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24" TFT and 500MB Graka

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after getting a new monitor 24" i have a problem.

The native resulution is 1920x1200. This is the resolution you should play to avoid ugly AA efects and interpolations.....


My CPU is a quad so fast enought. My Grafikcard is a 8800GT with 500MB ram.

The problem is, that I need now even more ram to play without popping up buildings and textures.

Before, i had 1280x 1024 and optimal view distance of ~47 (using all 500MB)


Now even with 1 it is n ot playable to textures popup (FPS is good).


I only wanted to say, that this game is very very poor programed. Bad usage of texturspace.

I need to spend now a lot of time to optimize this by tricks (using Systemram for textures)....


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after getting a new monitor 24" i have a problem.

The native resulution is 1920x1200. This is the resolution you should play to avoid ugly AA efects and interpolations.....


My CPU is a quad so fast enought. My Grafikcard is a 8800GT with 500MB ram.

The problem is, that I need now even more ram to play without popping up buildings and textures.

Before, i had 1280x 1024 and optimal view distance of ~47 (using all 500MB)


Now even with 1 it is not playable to textures popup (FPS is good).


I only wanted to say, that this game is very very poor programed. Bad usage of texturspace.

I need to spend now a lot of time to optimize this by tricks (using Systemram for textures)....

All those pop-ups and texture loading that XboX has, will be there no matter how good your system is, how much You tweak. They will never be fixed.

I´d get a 1GB graphics card with 1920x1200 resolution. 8800GT 512 MB is enough on smaller resolution and lower settings.


Try playing windowed to avoid interpolation. Might feel odd at first, if You´ve always played full-screen.

-norestrictions -windowed -width 1440 -height 900, those give me ok playing experience with decent ~30 FPS. Drops at night due to dynamic lighting, and when it rains.

Edited by Graven
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Using -availablevidmem 2 to get rid of it. Window mode is also a solution yes.


I can not even play in lower Resultion because monitor will show window that resolution is not optimized. Ever 2min mercie_blink.gifmercie_blink.gif


But now it is working.

I wanted only to say, that the memorymanagement is realy bad. I do not expect further changes by patches, but they should fix that for new GTA Version.



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