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[Q] Togglable Ragdoll Mode

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Would it? All in all just, at the touch of a key, Niko goes into ragdoll-mode for either

a set amount of time, or

until the button is pressed again, OR

he is in ragdoll for as long as the button is held down, but once it is let go it returns back to normal.


Is that possible?

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Logic says it is. Since thats basically what he does when he gets hit by a car.

So, with me being not knowledgable in the fields of scripting, would you be able to whip one up? Assuming you know how.

Nice member title by the way. Schwing.

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Anything is possible. But why create a topic just for an idea?

Because I wouldn't post it in the A L I C E topic because it's full of requests and ideas as it is - and we are allowed to post topics for ideas, but this is more of a request/questioning of possibility.

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the ragdoll idea is really needed i wanna feel like im SHOT by the police aswell and not just lean alittle bit with some splatter of blood and thats it... i wanna be able to trip and fall while running and jumping that might be sooooo awsome!

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