changes via mathematic calculations biggrin.gif



Exactly wink.gif


If the computer says is because that's true tounge.gif all the math is correct wink.gif




I can increase the letters of course, I am doing another right now, with diferent appearence and the program lines have been all changed, and I will increase RPM meter, OIL PRESSURE and gas instant consumption all analog, and in there I will put bigger letters and manual/automatic trasmission.


I apologize because I am not doing the other speedometer to 4:6 monitors because I do not have how to test that. If anyone want one, ask me by PM of MSN and I will help wink.gif

thats genius tounge.gif


This is my speedometer presented here:








memphis speedometer Beta v1.0


Thanks in advance wink.gif


How to install:


Extract the .rar content and paste in your SA folder in the exact folders separated as well as it is in the .rar file.


How to use:


-Well, pick a car

-to tur lights in automatic, on, off mode, press END button

-to lock, unlock doors press NUM6 or NUM4 buttons

-to cruise control press N button

-to speed limiter press Y button

-When the speed limiter is on, you can increase or decrease the selected speed with the radio buttons or mouse scroll.

-to turn on, off the engine press SPACE + H buttons


the gasoline spot are marked on the map, just stop the car on the red marker.


If you overpressure the turbo, the car will damage it self.



I can see a lot of hard work has been put into this, but there is a lot more to be done before you can stop calling it a beta, here are some ideas of mine, & bugs I found:


Bugs I found:

The "Km left" numbers are way too jumpy.

When you get out of the car, you hear loads of doors shutting.

When you are in the car and it blows up because of the damage the game freezes.




Make a MPH version.

Make it fully compatible with 4:3.


make it possible to edit the controls.

If You Can't Do That ^ These Controls Would Be Better:

Lights In Automatic, On, Off Mode - "L" (L for Lights).

Lock, Unlock Doors - "Num Lock" Button.

Cruise Control - "Left Ctrl".

Speed Limiter - "Caps Lock".

Increase Or Decrease The Selected Speed (When "Speed Limiter" Is On) - "Num +" "Num -"

On, Off The Engine - "I" (I for Ignition)


I wont stop calling that beta, for 2 reasons, first of all, I am making another, with jowie, improved and some bugs are fixed, second of all, It wasn't made to be released, it's just to use and have the SA like I want...


The left control I use for nitro, so cant use it, the capslock I had that but I changed because thats not sensitive as others, NUM + and NUM -....I have laptop, and those were the buttons that I feel confortable with.


The doors sound I dont worry about it, as well the RPM in the new speedometer doesn't match with the car sound, I dont bother with that...in the new one the letters are bigger.


The 4:6 monitor...I dont have one...


if you see in that version, I shared one thing make for me by me...and thats why it has all that problems wink.gif


If someone want to do with 4:6 monitors be my guest, I am busy right now and when I have time is to work on the new one, JoWie and memphis speedometer.



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