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Best Radio Station?

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I feel that I haven't praised Wildstyle enough in this topic, it's sort of like an unsung hero, because when I'm in the mood, I'll listen to it non-stop! It's a fantastic diverse station, and I'm glad Rockstar implemented it into the game. Some of the songs I'm not too fond of, but that's the case with most stations. It does have some great tracks, and 'Super Rockin' Mr. Magic' has me in hysterics at times.


Also, if you want to go into detail in regards to your favourite tracks on the game, you might want to visit this topic- Your Favourite Track. smile.gif

I applaud Rockstar for giving rap/hip-hop its due in their games. Wildstyle is awesome - nothing like old-skool hip-hop! That's when the genre came into its own.

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VCPR and V-Rock

Care to say why buddy?


I do agree with you though, those two stations are up there with my favourites as well. Both provide something different; they're both comical, both entertaining and really enjoyable to listen to. V-rock surprised me when I first ran through the playslist - the genre really doesn't appeal to me, but from the moment I first heard Quiet Riots' rendition of 'Feel the Noise', I was literally hooked on the stuff! VCPR provides endless entertainment, I only wish it was on for an extended period, as it provides lots of fun. And even though it does get a little repetitive (Due to the amount of times I've heard it), it never really gets old! A great station to listen to when completing Taxi fares.


I'm going to paste what I said in the review topic, in regards to the soundtrack -


Many gamers herald the Vice City soundtrack as simply astounding. Quite frankly, I'd agree with them. I'm relatively young, and was unfortunate to not be around when the '80's generation was in place. But when I first played Vice City, I actually got a feeling of what that '80's generation was about. I felt like I was amongst everything, the soundtrack transformed the way I looked at music, and really opened my eyes to help me expand on my boundaries. Since listening to the soundtrack, my love for the '80's style of music has only grown, I now search and take the time out to listen to renowned 80s tracks, and that's all down to one thing; Vice City. With stations like Emotion 98.3, Flash FM, Vrock, Fever 105, which contain artists like Michael Jackson, Bryan Adams, Blondie, Toto, Foreigner, Pointer Sisters, In-deep, Yes, Hall and Oates and even the custom Love Fist, who cannot love the soundtrack? The diverse genres of the songs were all chosen fantastically, and each one gives you a great feeling when you're behind the wheel. So much so, that I actually went to the trouble of purchasing the official game soundtrack when I purchased my first car only a few weeks a ago. there's nothing quite like cruising down the motorway whilst listening to the awesome tracks. It really takes me back.


Added to that, the chat show stations were also top draw. Not only was every single radio host comical in their own way, but every single chat show host and their guests were even more comical, and gave the game a different approach. I used to find completing multiple taxi fares consecutively very tedious, that was until I discovered VCPR. I completed one-hundred fares in a row whilst listening to VCPR for the first time. It had me laughing throughout, and also diminished the boredom factor that completing taxi fares initially possesses.

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