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memphis speedometer

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why does nothing happen when i run out of gas?

when i have no fuel i can still drive around forever, it doesn't stop the car

also, make a button which would enable or disable the entire speedometer, please, i don't want to have it always on my screen while i drive

good job with cruise control and speed limiter wink.gif

did you really get out of gas? the yellow light is only one advisor...you have fuel to go to the station...try drive drive drive after the yellow light appears...


I drove drove drove around and around the airport and the yellow icon was still on and i was still driving confused.gif


what about the other 3 gauges, tho, for tachometer, oil pressure and turbo?

how do I activate them?


why does nothing happen when i run out of gas?

when i have no fuel i can still drive around forever, it doesn't stop the car

also, make a button which would enable or disable the entire speedometer, please, i don't want to have it always on my screen while i drive

good job with cruise control and speed limiter wink.gif

did you really get out of gas? the yellow light is only one advisor...you have fuel to go to the station...try drive drive drive after the yellow light appears...


I drove drove drove around and around the airport and the yellow icon was still on and i was still driving confused.gif


what about the other 3 gauges, tho, for tachometer, oil pressure and turbo?

how do I activate them?

First of all, when the orange triangle appears,then you'll have really less fuel.

second of all, only some cars have turbo.


and in third, read it all again, tachometer and engine TEMPERATURE (was to be pressure) will only exist in the next speedometer.


things to keep in mind. Yellow light appear, later one orange triangule and then you run out of fuel.

Edited by dvb_memphis

No way, it's exponential with the speed, you have to learn to release the gas button, then tou save some gas, in the first mod I have with gas I cannot make it to the other gas station, one to another and I hated that, with this I had made little bit more that 50 kilometers without refueling, and thats for this map is A LOT.


And remember all that I've tested in veyron, waste more gas that other car wink.gif


BTW, to compare to the last gas mod I've had, the gas tank has more that 1000 times more wink.gif and if you not acelerate it saves gas...spend money on gas or walk home by foot tounge.gif


World crisis has arrived to my mod =D

World crisis has arrived to my mod =D

Haha yeah! biggrin.gif

Anyway, because of this crisis, we have to learn how to economise fuel.. biggrin.gif No matter that he's going cheaper and cheaper.. alien.gif

Oh yeah tounge.gif


Anyway, JoWie and I were busy lately, but I can advance a few things:

-The WIP V2.00 just needs a few images finnished to be concluded, the arrested bug is fixed (thanks to onetidd for noticed)

-I need to find new combination of buttons to activate the things, because there are more modifications.


And those modifications are:


-Analog and digital tachometer (analog with 4000, 6000, 8000 and 12000 rpm)

-Analog engine temperature

-Full-Automatic, Automatic and Manual transmition (sequencial)

-The analog speedometer goes to 80, 160, 240, 320 and 400 km/h

-Changeable LCD functions (show kilometers and partial kilometer or speed and tachometer)



-Show exactly what wheel has a flat tire

-digital and analog clock



Lets see how this work goes...


could you make an enable/disable function for the whole thing, though?

like enb series has SHIFT+F12, something like that

please biggrin.gif

Tell me the number of SHIFT and the F12 keypress and I'll think about it.


I dont understand why would I have all this work to disappear with one button...I love cars and that's why I do this, so I make it for all the cars allways on. But like I said, tell me the keypresses and I'll think about it.


BTW, the trains and bikes wont have any speedometer in the next one.

That's the best speedometer I've ever seen cool.gif It adds more realism to game.

Just one question: how You've measured oil pressure? tounge.gif

Not oil pressure but engine temperature.


Thats the general idea, more realism wink.gif


The temperature is based on programming, equations and dinamic variables that depend the car velocity, to get the air suction to the radiators, the car rotation, to get the engine regime and because of that, the increase or decrease of rpm. When the car is used in normal contitions, it will be 90 ºC, but when he's stopped, it will go to 70ºC (I know that when he's stopped he need to reach 90ºC and ther starts the radiator fan, then the thermostat opens and the cool water goes to the engine and because of that, the temperature get down again). But I think it's cool and get more realism to the game and dont let you push hard on the car for very long....unless the gearbox is really LONG and the RPM is low or medium....(you can add it to the mod and insert the max car speed)




Your car does 250 km/h


You insert that the car does 230km/h


The program will calculate that speed to the tachometer you choose(4000,6000,8000 or 12000 With or without turbo) and the car at 230km/h will be at redline.




if you insert 260...270...280 and so on


The program will calculate for that speed, but your car wont get there, so the rpm regime will be shorter and your car do not overheat wink.gif


Estupid example:


Your car does 100 km/h


You inser 1000 km/h maximum speed on program, it will be like the car is stopped, because the tachometer variation will be ridiculous wink.gif

it actually really is the best speedometer out, that's why I'm trying to cooperate here and give a helping hand tounge.gif

I like to take lots of screenshots and teh speedometer sometimes covers the car, that's why I would like to have it go away for a short while with a combination of buttons, and then with the same buttons to have it back and riiiide tounge.gif

SHIFT+F12 was an example, it's what enb series uses, you can choose any other combination you think fit and which would not conflict with the other features of the speedometer... I would appreciate it very very much!

Thanks biggrin.gif


This is a very impressive mod! I was so impressed, in fact, that I felt compelled to design my own set of gauges for this. Still vectored in Illustrator, I haven't had a chance to start importing the layers into the TXD yet. Let me know what you think:


user posted image

I realize it needs some changes. I put the boost gauge in place of the tachometer, and I'm also missing oil pressure and tachometer gauges. Edit: Hmm, hey Memphis... I noticed you have three needles in the fuel gauge. What are they for?



Anyhow, I quickly made those changes. Oil pressure and tach are in (two different versions, couldn't decide which was better):


user posted image

user posted image


I'm leaning towards the one with the smaller boost on the right. Now, I'm not too sure if this is too complex or not to work. Basically, the needles need to be on the highest level in order of their size (this is so the RPM needle overlaps the temperature needle, and also so the needles overlap the lights). After the needles, we have the LEDs/lights/warnings, whatever you want to call them. Then, beneath that is the main texture which contains all of the gauges.

Edited by S_G


Amazing! mercie_blink.gif

I think you shouldn't remove speedometer from bikes since they have them too. Actually would be great to remove speedometer from bicycles, planes and choppers.


Yes, I meant bicycles, motorbikes will have, otherwise why would I have done 12000 rpm tounge.gif



To S_G:


I am more than impressed with your work, I dont understand anything about photoshop or similar.


But the new gauges of speedometer have been made by JoWie, and the speedometer will be released with them.


Although I will make another speedometer after this, with minor modifications.


When I feel that is ready for a movie I'll show you one movie about this new speedometer wink.gif

Can't wait to see it!


I'll probably still end up modifying your mod to use my own gauges, even if it's just for myself. I figure I've already done most of the work, I should at least use it. tounge.gif I finished the rest of the changes to include all of the missing lights, along with a few other minor things. All I'm waiting for now is for you to release your mod. biggrin.gif


Day time / night time

user posted image / user posted image


I think the fact that your mod inspired me to do this is proof enough of how amazing your work is. Keep it up!

Edited by S_G

Holy crap, you're going to have localized damage detection? I mean, is that little "car" in the middle going to light up different sections red/orange as they get damaged? Love the new layout.



I tried to keep mine more compact, and I wanted to avoid using the top left corner, as that's where it starts to interfere with the "main" visual screen.

Holy crap, you're going to have localized damage detection? I mean, is that little "car" in the middle going to light up different sections red/orange as they get damaged? Love the new layout.



I tried to keep mine more compact, and I wanted to avoid using the top left corner, as that's where it starts to interfere with the "main" visual screen.

For now, the little car is only for indicators wink.gif


Indicates if the car have nitro (today news tounge.gif)

I've been reading you were asking for keypress numbers, want a list?

Found it somewhere around this forums:

Backspace 8

Tab 9

Enter 13

Shift (both) 16

Ctrl (both) 17

Pause 19

Caps Lock 20

Esc 27

Spacebar 32

Page Up 33

Page Down 34

End 35

Home 36

(left arrow) 37

(up arrow) 38

(right arrow) 39

(down arrow) 40

Insert 45

Delete 46

0 48

1 49

2 50

3 51

4 52

5 53

6 54

7 55

8 56

9 57

A or a 65

B or b 66

C or c 67

D or d 68

E or e 69

F or f 70

G or g 71

H or h 72

I or i 73

J or j 74

K or k 75

L or l 76

M or m 77

N or n 78

O or o 79

P or p 80

Q or q 81

R or r 82

S or s 83

T or t 84

U or u 85

V or v 86

W or w 87

X or x 88

Y or y 89

Z or z 90

(left Windows key) 91

(right Windows key) 92

(application key - located between

the right Windows and Ctrl keys

on most keyboards) 93

0 (numpad with Num Lock on) 96

1 (numpad with Num Lock on) 97

2 (numpad with Num Lock on) 98

3 (numpad with Num Lock on) 99

4 (numpad with Num Lock on) 100

5 (numpad with Num Lock on) 101

6 (numpad with Num Lock on) 102

7 (numpad with Num Lock on) 103

8 (numpad with Num Lock on) 104

9 (numpad with Num Lock on) 105

* (numpad) 106

+ (numpad) 107

- (numpad) 109

. (numpad) 110

/ (numpad) 111

F1 112

F2 113

F3 114

F4 115

F5 116

F6 117

F7 118

F8 119

F9 120

F11 122

F12 123

Num Lock 144

Scroll Lock 145

; 186

= 187

, 188

- 189

. 190

/ 191

` 192

[ 219

\ 220

] 221

' 222

CJZera' date='Jan 6 2009, 18:36'] I've been reading you were asking for keypress numbers, want a list?

Found it somewhere around this forums:

Backspace 8

Tab 9

Enter 13

Shift (both) 16

Ctrl (both) 17

Pause 19

Caps Lock 20

Esc 27

Spacebar 32

Page Up 33

Page Down 34

End 35

Home 36

(left arrow) 37

(up arrow) 38

(right arrow) 39

(down arrow) 40

Insert 45

Delete 46

0 48

1 49

2 50

3 51

4 52

5 53

6 54

7 55

8 56

9 57

A or a 65

B or b 66

C or c 67

D or d 68

E or e 69

F or f 70

G or g 71

H or h 72

I or i 73

J or j 74

K or k 75

L or l 76

M or m 77

N or n 78

O or o 79

P or p 80

Q or q 81

R or r 82

S or s 83

T or t 84

U or u 85

V or v 86

W or w 87

X or x 88

Y or y 89

Z or z 90

(left Windows key) 91

(right Windows key) 92

(application key - located between

the right Windows and Ctrl keys

on most keyboards) 93

0 (numpad with Num Lock on) 96

1 (numpad with Num Lock on) 97

2 (numpad with Num Lock on) 98

3 (numpad with Num Lock on) 99

4 (numpad with Num Lock on) 100

5 (numpad with Num Lock on) 101

6 (numpad with Num Lock on) 102

7 (numpad with Num Lock on) 103

8 (numpad with Num Lock on) 104

9 (numpad with Num Lock on) 105

* (numpad) 106

+ (numpad) 107

- (numpad) 109

. (numpad) 110

/ (numpad) 111

F1 112

F2 113

F3 114

F4 115

F5 116

F6 117

F7 118

F8 119

F9 120

F11 122

F12 123

Num Lock 144

Scroll Lock 145

; 186

= 187

, 188

- 189

. 190

/ 191

` 192

[ 219

\ 220

] 221

' 222

Thank you very much, but I think that list inst correct...is it?

Maybe It need another opcode... I say this because some of them I know and do not match, although its a great job, now I just need to find how to use those numbers in cleo tounge.gif


Thanks again smile.gif

CJZera' date='Jan 6 2009, 18:36'] I've been reading you were asking for keypress numbers, want a list?

Found it somewhere around this forums:

Backspace 8

Tab 9

Enter 13

Shift (both) 16

Ctrl (both) 17

Pause 19

Caps Lock 20

Esc 27

Spacebar 32

Page Up 33

Page Down 34

End 35

Home 36

(left arrow) 37

(up arrow) 38

(right arrow) 39

(down arrow) 40

Insert 45

Delete 46

0 48

1 49

2 50

3 51

4 52

5 53

6 54

7 55

8 56

9 57

A or a 65

B or b 66

C or c 67

D or d 68

E or e 69

F or f 70

G or g 71

H or h 72

I or i 73

J or j 74

K or k 75

L or l 76

M or m 77

N or n 78

O or o 79

P or p 80

Q or q 81

R or r 82

S or s 83

T or t 84

U or u 85

V or v 86

W or w 87

X or x 88

Y or y 89

Z or z 90

(left Windows key) 91

(right Windows key) 92

(application key - located between

the right Windows and Ctrl keys

on most keyboards) 93

0 (numpad with Num Lock on) 96

1 (numpad with Num Lock on) 97

2 (numpad with Num Lock on) 98

3 (numpad with Num Lock on) 99

4 (numpad with Num Lock on) 100

5 (numpad with Num Lock on) 101

6 (numpad with Num Lock on) 102

7 (numpad with Num Lock on) 103

8 (numpad with Num Lock on) 104

9 (numpad with Num Lock on) 105

* (numpad) 106

+ (numpad) 107

- (numpad) 109

. (numpad) 110

/ (numpad) 111

F1 112

F2 113

F3 114

F4 115

F5 116

F6 117

F7 118

F8 119

F9 120

F11 122

F12 123

Num Lock 144

Scroll Lock 145

; 186

= 187

, 188

- 189

. 190

/ 191

` 192

[ 219

\ 220

] 221

' 222

DONE tounge.gif


Thanks man, I know how to use that thanks wink.gif


For you smile.gifcookie.gifcookie.gifcookie.gif

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