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Radio station's sequential?

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What subtly irritated me was the fact that III, VC, LCS and VCS have the radio stations' content repeat in the same order of songs and dialogue every time. In SA, I loved the fact that I didn't hear every song/dialogue in the same order everytime, sometimes even reacting with what's going on in the game (e.g. rain, night time).


Are the radio stations in GTA IV played in a sequential order, like the older games? I mainly listen to Beat 102.7 (love it or hate it) and I hear the same order of tracks over and over, remembering specifically in this order: Nas' War Is Necessary, then Kanye West's Flashing Lights; plus the DJ talk is also in the same - never changing!


Is the same for all stations, even the talk stations like WKTT?


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