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memphis speedometer

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Hum, do you mean the numpad 1,2,3,4,5 or other keypresses?

Would be great to know all the keyboard keypress numbers, but I mean 1 2 3 4 5 normal, on top of q w e r t y wink.gif because of laptop's (as mine) that need to press Fn to acept NUMPAD numbers, that's not easy to use and for the gears should be easy smile.gif

and... cant you make the map unstretchable? tounge.gif i also have a widescreen and i hate the stretching, try to do that and maybe it could get like:


user posted image


and using it that way maybe would be used also when in aircrafts, trains and boats (but with the other data)

Edited by JoWie
and... cant you make the map unstretchable? tounge.gif i also have a widescreen and i hate the stretching, try to do that and maybe it could get like:


user posted image


and using it that way maybe would be used also when in aircrafts, trains and boats (but with the other data)

I'll see what I can do.... wink.gif


Sorry, i don't want to spamming, but i prefer the speedometer to the left side!


And dvb_memphis, i will see how can you post all the keyboards presskey... (i have to found it first lol)

That isn't spamming, is your opinion and I am glad that you give yours smile.gif


It's hard to find the keypresses...I already know 2 3 4, but, I cant use that, because 2 is to secondary missions, so it will have conflict in taxi's etc, 3 and 4 is for radio, its weird the radio change every time you change gear tounge.gif


BTW, there will be 3 modes of transmission: Auto, Semi-Auto, Manual wink.gif



by the way, you needed someone for the numbers right? i mean, "make the images" or something, i can help if you want 


If you can do that I'll be very grateful, you can show me your work that you'd like to see in game, I'll give you my ideas and like that we can make a really good work, and the next speedometer will have your name in credits wink.gif And access to it before anyone else =D


Thanks to all tounge.gif

Edited by dvb_memphis

do you have any template or the background for the meters? just to start putting the numbers into it


also if you want i can remake or improve the signal lights, they seem a little noisy (check the alert triangle sign)

Edited by JoWie


do you have any template or the background for the meters? just to start putting the numbers into it


also if you want i can remake or improve the signal lights, they seem a little noisy (check the alert triangle sign)

Thats OK by me, I have ideas for signs to the next one, and all of this and to the next one were from real speedometer of cars that I searched on the web...


I can give you the template of course and you can make another if you want, better than I have so far, I tell you what I pretend and you do as you wish, show it to me, and if I agree I make the speedometer based on yours wink.gif


Right now I still stucked on tachometer-gears, I really need the keypresses or another way to do it like sequenciar, but if Y do that, it will blink the speedometer every time you press the buttons...already happen with these speedometer, but in some things...on the new one, If I do not make one button to especific gear, it will blink AT ALL lol tounge.gif



    I, for one, think, that THIS speed-o-meter mod is the best thing that has ever happened to GTA series, modding-wise.


*Secretly hopes someone makes a speedometer like this for Gta3* catspider.gif


You don't know what THAT mean to me smile.gif Thank you with all my heart.



And thank you all for apreciate what I did and I am doing smile.gif

Edited by dvb_memphis
why don't just you use two buttons for gears? one for shift gear up one for shift gear down, throttle and reverse are already in, so to save keys for future purposes you can make that

I explain before why thats bad looking, I'll try to explain correctly:


To shift up you press, but the cleo program run in few miliseconds (ms) so imagine in run at 100 ms and you press the button for 500 ms (half second) you will shift 5 gears at one time. To avoid that, I used timers in speed_misc file, and that file exists because of it, so you can press the buttons and the speedometer do not disapeer (if the program stop all the images disapeer for a second, is very anoing)


Thats Why :\


P.S: I'll make a readme file and a few templates to you know what I want. I'll do it right now wink.gif



I have a question-if I want to use a higher speed texture do I have to delete the other textures from the speed.txd file,and if Yes which textures do I have to delete

NO!!! You only need to change in sanny builder


Actor.DrivingVehicleType($PLAYER_ACTOR, #CAR_NAME)


to other IF wink.gif


Is so easy as that.


In the new speedometer will be even easyer, all cars will have (example):



Actor.DrivingVehicleType($PLAYER_ACTOR, #EUROS)


0004: $Speedometer = 5

0004: $Tachometer = 6

0004: $Gas = 1

0004: $Damage = 1

0004: $MAX_SPEED = 400.0

jump @NONAME_3



And you only have to change the numbers accord to this:


// 1-80km/h

// 2-160km/h

// 3-240km/h

// 4-320km/h

// 5-400km/h



// 0-no

// 1-16000rpm

// 2-8000rpm

// 3-5000rpm

// 4-4000rpm

// 5-12000rpm turbo

// 6-8000rpm turbo

// 7-6000rpm turbo

// 8-4000rpm turbo



// 0-no

// 1-yes



// 0-no

// 1-yes



capiche tounge.gif?


On this version (1.00) you need to cut the


Actor.DrivingVehicleType($PLAYER_ACTOR, #CAR_NAME)


line and paste on the right spot, probably saying: // nothing


all the cars with turbo have

Actor.DrivingVehicleType($PLAYER_ACTOR, #CAR_NAME)

on the turbo IF and another in the speedometer wink.gif




Hi, i found a mistake when i am arrested in a car by cops game crashes

Really? I have been arrested with no problem...I'll see that wink.gif Thanks.


You're right, must be one last modification that I did in the last minute....I'll fix that wink.gif



BTW, The new speedometer made by me and JoWie is almost done...

Edited by dvb_memphis
I think that it can be done just by changing the width/height values in the script, make that on your monitor it will be stretched, and then we'll test it alien.gif

Yes, thats it, but I dont have any monitor to adapt....but yes is that and then fix the arrows positions and voilá


But isnt that easy because in 5 minutes I can try the game 10 times or more...so isnt easy upload and wait, then change, upload and wait, then change...would be even longer than it is...


The width/height is quick, but the arrow position can be fixed pixel by pixel....looooonnnnggggeeerrrr tounge.gif

why does nothing happen when i run out of gas?

when i have no fuel i can still drive around forever, it doesn't stop the car

also, make a button which would enable or disable the entire speedometer, please, i don't want to have it always on my screen while i drive

good job with cruise control and speed limiter wink.gif

why does nothing happen when i run out of gas?

when i have no fuel i can still drive around forever, it doesn't stop the car

also, make a button which would enable or disable the entire speedometer, please, i don't want to have it always on my screen while i drive

good job with cruise control and speed limiter wink.gif

did you really get out of gas? the yellow light is only one advisor...you have fuel to go to the station...try drive drive drive after the yellow light appears...

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